Problems with Fox Farm soil wtf

Ive had 12 moms in some fox farm ocean forest soil for about 3 months now. after 1 month i flushed and i now use house and garden soil A & B, algen xtract, roots XL, and drip clean. full strength. before i flushed the plants growth stopped and leaves started to contort and were much smaller and skinnier. (classic lockout right?). after the flush they took off like no other, so that is what i am assuming was wrong as i was watering with hard water. now i use r/o water. but now they're doing it again like they are experiencing another salt buildup or something. they are in 10 gallon pots. i usually water with like 2-4 gallons each pot. i am wondering if this amount of runoff is ok? i use drip clean so i dont see why im having problems like these. i dont think they can be defficient as i use a good line of nutes. suggestions? is a once per month flush just in order? is it the soil maybe? ph is between 6.5 and 7.0 i believe (thats what i ph nutes to at least). ever seen anything like this?



Well-Known Member
I had poor drainage in a pot I have and that happened. I ended up making the pot drain better by poking a few more holes. The plant was stunted but once it dried up and had better drainage it finished up nice. Good luck.


Active Member
I had some problems with ffof and will never use it again. Leaves contorted and became brittle on bottom of 3 week old seedlings (and the leaves eventually died). I think it was a grow medium ph issue, but who knows what it was unless you get your bag of soil tested. After a flush and some foliar feeding the problem was halted and they were repotted into another medium. I've read happy frog is FF's better soil, but i don't think I'm going to use anything but the rest of Light Warrior I have (the LW only has worm castings in it and is good for germination). All and all I'm very disappointed with the brand.

Ya really....I'm more angry than disappointed. I gotta do 20-30 gallon flushes in each pot. Jeeze :-| anyone else have issues like these?

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
I backed off my roots and the stunt went away,I would suggest feeding half strength for the next two feeds and back off on that root stimulater.Mine stopped when I cut my ROOTS stimulater in half.I only had a few cuts do it and reconized it pretty fast because I had only added one new nute to my regiment and it was the ROOTS
For sure. Anyone heard of problems with house and garden nutes? I have plants from an ezclone in hydroton running HG (aqua flakes a&b, algen xtract, roots xl, drip clean) is there anything else my lineup needs? Plants don't seem to be growing fast and the new growth looks def too. If u use these nutes, how many ml/gal.?