Problems with nutes???


Active Member
i have 2 things of nutes and ive tryd to dillute the hell outta it and it seems each time i use it makes my plants look not nice, tips brown out leaves wilt so i flush with water and they perk right back up, im doing soil and the nutes i have is B.C Bloom and B.C grow i dont know how to use this and have read the chart but always seems to be to much, ive always used jus water and had success with it, because its soil should i stick with water???


Well-Known Member
i have 2 things of nutes and ive tryd to dillute the hell outta it and it seems each time i use it makes my plants look not nice, tips brown out leaves wilt so i flush with water and they perk right back up, im doing soil and the nutes i have is B.C Bloom and B.C grow i dont know how to use this and have read the chart but always seems to be to much, ive always used jus water and had success with it, because its soil should i stick with water???
Ummm do you have the micro also? hehehe that's pretty important considering it's your base micronutrients.... BC Grow is a 3 part



Well-Known Member
Some strains can only handle small amounts of nutes, and some can take loads of them.

Its all about trial and error.

Yeah and I also want to know how old your plant is.


Active Member
i have 53 of them and there a lil over 3 weeks, there roughly 3 to 4 inches tall and you know where there new leaves and branches develop...they all have started branching, it jus makes me curious they are super healthy, its only when i try any of my nutes dilluted more than half and it jus starts eatn them up bad, so you think i should stick to jus water..they do fantastic untill i add nutes any opinions appreciated and yes im using soil.


Well-Known Member
you shouldnt have used any nutrients till they were atleast 3 weeks old. Seeing on how you said this "and it seems each time i use it makes my plants look not nice, tips brown out leaves wilt " looks like you have gave it nutrients before. That is probably your problem.

And after they hit 3 weeks old, you should be giving them like 1/4th strength nutes, so whatever the schedual says, take 1/4th of that, and see how it goes. Also only feed them once a week, or every other watering.

Goodluck mate<3


Active Member
i bet i did feed to soon i never used nutes before always straight water, this is what my mixing chart says......


Active Member
Pre-soak the medium​
(soil, peat, rockwool cubes, etc.) with a solution of Thrive Alive B-1 Red.

Mix 2½ tsp (12.5 ml) of​
Thrive Alive B-1 Red into 1 gallon (4 liters) of water to prepare the solution.

Immerse the end of each cutting into​
Rootech Cloning Gel for a few seconds and immediately insert into the
prepared medium.
During the next 7 days while cuttings develop their roots, spray the foliage once with
Thrive Alive B-1 Green solution.

Mix 4 tsp (20 ml) of​
Thrive Alive B-1 Green into 1 gallon (4 liters) of water to prepare the solution.

Once cuttings have a well established root system and before transplanting, spray plants with a solution of​
ROOT 66 and

to stimulate strong root development and to produce lush vegetative growth.

Mix 2 tsp (10 ml) of both​
SugarDaddy and ROOT 66 into 1 gallon (4 liters) of water to prepare the solution.

After 2 to 3 days of transplanting, apply​
ROOT 66 to induce aggressive root development and to reduce transplanting
related stressors.

Mix 4 tsp (20 ml) of​
ROOT 66 into 1 gallon (4 liters) of water to prepare the solution.

Once the cuttings have established root systems, they are ready to begin vegetative growth on an 18-hour
light cycle. Changing your reservoir once weekly, apply the following VEGETATIVE formula each week consistently
throughout the vegetative cycle until plants reach your desired height.​
Mix the following nutrients into 1 gallon (4 liters) of water to create the VEGETATIVE formula.​
B.C Boost​
&#8211; 3 tsp (15 ml)

B.C Grow​
&#8211; 1½ tsp (7.5 ml)

Thrive Alive B-1 Red​
&#8211; ½ tsp (2.5 ml)

&#8211; ½ tsp (2.5 ml)

&#8211; 2 tsp (10 ml)

soil/soilless mediums, use this solution in the sequence of FEED, WATER, WATER, FEED throughout the vegetative cycle.
hydroponic mediums, the solution can be fed with every irrigation cycle.

Once su cient vegetative growth has been achieved, induce reproductive growth on a 12-hour light cycle.
Changing your reservoir once weekly, apply the FLOWERING formula each week throughout the - owering or
reproductive life of your plants.​
Mix the following nutrients into 1 gallon (4 liters) of water to create the FLOWERING formula.​
B.C Boost​
&#8211; 3 tsp (15 ml)

B.C Bloom​
&#8211; 3 tsp (15 ml)

Awesome Blossoms​
&#8211; ½ tsp (2.5 ml)

Thrive Alive B-1 Red​
&#8211; ½ tsp (2.5 ml)

&#8211; ½ tsp (2.5 ml)

&#8211; 2½ tsp (12.5 ml)

soil/soilless mediums, use the formula in the sequence of FEED, WATER, WATER, FEED throughout the owering cycle.
hydroponic mediums, the solution can be fed with every irrigation cycle.

During the 7 seven days of - owering apply the following feeding program. This will increase the rmness and the
potency of - avor by enhancing the production of essential oils.
First 3 days apply the following PRE HARVEST formula.
Final 4 days - ush with pH adjusted water.​
Mix the following nutrients into 1 gallon (4 liters) of water to create the PRE HARVEST formula.​
&#8211; ½ tsp (2.5 ml) SugarDaddy &#8211; 8 tsp (40 ml)

soil/soilless mediums, use the formula in the sequence of FEED, WATER, WATER, FEED.

hydroponic mediums, the solution can be fed with every irrigation cycle.

© 2007 Techna ora Plant Products Ltd.​
pH of this solution = 6.08 and EC = 2.0 ms/s
(If not, adjust pH to 5.8 - 6.2) (ppm = 1100)​
pH of the solution = 6.02 and EC = 2.6 ms/s
(If not, adjust pH to 5.8 - 6.2) (ppm = 1430)​
Techna ora Plant Products Ltd.: Phone: (604) 468-4769 Fax: (604) 468-4758 Toll Free: 1 (800) 586-1211


Active Member
this is where im at on the chart......remember all i have is bc grow and bc boost
Once the cuttings have established root systems, they are ready to begin vegetative growth on an 18-hour
light cycle. Changing your reservoir once weekly, apply the following VEGETATIVE formula each week consistently
throughout the vegetative cycle until plants reach your desired height.
Mix the following nutrients into 1 gallon (4 liters) of water to create the VEGETATIVE formula.
B.C Boost
&#8211; 3 tsp (15 ml)

B.C Grow
&#8211; 1½ tsp (7.5 ml)

Thrive Alive B-1 Red
&#8211; ½ tsp (2.5 ml)

&#8211; ½ tsp (2.5 ml)

&#8211; 2 tsp (10 ml)

soil/soilless mediums, use this solution in the sequence of FEED, WATER, WATER, FEED throughout the vegetative cycle.
For hydroponic mediums, the solution can be fed with every irrigation cycle.


Well-Known Member
this is where im at on the chart......remember all i have is bc grow and bc boost

So are you using Boost or not? Because your plants are probably deficient... And ya if you feed 'em it's gotta be light at that age! YOU NEED TO USE BOOST!



Active Member
you guys tell me if you had this stuff and have plants at my stage, if you had the mix chart how would you guys mix it, thats only boost and grow i have. i take a 2 liter coke bottle fill it 2 times and pour into a container that holds 4 liters of water now what should i put in that much water?? thanks for help on nutes.


Well-Known Member
yes I've used it before I switched to advanced nutrients... and yes I've had plants at that stage b4.... I usually feed 'em water til the coteldyn leaves are yellowing then I feed 'em light 1pt boost 1pt grow 1/4pt bloom I start 'em at 400ppm at the beginning then gradually feed 'em more each time... It doesn't matter how much solution you feed 'em as long as the runoff is at least 15%.. then don't feed 'em again until the medium is almost dry but before they wilt...

hope this helps



Active Member
they look great!! mine are a lil shorter and very bushy already. my new branching at the nodes has begun and are filling the center up pretty good, keep up the good work man i like it