Problems with the seedlings, still! Please Help!


Active Member
Few pictures of the temps and the Setup i have, Perfect air flow and temps are great, Tomatos and alo vera plants are going good, But the story is that my wife had a small pot of water in the closet that i was useing to water my seedlings, Turns out the water had alot of 10-10-10 Plant food in it and my plants started to Burn badly, They are 2 weeks old already! They are very bad looking and i dont think they will make it, I transplanted them to new fully organic starlized soil and they sprounted a few new leafs, Do you think they need Nutes now? Or they still trying to get rid of the remaining ones? Please help!



Well-Known Member
The burned leaves will never get better, if they start growing new leaves that stay nice and green, they should survive.
If they don't survive, they will just curl up and die.

So as long as you get fresh green leaves then your okay. However, if you have more seeds to start with, they are young enough and now stunted enough it would probably be faster to just start over as opposed to just waiting for these to recover.

Good luck!