Problems with wife / significant other


Yeah I know. Thanks. I've been working to become a lawyer my entire life - I know how to win arguments and avoid them when necessary:)

you have to start growing.

and that was perfect. i was bout to write: if she wants you to stop something that 'annoys' her, tell her to give up something that 'annoys' you, preferably something she really really enjoys hehe....

and whenever the whole thing comes back, cuz it will, IGNORE HER. as far as your concerned, you can smoke. FUCK IT. that's what you wanted, and you still have your girl.

whenever she comes back to argue about it, IGNORE HER. do it long enough and she'll stop bothering you. i know it's kind of a dark reference, but that's how ppl in bravo's Intervention get away with doing heroin n shit at their parents house......


Yes I have plenty thank you. And yes she is my wife and they will not be broadcast all over the internet. I might have to try to start growing.

I was just doing a little research and in Va. it is illegal to possess or sell marijuana of course and it is illegal to grow it with the intent to sell it; however it is not illegal to grow for personal use. I think that'll be my next battle - convince the ball and chain to let me grow my own since it carries no tougher consequences than simple possession!

I used sell and got caught years ago. Never doing it again.

WHAT? of his wife? lmfao!!! thats fuckd up. o well answer the man^^^

Originally Posted by fdd2blk
got any pictures of her drunk and naked? :wink: :hump:


Well-Known Member
Tell her this. "If you really love me then you wouldn't do this to me" lol
Make her feel guilty and like a piece of shit for doing that to you lol :)