Problems with young plants, please help!


Well-Known Member
Ok, I dont have a camera right now so I cant take a pic for you. Ill try and get one tomorrow when my bro wakes up, so I can steal his camera for a bit.

Anyways.. The plants are only like 9 or 10 days old, still really small..

The leaves are getting brown looking like they are dead only on the TIPS of the bladed parts... Dunno if I explained that very well... the fan leaf looking leaves , right at the tips of most of the points all the way down the leaf, are turning a brownish color..
I cant see it being heat stress, im using cfls at around 3-4 inches away, and my temps at the top of the plants are around 78F 40% humidity.

I cant see it being nute burn, because the soil mixture I made 1/3 each of peatmoss, vermiculite, perlite. has no nutrients in it...

Im starting to think its nute deficiency , since I havent given them any nutes yet... but then people tell me not to give them nutes until they are atleast 3 weeks i dunno..
I water them with distilled water.

what do you think it could be?

these are pics from a couple days ago before this started..



Well-Known Member
heres a quick paint pic of what im talking about til I can get a picture.. turning brown at the tips where the arrow is



Well-Known Member
Its either nute burn or over-watering.
Cant be overwatering, I only water once every 3 days. And the nute burn, I cant see how it would be.. My soil is simply peatmoss , perlite, vermiculite. All 3 bags have nothing that says anything about having nutrients in them.


Well-Known Member
Oh , forgot, the rounded starter leaf (cant remember the name for them) also have brown spots at the tips.


Well-Known Member
give it nutes...i know most say not to until it's at least 2 weeks..but from what i've experienced, the plat pretty much tells you if it needs it..but, before you do, check the ph of the soil..if that is off then that could be the problem as well..


Well-Known Member
give it nutes...i know most say not to until it's at least 2 weeks..but from what i've experienced, the plat pretty much tells you if it needs it..but, before you do, check the ph of the soil..if that is off then that could be the problem as well..
And if the ph of the soil isnt right, then what to fix that?


Well-Known Member
if it's too high you can use vinegar to lower it..or even coffee grounds (which are also high in nitrogen)...but there is this stuff you can get that will lower or raise it up..or ph down...not sure where to get it though


Well-Known Member
I actually think my soil is too acidic... I tested the run off of my last attempt with the ph drops tester kit thing, and it was yellow, meaning 6.0 or lower. Maybe its just this soil.


Well-Known Member
6 is good though...well if thats the case...feed it..but test it again before you do..if it's any lower, the nutes will lower it more...and if it's higher, they will help level it out as well