Procyon, Is it worth the cost?


Active Member
if you have about 4x4 to grow in, and wanted to keep it real simple. And very cool, could you grow, and flower under one of these units with some cfl's mixxed in?
I have looked around quite a bit, and see it mentioned a few times, but i think this thing might be worth its own thread.
Is anyone actually using one yet?


Active Member
if you have about 4x4 to grow in, and wanted to keep it real simple. And very cool, could you grow, and flower under one of these units with some cfl's mixxed in?
I have looked around quite a bit, and see it mentioned a few times, but i think this thing might be worth its own thread.
Is anyone actually using one yet?
Bump, someones got to have an opinion..


Well-Known Member
For the price, you would probably do better getting a T5 setup. From what I hear, the Procyon by itself yields around 2.5 - 3 oz. Of course ymmv.


Well-Known Member
i have tried growing with led's and the plants become very stretchy, i would not recommend them at all


Active Member
yeah looks like imma go flouro and CFL for the veg, and some of the flower then get um to pop with a hps


Active Member
I have the Procyon and if anything my plants are stockier. Maybe it's because of the reduced heat versus my old 400 watt metal halide.


Active Member
PS. Are you sure that the LED light that you were using wasn't too low a wattage to support compact growth? There are many cheaper LED panels out there but I doubt they put out the same lumens as my Procyon.


Active Member
plants absolutely will not stretch under led as long as you have coverage, all my plants under led stay short and stocky with close nodes. just a matter of getting the proper coverage

you wont be disappointed with a procyon, although they are expensive. i have 2 they work great


Well-Known Member
Ugly Betty or Bigkuz68, do you flower with the procyon alone or do you add CFL's or anything? What types of yields do you get? Thanks!