producing females from seed


Active Member
Nobody has perfect conditions but you can strive to do your best just doing a few things right can bring you ratio up it may not be 90 percent but 70 is easily reached even by new growers!

Keep cooler temps
lots of blue light eg mh not hps
moist seed bed not dried right out
Higher Nitrogen in medium
High Nitrogen does not mean fert the hell out of it like dumbass Whiteberrywidow thinks!
It simply means when you mix you dirt or hydro food make it a mixture higher in Nitrogen compared to the other macro nutes!
I like to use a 3 -2 -1 mixture with nitrogen being the highest in early growth it is easy to supplement for flowering later on anyway!
you sound like a dumbass the more you type.
you know what i use for veg a 150 hps i dont give no food until i put my plants to flower under a 400 hps where ive seen more females than using my t5s or cfls like i told you before i did just what you are talking about and i ended up with 2 males and 2 females you cant explain that niether can you explain how i ended up with 5/6 females when just veg with my 150 hps.So go ahead keep talking your bullshit and saying your OPINIONS because thats all it is YOUR OPINION NOT FACT...


Active Member
You say you don't do anything for feed so how could you have tried it you sir are the dumbass!
You get so stuck on simple things you miss the big picture!
You can never learn anything new if ya know everything already lmao!
You can never learn anything new if ya know everything already
Now you are right about that and i certainly wont learn from you because you dont know nothing i dont already..You have assumptions and opinions no facts..
I tried feeding plants at a young age not clones, from seeds and that resulted in nute burn asshole so please tell your bullshit to someone else and keep my name out of your mouth THANK YOU..


Active Member
You just can't grasp it eh its obvious when you say you nute burnt young plants that is laughable!
Do you not know what a ratio is it is different than nute strength lol that just shows you don't know the first thing about feeding plants!
You can run a higher level of N to P and K and still only have a ppm of 300 lol!

I am bound and determined to get my point across to ya lets quit this bickering and let me show ya!
Just ask if you don't understand don't shit on me man!


Active Member
Here are some pix of some young plants running high N ratio with low strength ie 3 to 500 ppm!
Now this can also work in soil if you pre mix your soil higher in N than P and k!
This is just a example!
It is also not one thing that will give ya more female's it is everything in the environment temp food and light!



Active Member
Now I know what your going to say those are clones yes they are and I was just showing you that you can run higher ratios of N in young plants as these are only 7 days old!
100% rate on these clones 24 out of 24 in 10 days or less!
The key to rooting in water is the water temp 75 degrees!
Now I know what your going to say those are clones yes they are and I was just showing you that you can run higher ratios of N in young plants as these are only 7 days old!
100% rate on these clones 24 out of 24 in 10 days or less!
The key to rooting in water is the water temp 75 degrees!
lmao if you know about clones then you wouldnt even posted that.
1.clones are identical from the plant they are tooken off from so lets say the mother was getting high levels of nutes the clones can as well as they are used to receiveing these nutes already..Damn now quit with your opinions as you can see i really dont give a fuck you cant teach me nothing.


Active Member
I am no noob either I know what clones are and this just happens to be a nute sensitive strain blueberry it had nothing to do with female to male ratios just want to prove you can run high N in young plants as you say ya can't so I just taught ya something lol!
I am done trying to be nice you are a Fucktard and will never amount to anything!
I will not even read anything from you again or talk to ya YOU CLOSE MINDED FOOL!
I am no noob either I know what clones are and this just happens to be a nute sensitive strain blueberry it had nothing to do with female to male ratios just want to prove you can run high N in young plants as you say ya can't so I just taught ya something lol!
I am done trying to be nice you are a Fucktard and will never amount to anything!
I will not even read anything from you again or talk to ya YOU CLOSE MINDED FOOL!
clones are not young plants they are replicas of the mother plant fucktard...
I say you cant run nutes to young plants which are seedling you asshole.So like i said keep thinking you know something because you are not teaching me anything fuckface..lmao
I am no noob either I know what clones are and this just happens to be a nute sensitive strain blueberry it had nothing to do with female to male ratios just want to prove you can run high N in young plants as you say ya can't so I just taught ya something lol!
Like i said clones are not young plants so it looks like you are the fool that needs


Active Member
Ok you are right buddy thats why cuttings and seedling run the same ppm I just could not let you post shitty info!
have a nice day retard!


Active Member
You have real problems man I feel for ya sorry things are so shitty for you that you can't understand basic feeding of young plants oh well I am done with this discussion YOU MUST BE RIGHT!
have a nice day retard!
You have real problems man I feel for ya sorry things are so shitty for you that you can't understand basic feeding of young plants oh well I am done with this discussion YOU MUST BE RIGHT!
Trust me i know more than you think.You go ahead and do what works for you and ill do what works for me.I told you a page or 2 back to just keep my name out of your mouth(typing) but yet you still want to type to me and insult me looks like you are the one that has problems my friend.
I have plenty of young seedlings going right now as well as plenty of flowering plants(also countless harvests)all of them are doing pretty fine as well so i dont need no help from you thank you.


Active Member
wyteberrywidow wyteberrywidow wyteberrywidow lol
that was funny!
Good luck in the future gave me something to do passed the time anyway lol
I was only trying to help but it got out of hand all is well no hard feelings!!!