Professional HELD needed! My top leafs seem to be dying!


Active Member
Yea murphy. They will be okay! U can ru 70- 80 percent humidity as long as you have alot of air flow. Enough to blow your plants around but not enough to break a stem. Just gotta get that air into the center nugs the best u can to prevent mold or other damage. As for the haters you must understand that plthese plants grow that many leaves because they naturaly grow outside where light penetration is not a issue. If yohr lower nugs arnt getting enough light then you will get less crystals and less dense nugs. Marijuana planrs also keep all those leaves to hold nutrients because of the plant having to find its own nutrients in normaly mostly clay as apossed to soil ie afganistan/ mexico/ pakistan. As a result of us cultivating this plant indoors the plant absolutely does not need to store that extra nutrients since you are giving the plant a steady cycle of nutrients.
In the end the plant never even ends up using those nutrients it stored in those leaves since its getting steady nutrient supply. Remember, natural wild conditions that marijuana grow i are in no way the ideal environment like we can create ie co2 supplement, pruning and training. These are un disputed facts. Alotta dumb myths people believe Bout growing weed like hanging the plant upside down wicks thc from the stems into the nugs- bullshit


Active Member
As i said before. Theres alotta people on this site who think they know everything but havent tried everything. How are u going to tell me im wrong if u never did what im saying? Ive done it both ways over and over agai with the same results. Same way i found what nutrient lines work the best.


Well-Known Member
All the leaves only help the plant in veg. Do the side by side expariments with the smae strains under the same conditions like i did and see for yourself. Otherwise your opinion has no merit.
Where did you get the Idea leaves aren't needed during flowering? Just because the plant is in flowering doesn't mean it doesn't need leaves to use photosynthesis to convert light into sugar, meaning energy for the plant. If you believe leaves aren't needed during flower you shouldn't need your lights on then?


Active Member
All the leaves only help the plant in veg. Do the side by side expariments with the smae strains under the same conditions like i did and see for yourself. Otherwise your opinion has no merit.

Man you have no clue what your talking about. Ive done what you stated. With clones. Enough said. Leaves only help during veg and not flower? Man where do you come up with this stuff?


Well-Known Member
I prefer to take lower growth but not any fan leaves.

All they do is power other things happening on the plant.

All apologies of this is out of left field....this thread is confusing.



Active Member
Trying to tell a grower theres a better way is like trying to tell a muslim that Mohammad was a pedophile. They just dont wany to believe it
Ya wasting yr breathe monty, common sense does not always win.

Under natural conditions (outdoor with plenty of space) a plant will take on a shape that maximises light penetration. Look at the angle of the leaves, look at the layout of the leaves, look at how the plant opens up and allows penetration. You don't need to do anything because it is in it's natural environment and nature will do what's best to maximise it's chances of survivial and reproduction.

Indoor grows... the complete opposite. The plant is pampered, spoilt and force fed compared to it's naturally growing brothers. Light is an issue, the sun moves over the sky and hits most of the plant.... hps doesn't. Space is limited indoors which stops the plant opening up. Leaves overlap, the leaf in the lower shade is getting nothing, doing nothing and will shrivel and die. Why would it die if it was full of must have goodness? Because the plant doesnt need it.

Anything green is able to photosynthesise, there is only so much open green surface area that can do it's work and photosythesise whilst eveything else in the shade is dormant. If you just wonna grow top colas and nothing else, don't trim because everything else below your canopy will be shit. By trimming your top fan leaves you are simply lowering your canopy, same amount of green stuff, same amount of photosythesis going on BUT MORE GROWTH. Man made grows need man made attention.


Active Member
Listen Mont Mate... Now you Can See Who is in the Right Boat and Who is The useless1. If you Dont Have Correct Info Then Piss off and Stop Sharing Because your Just Making Yourself look a Dickhead.
I am confused, your slating monty and name calling and yet you "like" my above post, I am supporting Monty my friend.


Active Member
Which part would you like to call bullshit? Come now, point out one thing I stated that is false.

So riddle me this.... why do those lower shaded leaves die, if they are loaded with the must have content?


New Member
Can somebody just tell me what the best thing in my case is to do, I've trimmed all the burnt leaves on top and opened the canopy up without removing important fan leafs. I also add nut back in but at half the said amount on bottle. They get 1.5 lt each with 1ml risertonic, 1ml big bud, 3ml terra flores.

Got temp down to 26-28 c, and the is alot of air flow.

hope this was the correct information I've been given, seen as there to many people say different things!
do you think my babies will be alright?

I have 17 days to go, so should I feed for another 3 days and then just flush? Or feed until last week seen as they haven't had many?
