Profile of the Oregon shooter - Chris Harper-Mercer

It will drop, but not right away, it has the velocity to defy gravity by thrust. I can throw a baseball and make it curve up over distance.
Exactly it drops in relation to the barrel. If shot perfectly up so it lands on you then it's remV hits zero when it stops to return to earth.

You confused me and I had no clue what you were thinking. That's some old school info you were taught.....the people who make our ballistic calculators now are rocket scientists. It's amazing. But what's more amazing is what guys did back then to make the tgt. Now we just use a computer....
Exactly it drops in relation to the barrel. If shot perfectly up so it lands on you then it's remV hits zero when it stops to return to earth.

You confused me and I had no clue what you were thinking. That's some old school info you were taught.....the people who make our ballistic calculators now are rocket scientists. It's amazing. But what's more amazing is what guys did back then to make the tgt. Now we just use a computer....

There`s the problem, Rocketry is totally different than Artillery. Control surfaces and all that good stuff.

What do you do when the power goes out ? Potato`s and spitballs....??
There`s the problem, Rocketry is totally different than Artillery. Control surfaces and all that good stuff.

What do you do when the power goes out ? Potato`s and spitballs....??
Damn thought you had it.

Yes rocketry is different. But the big brained people who compute for rocketry produce our computers. It's less calculations for a non rocket propelled projectile.

but a snipers bullet is no different than a mortar or naval gun. I can shoot someone indirectly with a sniper rifle at distance. And I can shoot someone directly with a mortar.....but that would be stupid close.

I'm just trying to impart on you that it's all the exact same ballistics except projectile weight and velocity make it seem different to you.
Use your imagination, long story short,...

..... All the civil war guns in the cemetery down the street, up on cement blocks, still work as of last 4th of July, and whenever I feel like clearing out the cemetery.
A rocket don`t have to survive a million psi in the bore. and, is quicker in a lot of cases. I`ll eat crow, but I learned that the bullet increases speed out the muzzle and don`t drop for x amount of time depending.
Now I gotta look.
Chamber preassure for most sniper rifles is 30-50,000psi.

A mortar is much less..... You're basin what you say in old very limited data.

Look up Brian litz. He's an awesome fella.
Or Todd Hodnett.

At least if you shoot long rifle you'll learn something correct and it applies the same to mortars and cannons.
Chamber preassure for most sniper rifles is 30-50,000psi.

A mortar is much less..... You're basin what you say in old very limited data.

Look up Brian litz. He's an awesome fella.
Or Todd Hodnett.

At least if you shoot long rifle you'll learn something correct and it applies the same to mortars and cannons.
Chamber pressure on a .40 is 40000 psi
Chamber pressure on a .40 is 40000 psi

I think that's likely max chamber pressure. Not operating with standard ammo. Max just means that if you run a such and such hot load to or exceeding 40,000 you'll blow up the barrel.
A mortar is much less..... You're basin what you say in old very limited data.

Look up Brian litz. He's an awesome fella.
Or Todd Hodnett.

At least if you shoot long rifle you'll learn something correct and it applies the same to mortars and cannons.[/QUOTE]

There are cased and bag guns.


iowa class.jpg

With a difference
Jeez, how many times do we have to have this gun control discussion based on feel good ideologies from lefties?

Every single time there is a shooting. You will notice that once Obamacare passed the liberals declared it settled law and no more need for discussion. Hypocrisy rampant...
Every single time there is a shooting. You will notice that once Obamacare passed the liberals declared it settled law and no more need for discussion. Hypocrisy rampant...

Here I have a monkey, his name is Mr. Chimpanzee. Here I have a platypus, his name is Marcus. THEY ARE EXACTLY ALIKE. Yeah, that's just the comparison you made.
Every single time there is a shooting. You will notice that once Obamacare passed the liberals declared it settled law and no more need for discussion. Hypocrisy rampant...

Our society gives a lot of lip service to mental health. But the reality is that our system is more geared toward protecting the rights of the "crazy" to be crazy as opposed to providing services to help them and their families. It's not a trivial problem. However, not exposing the issue for what it is enables the possibility of future events.

Not knowing somebody has a mental disorder allows that person to get a gun legally. No amount of gun legislation will prevent that access unless it's documentented that the person has a problem.

The president could have done more of a service for the country to speak to this issue if he had wanted to. Go figure. Talk about a distraction, he's probably just trying to shake off a little heat.
Maybe the gunman should be invited to the White House to meet Obama...

That is fairly standard for anything in the news now, right?
Alot of this has to do with the local culture and other social ills the main one being no solid father figure as a role model. You know, someone that hugs his boy, tells him he's OK, sets limits and boundaries of right and wrong, takes him to the ball game......

such fail. perhaps it was being made to wear those lame shirts..


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