Profplums Purple Diesel and Purple Chem.


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

Started a new 10'x5'x7' Tent for some seeds I just got. Im a Soil gardener through and through and will be using a 1000 watt Lumatek Digital ballast cooled by a cool tube! I will be growing Cali Connection Feminized Purple diesel and purple chem! I ama current medical patient in Washington state. Here are some pics!



Well-Known Member
Looks great , how does the angled window vent work, I'm always looking to improve when I see "smart"!


Well-Known Member
dlftmyers- Thanks! I appreciate it a lot.

Dogenzengi - The Angle window vent works amazingly, the angle helps hold the warm air while it works on escaping the window! The curtains on the hot upper side are pulled to the side and clothes pinned, Lets the exhaust out and allows cool air to come through the bottom of the window! With a 1000 watt light I easily keep the temp between 69 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit and my humidity stays between 40-55 RH. Except right now were the humidity is a little higher for the seedlings. The insulation sheet was 8ftx4ft and I got the two 6" vents from the same home depot, in total 45 dollars. I used a razor blade to cut the wholes and metal taped the vents to the insulation board. In all a quick fix for exhausting my heat, and it works perfectly!



Well-Known Member
Been without my computer for a few weeks sorry everyone! BIG update haha

Day 27 of FLOWER



New Member
Looking good, can you give a rundown so far on the CC PC strain? Not too much info out there yet, fem seeds or reg, your impression on stable phenos or seem all over the place? Lots of reviews on Blackwater being a 1 in 100 to get the high yielding potent dark lady, hoping the pc is more stable. Cant wait to see how she turns out for you, good luck!


Well-Known Member
I actually have a dark lady in the room right now. She is very impressive. Thepurple chems seem to all show very simular growth patterns and phenos at this point. But of the one I have going only one of them is actuallyshowing some purple tendencies. They are all growing very simillarly accross the board for the purple chems though. The purple diesels for cc are extremely consistent. They all looks like clones of each other. All of the seeds I have popped were feminized. All turned out female with only one of them showing traits of being a hermie, which ended up being only one pollen sack, which was removed and the plant was taken to a different tent so I can monitor it on it's own. All the others have no sign of being hermies


New Member
Good to know, appreciate the update. Lots off mixed reviews on swerves fem gear but hermies have been part of the headband/diesel/ chem lines from the start so an occasional manner is to be expected. Excited to see how they turn out.