Progress so far(how's it look?)


Active Member
This is about 2 weeks and 2 days in.

First plant
Second plant
Third plant
Forth plant
Fifth plant

Since I've had the LED in there(about 2 days now) the heat has been running at around 83-85F.


Active Member
Looking good so far, about where they should be in 2 weeks.
One thing that I've noticed is that on the Fifth plant the bottom fan leaves appear to be dying, should I be concerned about that?
Also on the third plant there seems to be some brown spotting going on, this plant has been that way for some time. It is a random seed so I have no idea what strain it is.

Also how is that level of heat? I am going to do what I can to try and lower it but right now I'm too tired from lack of sleep the past few nights. Hypothetically if I was to leave the temps between 83-85 for the rest of the plant's life cycle, would that be fine?


Well-Known Member
yeah just noticed that, might be nute burn of some type, what kind of soil are u using and are u using any nutes?

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I'm growing organic all the way so any tips I could get from organic growers would be much appreciated.
You need gardening doesn't mean you don't do nothing..that's seed starter soil you're using, that doest have any nutritional value for the plants..for example, fox farm ocean Forrest is loaded with shit some even consider it hot..but In 4 weeks you're still going to have to feed it.. it's not enough. Organic farmers that cook their own soil amend it they add many things to it so it can last the full grow..they feed it teas made out of the stuff they put into the soil..they use bigger pots so the soil can hold enough nutrients to supply it with enough food to survive.. The teas are to help it along.. If you're so into organics buy a bottled nutrient that is all won't get far starving your plant.. edit.. just looked at your pics they already look a little hungry eventually/very soon your plants are going to start taking whatever nutrients they can from themselves Like the 5th plant.
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Well-Known Member
Kelp Juice, low strength compost tea, you have to give it what ever the soil does not contain, just don't fry it. When they are teens feed regularly, and enjoy the show! Get your temps lower too, I run 75-77 lights on.


Active Member
I got this stuff the last time I was at the hydro store, I was instructed to use it after transplant but I think I may try using some now and see if that helps. I have to figure out the formula for how much to add though.


mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I got this stuff the last time I was at the hydro store, I was instructed to use it after transplant but I think I may try using some now and see if that helps. I have to figure out the formula for how much to add though.
Follow the instructions on the back..


Active Member
Follow the instructions on the back..
I hear that, issue is that I have no idea of the actual size of my plant pots.
They have a 17 and a 35D on the bottom but that doesn't really tell me much.
They are 10 centimetres tall, 2 and 1/2 inches square on the bottom and 8 and 1/2 centimetres square on the top.
They are square in shape. Idk how to convert that into cup size or anything though..

Oh and I also got a bag of earthworm castings. The hydro shop guy did recommend adding some of that to the plants. Will that help them at all or should I just add the fertilizer for now?


Well-Known Member
I see so many people vegging and flowering without ever adding anything but epsom salts! I have never had any luck! My plants always yellow out too fast early in flower because organics take time to break down and become available.

This thread has taught me many things, i just wish i read it before growing organically. Timing is one of the most important things in organics, if you see a deficiency it takes a while to recover using organic only nutrients. There are also alot of things that are bad for organic soils for example, tou cant use hydrogen peroxide or non organic additives, as they will just jack with the life in the soil.


Well-Known Member
How long is a while?
You need to read up! It is worth it! Certain organics will work faster than others but it depends on the current soil life/temps/rh% ect.. I know fish emulsion breaks down within a day or two. Bone meal will take a month +/- for it to actually break down into a fully available source, it doea give the soil a little at a time right away though. Blood meal works in a few days but takes about a week to break down in your soil. It really matters on environment and soil ratios ect. Gotta read and scour the internet! You will be left with a tasty ass product.


Active Member
You need to read up! It is worth it! Certain organics will work faster than others but it depends on the current soil life/temps/rh% ect.. I know fish emulsion breaks down within a day or two. Bone meal will take a month +/- for it to actually break down into a fully available source, it doea give the soil a little at a time right away though. Blood meal works in a few days but takes about a week to break down in your soil. It really matters on environment and soil ratios ect. Gotta read and scour the internet! You will be left with a tasty ass product.
Honestly since I've started into this I've been fed a huge wealth of information and sorting though it all in my head and trying to find what's right for me, it's all quite stressful. It would not surprise me if my blood pressure has gone up a bit since getting into this. So the idea of going through another plethora of information does not excite me right now. I posted a picture above of what I'm using and it actually contains a handful of the things that you mentioned and a bunch more that you didn't.


Well-Known Member
Honestly since I've started into this I've been fed a huge wealth of information and sorting though it all in my head and trying to find what's right for me, it's all quite stressful. It would not surprise me if my blood pressure has gone up a bit since getting into this. So the idea of going through another plethora of information does not excite me right now. I posted a picture above of what I'm using and it actually contains a handful of the things that you mentioned and a bunch more that you didn't.
Just read it when you can. He didn't order you to do anything lol.


Well-Known Member
Honestly since I've started into this I've been fed a huge wealth of information and sorting though it all in my head and trying to find what's right for me, it's all quite stressful. It would not surprise me if my blood pressure has gone up a bit since getting into this. So the idea of going through another plethora of information does not excite me right now. I posted a picture above of what I'm using and it actually contains a handful of the things that you mentioned and a bunch more that you didn't.
There is alot more then what i listed. What im saying though is growing with organics takes experience. My first grow was not organic and it came out perfect literally! My organic grow i have had panics left and right! Even lost all fan leaves before harvest and i mean all! An easier route for beginners is buying fox farms ocean forest, and adding organic compounds to feed the plant throughout its veg life, then your gonna have to start changing the npk ratios for bloom BEFORE you flip to flower. Usually 12-15 days. I never had to add anythinf in ffof for veg except epsom here and there. In flower though, i had mad phosphorus deficiency followed by nitrogen deficiency. And by the time i got it to fix itself it was too late.


Well-Known Member
I got this stuff the last time I was at the hydro store, I was instructed to use it after transplant but I think I may try using some now and see if that helps. I have to figure out the formula for how much to add though.
That is a decent organic fert. I wouldn't add anything though until you transplant after the cotyledons fall off. Your seedling kit is peat lime based meaning it can buffer and feed a tiny but of nutes to your seedlings kind of like a soft ocean forest.


Active Member
That is a decent organic fert. I wouldn't add anything though until you transplant after the cotyledons fall off. Your seedling kit is peat lime based meaning it can buffer and feed a tiny but of nutes to your seedlings kind of like a soft ocean forest.
Ok, that's helpful but if I'm not going to add any until after transplant then is there anything that I can do to help with the brown spotting on the one plant or the bottom fan leaves dying on the other?
"it can buffer and feed a tiny but of nutes to your seedlings" What do you describe as being seedlings? It's just over 2 weeks from seed now, are they past the seedling phase?
"cotyledons" Those are the small leaves that come out of the seed right? Not the initial single fan leaves.

I also have a bag of worm castings, will it help any if I add some of those?