Progress so far(how's it look?)


Well-Known Member
Ok, that's helpful but if I'm not going to add any until after transplant then is there anything that I can do to help with the brown spotting on the one plant or the bottom fan leaves dying on the other?
"it can buffer and feed a tiny but of nutes to your seedlings" What do you describe as being seedlings? It's just over 2 weeks from seed now, are they past the seedling phase?
"cotyledons" Those are the small leaves that come out of the seed right? Not the initial single fan leaves.

I also have a bag of worm castings, will it help any if I add some of those?
Seedlings are pretty much seedling till around week 3 when the cotyledons yellow out. They will be needing nutes soon, but i would not add any just yet especially if your cotyledons are still green, which it probably is in that mix. Right now the easiest mistake is over-watering. Let it have some oxygen. Shake your water before pouring it in and do not water untill the soil is dry. It will be good practice to not under-water also but that is much more important in flower.


Well-Known Member
Yes cotyledons are small leaves, the first thing you see when it sprouts, they store a fine amount of nutrients for the first few weeks of growth so the roots can have a jumpstart. Thats why its tricky to start seedlings in "hot" soil like miracle grow potting or ocean forest because they have enough organic nutrients to jack with sensitive seedlings.


Active Member
Seedlings are pretty much seedling till around week 3 when the cotyledons yellow out. They will be needing nutes soon, but i would not add any just yet especially if your cotyledons are still green, which it probably is in that mix. Right now the easiest mistake is over-watering. Let it have some oxygen. Shake your water before pouring it in and do not water untill the soil is dry. It will be good practice to not under-water also but that is much more important in flower.
I think that I may have been under-watering them until recently. I was just adding about 30-50 grams a day but I was told by my hydro shop guy that I should be completely saturating the soil, so like, water until the water is at the rim of the pot then just let it soak in. Since I've been doing that the leaves seem to have turned a darker green. However I can't be 100% sure if they turned a darker green because of more water or because they start out light then get darker as they grow. The pots with just dry soil from the bag are 119 grams, so I've been waiting until they get to about 150 grams then watering them as stated above at which point they weigh about 300g, I then leave them for about 2 days at which point they're usually back down to about 150g.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
This is about 2 weeks and 2 days in.

First plant
View attachment 3404483
Second plant
View attachment 3404484
Third plant
View attachment 3404485
Forth plant
View attachment 3404486
Fifth plant
View attachment 3404487

Since I've had the LED in there(about 2 days now) the heat has been running at around 83-85F.
Temps are a little hot. Definitely OK for vegg. But you're going to want to lower it when you flower..that light runs hot.. I got my 1000 watt running at night it drops to 74 with the window open.. my tent stays 3 degrees higher then my house is. In the summer ill need the ac..but it seems like your led is going to need it more your temps are already higher then mine.20150423_013503.jpg I took this pic the other day I opened the window and it dropped from 78 to 74..
I'm from California it's not even cold here ..


Active Member
Temps are a little hot. Definitely OK for vegg. But you're going to want to lower it when you flower..that light runs hot.. I got my 1000 watt running at night it drops to 74 with the window open.. my tent stays 3 degrees higher then my house is. In the summer ill need the ac..but it seems like your led is going to need it more your temps are already higher then mine.View attachment 3405519 I took this pic the other day I opened the window and it dropped from 78 to 74..
I'm from California it's not even cold here ..
Idk how people keep it so cool. It's running at 80.2 right now and that's the coolest I've had it with a good light running on the plants. To get it that low I'm hanging my muffin fan off of the same rod that my LED is on and pointing at the light. I have been given one tip from my friend that sounds like it could work good, use a humidifier with cold or even ice water in it to cool the room. Sounds as though that would be very inexpensive compared to AC(though I imagine not quite as effective but for the price...).
Seedlings are pretty much seedling till around week 3 when the cotyledons yellow out. They will be needing nutes soon, but i would not add any just yet especially if your cotyledons are still green, which it probably is in that mix. Right now the easiest mistake is over-watering. Let it have some oxygen. Shake your water before pouring it in and do not water untill the soil is dry. It will be good practice to not under-water also but that is much more important in flower.
Seedlings are pretty much seedling till around week 3 when the cotyledons yellow out. They will be needing nutes soon, but i would not add any just yet especially if your cotyledons are still green, which it probably is in that mix. Right now the easiest mistake is over-watering. Let it have some oxygen. Shake your water before pouring it in and do not water untill the soil is dry. It will be good practice to not under-water also but that is much more important in flower.
Is that watering method fine or should I be letting them dry out a little more? I just need to know if there's anything that I can do to keep these plants healthy.


Active Member
Temps are a little hot. Definitely OK for vegg. But you're going to want to lower it when you flower..that light runs hot.. I got my 1000 watt running at night it drops to 74 with the window open.. my tent stays 3 degrees higher then my house is. In the summer ill need the ac..but it seems like your led is going to need it more your temps are already higher then mine.View attachment 3405519 I took this pic the other day I opened the window and it dropped from 78 to 74..
I'm from California it's not even cold here ..
What kind of intake do you have on your grow room?

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Idk how people keep it so cool. It's running at 80.2 right now and that's the coolest I've had it with a good light running on the plants. To get it that low I'm hanging my muffin fan off of the same rod that my LED is on and pointing at the light. I have been given one tip from my friend that sounds like it could work good, use a humidifier with cold or even ice water in it to cool the room. Sounds as though that would be very inexpensive compared to AC(though I imagine not quite as effective but for the price...).

Is that watering method fine or should I be letting them dry out a little more? I just need to know if there's anything that I can do to keep these plants healthy.
A humidifier will raise your humidity.. Your temps will probably be higher with another machine in your grow area.. Your friend sounds like he doesn't know what he's talking about. I wouldn't listen to anything he says. To be honest with you!


Active Member
Your friend sounds like he doesn't know what he's talking about. I wouldn't listen to anything he says. To be honest with you!
Famous words spoken by almost every experienced grower about almost every other experienced grower.

My humidity is at 10% right now, I think it could stand to go up a bit.

Besides, at this point I think it's the only way that I could get my heat down any more without leaving the door open on it the whole time and that would not work for me since the closet is in my room and I do need to sleep and besides it's not very ideal in general.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Famous words spoken by almost every experienced grower about almost every other experienced grower.

My humidity is at 10% right now, I think it could stand to go up a bit.

Besides, at this point I think it's the only way that I could get my heat down any more without leaving the door open on it the whole time and that would not work for me since the closet is in my room and I do need to sleep and besides it's not very ideal in general.
It won't lower your heat. Its just going to drive humidity may not matter much during veg. But what happens when you're flowering and u get powdery mildew because its hot as fuck with 100 percent humidity? I bet you your friend doesn't even use that in his grow room. He's telling you to use it in yours that's messed need an ac or just keep your central air.on and set it accordingly.. But that can get expensive in the summer. A window ac will be cheaper..hook up an exhaust ,its important.


Active Member
It won't lower your heat. Its just going to drive humidity may not matter much during veg. But what happens when you're flowering and u get powdery mildew because its hot as fuck with 100 percent humidity? I bet you your friend doesn't even use that in his grow room. He's telling you to use it in yours that's messed need an ac or just keep your central air.on and set it accordingly.. But that can get expensive in the summer. A window ac will be cheaper..hook up an exhaust ,its important.
AC is expensive in general and yes he does use it or did rather. He hasn't grown in a while but I don't doubt him. Besides that is not the first time that I have heard of using a humidifier in a grow room set-up.

I like to do a little research before making any arguments so that I do not come across as a complete idiot and this is a pretty good read as far as humidity regulation goes It states that plants in vegetative state like more humidity(around 40-70% RH). Right now my room has been sitting at 10% for a while now and that may explain why my plants seem to be dying a bit. I will try a humidifier and see how it works. I will likely pick it up on Wednesday and I will post back when I get the results.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Humidity will naturally rise if you lower your heat. U definitely have a lot of room to increase humidity 10 is very low..u can buy a humidifier to raise that but again it won't lower the temperature and when the humidity hits 50 I would stop when I'm flowering I like it at 35 or so.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
AC is expensive in general and yes he does use it or did rather. He hasn't grown in a while but I don't doubt him. Besides that is not the first time that I have heard of using a humidifier in a grow room set-up.

I like to do a little research before making any arguments so that I do not come across as a complete idiot and this is a pretty good read as far as humidity regulation goes It states that plants in vegetative state like more humidity(around 40-70% RH). Right now my room has been sitting at 10% for a while now and that may explain why my plants seem to be dying a bit. I will try a humidifier and see how it works. I will likely pick it up on Wednesday and I will post back when I get the results.
Did you get an exhaust fan yet.. That's as important as a light. And also if your friend did use it it was to higher humidity not lower temperature.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Yes, 435 CFM, that lowered it a couple F but not as much as I would have liked. I have that exhausting the air directly outside through a duct.
That's good. Hot air rises so keep it up high in your grow room. And have it spitting out of the house not just out of the closet but the entire house..its going to be hard in that closet during the summer..maybe take off your closet doors and replace them with a light blocking screen mesh.. To make this work you're going to have to keep your apartment really fresh mid 70s.... If you're not running the light at night..u should, that will help alot..most indoor growers run air cooled or take a break in the summer because of the heat....some just hook up ac's and charge more for the pound.


Well-Known Member
You can get a humidifier to kick into the 40/50% range. You don't want more then that. And max humidity at sea level is 65%. So look up your elevation and that will tell you your max humidity by pressure. A humidifier WILL add heat to your room if it is inside the room. If your flowering during the day then switch to night if you cant get temps down. I have a 1000 watt superhps with a sealed hood. At night it goes from 68f to 80f with 500cfm cooling the hood alone.


Active Member
That's good. Hot air rises so keep it up high in your grow room. And have it spitting out of the house not just out of the closet but the entire house..its going to be hard in that closet during the summer..maybe take off your closet doors and replace them with a light blocking screen mesh.. To make this work you're going to have to keep your apartment really fresh mid 70s.... If you're not running the light at night..u should, that will help alot..most indoor growers run air cooled or take a break in the summer because of the heat....some just hook up ac's and charge more for the pound.
I am running the light at night, it's on an 18/6 cycle with the 6 being between 3:30-9:30pm.