"Progressive" Congresswomen Start To Show Their Stripes

So if I support Trump, I'm Putin's puppet, if I oppose Trump, and establishment Democrats, I'm Putin's puppet..

So is there any scenario in which I can oppose both Trump and Establishment Democrats and not come out as Putin's puppet?

Stop getting your information from disinformation websites. By playing both sides of the board Putin/Saudi/Trump trolls can manipulate people into doing some pretty stupid shit like not voting if someone they have never met and learned everything about from their disinformation websites.

Stop getting your information from disinformation websites. By playing both sides of the board Putin/Saudi/Trump trolls can manipulate people into doing some pretty stupid shit like not voting if someone they have never met and learned everything about from their disinformation websites.
Progressives are the ones who are actively trying to stop Trump. Moderates are enabling him and giving him everything he wants at the border. That's why he singles them out specifically in tweets
Progressives are the ones who are actively trying to stop Trump. Moderates are enabling him and giving him everything he wants at the border. That's why he singles them out specifically in tweets

Every Democrat running is actively trying to stop Trump. How it happens is a matter of time. But what Trump is doing is using his belief that America is bigoted as fuel to troll 'progressives'. The people that fall for chauvinist, racist, and generally shitty propaganda will use the excitement from these congresswomen as a selling point against the Democrats in not deep blue districts.

All the information from those websites I see you post is just telling slanted stories used eventually to sell against certain people that the Trump/Russia/Saudi trolls can use as 'proof' without being confronted with facts that don't fit their narrative on the linked website.
Why do you support Pelosi signing off on giving Trump $4 billion more to keep immigrants in concentration camps at the border without showers or drinking water?
Why do you support Pelosi signing off on giving Trump $4 billion more to keep immigrants in concentration camps at the border without showers or drinking water?
was there a bill to shut down those camps that she refused to take a vote on or are you just doing a repeat performance of 2016 where you try your little curtis best to sow division in the party because you're bitter that bernie has no chance
new poll out of NH today, the state that neighbors bernie's home state, where bernie won in 2016 with 60% of the vote:

biden - 21%

kamala harris - 18%

warren - 17%

buttigieg - 12%

bernie sadners - 10%

LOL @ 5th place
What a piece of shit.
the attempt to try to split the party by using nancy as a cudgel was already attempted, ungracefully, by our resident neo-nazi coward bugeye.

Screenshot 2019-07-16 at 7.43.16 PM.png

did padaraper get redpilled by reddit nazis and is actually a right winger now? he does suck jordan peterson's dick.

or is he just that dumb and susceptible to manipulation that he thinks posting every wikileaks rumor he can is a smart way to advance left wing ideas?

i don't care enough to think about it that hard. i just like making fun of him for being unable to maintain an erection with a woman
So this was in the NYT today. Its about the tenth similar opinion piece I can recall seeing. I'm not posting it so much as to state my opinion of the topic. The Progressives will be quick to point out that national healthcare is in place in nearly all developed nations, which is true. It is a shame that they don't understand that countries have their own political history, cultural traditions and social mores that make it impossible to just draw such comparisons. What works in one country might be a disaster in another or just politically impossible in the short run.


‘Trump’s Going to Get Re-elected, Isn’t He?’

Voters have reason to worry.

By Thomas L. Friedman

Opinion Columnist

I’m struck at how many people have come up to me recently and said, “Trump’s going to get re-elected, isn’t he?” And in each case, when I drilled down to ask why, I bumped into the Democratic presidential debates in June. I think a lot of Americans were shocked by some of the things they heard there. I was.

I was shocked that so many candidates in the party whose nominee I was planning to support want to get rid of the private health insurance covering some 250 million Americans and have “Medicare for all” instead. I think we should strengthen Obamacare and eventually add a public option.

I was shocked that so many were ready to decriminalize illegal entry into our country. I think people should have to ring the doorbell before they enter my house or my country.

I was shocked at all those hands raised in support of providing comprehensive health coverage to undocumented immigrants. I think promises we’ve made to our fellow Americans should take priority, like to veterans in need of better health care.

The reason I printed this author's condemnation of trying to slam progressive policies down people's throats is because I looked up his bio. Did you know this guy has three Pulitzer prizes!? Three! I had heard that one Pulitzer prize was the gold standard effectively making the recipients' ideas and opinion holy writ. And this guy has three! His opinions must be the unassailable!


I get it; you think Pulitzer Prize and Cracker Jack are the same thing.

Right. This from the same bunch of clowns who call Pulitzer prize winning journalists hacks.

Nah. I've spent years trying to get through to you, only to have you shit on sources like Pulitzer prize winning journalists and the like.

I post my sources and they're far more credible than the 5 MSM state propaganda shills.
I love how you call Pulitzer Prize winning journalists propaganda. Lol

You are lying and you don't bother to actually read anything. That makes you the same as most of the right wing nuts here.
You denigrate such suspicious news sources as Pulitzer prize winning journalists and Ivy league University professors, so your opinion of the validity of information is completely bankrupt and without credibility.

No surprise that your opinions are of the same puerile quality.

So the issue is settled. Until somebody can come up with somebody who has won four or more Pulitzers, it is now indisputable that forcing Americans onto a single payer medical plan and eliminating private insurance between 2020 and 2024 is a bad idea that will result in a Trump re-election.

I am glad that is settled.

Sorry the above quotes got fucked up. I tried to fix them.
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I was shocked that so many were ready to decriminalize illegal entry into our country. I think people should have to ring the doorbell before they enter my house or my country.
This kills me, if my neighbor has to flee their house because they have a intruder I would not expect them to wait patiently at my door until I put on cloths to see who it is.
I was shocked at all those hands raised in support of providing comprehensive health coverage to undocumented immigrants. I think promises we’ve made to our fellow Americans should take priority, like to veterans in need of better health care.
This one too, it is already law that we can't just let people die on the doorstep. Just like anyone going to the emergency room gets treated regardless of ability to pay upfront.
It's typical of progressives: rather than expand, build, create and give options they go all or nothing.

On pretty much everything.
It's typical of progressives: rather than expand, build, create and give options they go all or nothing.

On pretty much everything.
Look what incremental "change" has brought us. Donald Trump is now the president and all that incremental change the Obama administration accomplished has been flushed down the drain. The incremental change candidates can't beat open racist, misogynist, hateful, bigoted Republican candidates. And the only reason these candidates support incremental change is because their paid to by their corporate donors who don't want to implement things like universal healthcare or get out of endless wars or reign in the private prison industry, not because they actually believe it will be better for the country.
Look what incremental "change" has brought us. Donald Trump is now the president and all that incremental change the Obama administration accomplished has been flushed down the drain. The incremental change candidates can't beat open racist, misogynist, hateful, bigoted Republican candidates. And the only reason these candidates support incremental change is because their paid to by their corporate donors who don't want to implement things like universal healthcare or get out of endless wars or reign in the private prison industry, not because they actually believe it will be better for the country.
It would shock me if you actually believed that shit but I would not put it past you. For anybody to claim that progress never has setbacks is simply ridiculous. If I did not know you from your posts, I would say you are being disingenuous.

The rest of your post is just a bunch of ridiculous assertions without basis in fact. The real and lasting setback to the country will be the day that both major political parties are led by people like you and Trump.

Besides, didn't you read that article I posted? The author has three Pulitzer prizes and is therefore absolutely right about everything three times more than anybody that your buddy, shittstikk, has ever posted. It's simple Vulcan logic. He says you are full of shit.
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