progressive lighting 400 and 1000


Well-Known Member
Originally I was running 16 plants in one room 2000w perpetual. 8 in late flower 8 in early. But I wasn't getting the yield I wanted. It was like .4gpw.

So I decided to build another room with 8 plants in each and a 1000 and 400 basically 4 plants per light. 400w bare bulb vertical surrounded by plant & 1000w vertical in a parabolic hood.

Anybody done something similar?
My results have been good thus far but my first batch is only 2 weeks in around th 400 nice and short and bushy gonna be under the parabolic 1000w in a week or two, will I still yield as if I grew under the 1000w th whole time? Both lights in one room so the ones around the 400 get some light from the 1000w plus the lower branches look tons better and thing is less crowded.

Im thinking 1400w, I'll see .7gpw that would be way more acceptable than what it was. It was like running 2kw but only getting 1kW yield. Got new bulb coming in tommorow to eliminate that variable.

As a note both rooms run a 400w bare bulb vertical one has a 7000k MH the other a hps. They both have 1000w hps one is parabolic the other is an adjusta wing. Air flow good 85 day 75 nights 1200co2 ppm. 8 week strains for the most part. Nl, devil, Skywalker, ?kush, and g13


Well-Known Member
you may not be the only grower to have done this
In Scotland or Iceland where sun light never actually goes down come mid summer your idea is ???..

in Hawaii where the climate is Sativa's, the sun goes down like all tropical locales in seconds 18 seconds last count, so where are you in this? ...