Project 4516

Ya 4516 x 2 scoops would be bx

2 scoops could technically be a gelato bx even tho they were different gelatos. And I only ran a few out of the pack but the 2 scoops was one of my top 3 lits
That would be more like an in bred line. Bx is breeding it back to itself. So if you had seeds of 4516 and bred to those seeds it would be considered its sister. If you kept the same clone and bred it out took male from those seeds and hit the male back to the mom that would be back to itself. Which would be bx1 time then keep doing that back to its original clone mom again it would be bx2 and so on. Hope that helps to understand. I'm not the sharpest tool I. The shed but that the best I can explain.
2 scoops is
4516 x gelato

If u then take your 2 scoop selection and pair it with 4516 you would have a 4516 bx. Taking an f1 and bringing it "back" to either parent = a back cross

Use jungle boys tk bx as example
Tk x tk Larry
Tk Larry being f1 of tk x Larry
Take that f1 and bring it back to Larry you would have "Larry og bx" instead
Looking back, I've popped 3 Project 4516 Bx seeds so far, had 3 FIRE phenos. The flavor and effects are so ooooweeeee. No selection needed...they weren't kidding. Popped many others' seeds along side, some were OK, some were trash. I won't say who they were from, but they were some of your favorite $$$ I've ever spent on seeds
I picked up Clearwater's Apple mints x project 4516 for outdoors next summer. After reading about the Bx might just need to drop the $$$ and make it happen. LIT's Blue 16 is another I will have by summer.
VodouSprinkles was made from a few 4516 crosses
(DubPlatCookies x 4516) X [(WeddingCake x 4516) X (4516 x Zkit#18]

Grandi used a really nice VS in some recent beans.