Projections of ACA impact on 2014 elections

The looming storm for the Dems is not the failure of the web site, that is just a bit of relatively short-term comedy for the country to enjoy. The coming problem, completely owned by the Dems, is that ACA itself is going to fail. Young, healthy people are not going to participate and that will cause insurance premiums to explode. Never forget, the very first word in the title of the act is "affordable" and that is something that ACA is not.

The big, ugly budget battle over the summer that has all the lib tards clapping their hands with glee can be summarized as this: The Republicans tried defund ACA, and the Dems "refused to negotiate" and now COMPLETELY own ACA. When it fails, it will be on the Dems heads. From a personal perspective, the only joy I will take from this is seeing the likes of UncelDufus, CheeseDick, and that women, Schylaar being completely humiliated.

Maybe we can elect Gary Johnson in '16...

Well then
How about letting it Fail on it's own? Why all the sabotage and teeth gnashing?
Well the probability must be very high for Obamacare to succeed or you wouldn't have braindead politicians and followers of Ted Cruz who said

“If there is ever a time to defeat Obamacare, it is now,” Cruz said at a briefing at the Heritage Foundation. “Moreover, we have, I believe, the best opportunity we will have, and possibly the last good opportunity we will have to defund Obamacare with the continuing resolution.”
“If we do not pursue this strategy,” he said later, “we are saying we surrender. Obamacare will be a permanent feature of the American economy.”…
“If the subsidies kick in, the prospect or full repeal of Obamacare diminish dramatically,” Cruz said.

How's your wellpoint health insurance going?
Well then
How about letting it Fail on it's own? Why all the sabotage and teeth gnashing?

What sabotage are you speaking of? The community organizer who is urging people to refuse to sign up? The Republicans, mostly TEA party types, who tried to use their legitimate power to defund ACA?

I think it will fail on its own. The working class, who already had medical insurance, will see their premiums spike up 50 to 100%, are probably going to be unhappy and vote accordingly. If the young and healthy don't sign up in large numbers (and they won't) then premiums are going to spike another several hundred percent. Think about that. In 2012 you paid $2,600 in premiums for your health insurance and in 2014 it will run you $10,000. That is gonna turn my smile upside down.

The huddled masses who receive completely subsidized insurance, who had no medical insurance before ACA are going to be beaming and texting each other smiley-faces on their ObamaPhones.

Class warfare, It is the Democrat's playbook. The only real question is whether the huddled masses outnumber the worker bees when it comes time to vote. If the Dems can cook up some wedge issue like the "War on Wymin... [FREE birth control pills in every vagina]" to split off a few fools, maybe they will continue to rule their plantation. Maybe it will be free knitting needles in 2014, or two pairs of really cute pumps? I am no expert, we should probably ask Schylaar what bauble would tickle her fancy.
What sabotage are you speaking of? The community organizer who is urging people to refuse to sign up? The Republicans, mostly TEA party types, who tried to use their legitimate power to defund ACA?

I think it will fail on its own. The working class, who already had medical insurance, will see their premiums spike up 50 to 100%, are probably going to be unhappy and vote accordingly. If the young and healthy don't sign up in large numbers (and they won't) then premiums are going to spike another several hundred percent. Think about that. In 2012 you paid $2,600 in premiums for your health insurance and in 2014 it will run you $10,000. That is gonna turn my smile upside down.

The huddled masses who receive completely subsidized insurance, who had no medical insurance before ACA are going to be beaming and texting each other smiley-faces on their ObamaPhones.

Class warfare, It is the Democrat's playbook. The only real question is whether the huddled masses outnumber the worker bees when it comes time to vote. If the Dems can cook up some wedge issue like the "War on Wymin... [FREE birth control pills in every vagina]" to split off a few fools, maybe they will continue to rule their plantation. Maybe it will be free knitting needles in 2014, or two pairs of really cute pumps? I am no expert, we should probably ask Schylaar what bauble would tickle her fancy.

i don't think these boots are tall enough to wade through the bullshit contained in your posts, but they may help.

What sabotage are you speaking of? The community organizer who is urging people to refuse to sign up? The Republicans, mostly TEA party types, who tried to use their legitimate power to defund ACA?

I think it will fail on its own. The working class, who already had medical insurance, will see their premiums spike up 50 to 100%, are probably going to be unhappy and vote accordingly. If the young and healthy don't sign up in large numbers (and they won't) then premiums are going to spike another several hundred percent. Think about that. In 2012 you paid $2,600 in premiums for your health insurance and in 2014 it will run you $10,000. That is gonna turn my smile upside down.

The huddled masses who receive completely subsidized insurance, who had no medical insurance before ACA are going to be beaming and texting each other smiley-faces on their ObamaPhones.

Class warfare, It is the Democrat's playbook. The only real question is whether the huddled masses outnumber the worker bees when it comes time to vote. If the Dems can cook up some wedge issue like the "War on Wymin... [FREE birth control pills in every vagina]" to split off a few fools, maybe they will continue to rule their plantation. Maybe it will be free knitting needles in 2014, or two pairs of really cute pumps? I am no expert, we should probably ask Schylaar what bauble would tickle her fancy.

Got any evidence of that trend?
You have health insurance? Did it spike up 50%?
Mine didnt. And I can gaurantee you I have a better health insurance plan than you ever will

And as to birth control being mandated into insurance plans (dog whistle pro lifers and bible thumpers)
How come most insurance will cover Viagra?
Got any evidence of that trend?
You have health insurance? Did it spike up 50%?
Mine didnt. And I can gaurantee you I have a better health insurance plan than you ever will

And as to birth control being mandated into insurance plans (dog whistle pro lifers and bible thumpers)
How come most insurance will cover Viagra?

Name one insurance company that doesn't have a co-pay for Viagra? Do you think women should be forced into covering free Viagra?
Got any evidence of that trend?
You have health insurance? Did it spike up 50%?
Mine didnt. And I can gaurantee you I have a better health insurance plan than you ever will

And as to birth control being mandated into insurance plans (dog whistle pro lifers and bible thumpers)
How come most insurance will cover Viagra?

If Viagra pisses you off so much, then by all means campaign to remove it. Start the Democrat's "War on Men". What does Viagra have to do with birth control pills? I am able to slap silver dollars off the bar with my wang, so I have no need of Viagra.

I would call my medical insurance mediocre, so you might indeed have better.

As to the price spike, where do you think the money to cover 20 million indigent people is going to come from? You aren't one of those illiterate goons who just chirps, "it's Obama money" when asked "who pays", are you? Price hikes are a given. The REAL problem for the Dems and ACA comes when the young healthy people who earn $30K per year say, "fuck you, I am not signing up" and refuse to do their societal duty, as defined by the Obamaphiles, to subsidize the 1%. In this case, the 1% are those who have some sort of chronic illness that requires expensive care. Instead of calling it the "Affordable Care Act", the young healthies are going to call it the "AVOIDABLE care act" and they are going to avoid it. Then the system crashes or the feds hold a gun to somebody's head to pay for this Democratic act of generosity.
If Viagra pisses you off so much, then by all means campaign to remove it. Start the Democrat's "War on Men". What does Viagra have to do with birth control pills? I am able to slap silver dollars off the bar with my wang, so I have no need of Viagra.

I would call my medical insurance mediocre, so you might indeed have better.

As to the price spike, where do you think the money to cover 20 million indigent people is going to come from? You aren't one of those illiterate goons who just chirps, "it's Obama money" when asked "who pays", are you? Price hikes are a given. The REAL problem for the Dems and ACA comes when the young healthy people who earn $30K per year say, "fuck you, I am not signing up" and refuse to do their societal duty, as defined by the Obamaphiles, to subsidize the 1%. In this case, the 1% are those who have some sort of chronic illness that requires expensive care. Instead of calling it the "Affordable Care Act", the young healthies are going to call it the "AVOIDABLE care act" and they are going to avoid it. Then the system crashes or the feds hold a gun to somebody's head to pay for this Democratic act of generosity.


So in other words. Your insurance didnt spike up 50% and you are a blowhard
Generation Opportunity, a Virginia-based group that is part of a coalition of right-leaning organizations with financial ties to billionaire businessmen and political activists Charles and David Koch, will launch a six-figure campaign aimed at convincing young people to “opt-out” of the Obamacare exchanges. Later this month, the group will begin a tour of 20 college campuses, where they plan to set up shop alongside pro-Obamacare activists such as Enroll America that are working to sign people up for the insurance exchanges. Generation Opportunity intends to host events at college football tailgate parties festivals, where “brand ambassadors” (read: hot young people) will pass out beer koozies that read “opt out,” pizza and literature about the health care law. Some events may have impromptu dance parties with DJ’s, complete with games of cornhole and competitions for prizes, organizers said.
Their message: You don’t have to sign up for Obamacare. And they want students to sign a pledge not get insurance plans set up by the law.
Got any evidence of that trend?
You have health insurance? Did it spike up 50%?
Mine didnt. And I can gaurantee you I have a better health insurance plan than you ever will

And as to birth control being mandated into insurance plans (dog whistle pro lifers and bible thumpers)
How come most insurance will cover Viagra?

"Why do men get to jack off while Wymin have to fish out their mistake with a coat hanger?" Seems to be yet another outright lie perpetrated on low information voters, i.e. Democrats for the sole purpose of of keeping Nancy and Harry relevant.
Is Viagra Covered by Health Insurance?
The high cost of Viagra, averaging $22 to $24 per pill, leads many men to seek health insurance coverage for this drug. However, insurance companies have been ambivalent about their coverage for ED drugs, with some insurers picking up the cost and others refusing to cover any portion of the bill.
For example, Medicare Part D does not cover any type of erectile dysfunction drug. This is bad news for the elderly population, the largest group of men who need the help provided by ED medications. On the other hand, many private insurance plans, such as Aetna and United Healthcare, make provisions to cover the cost of Viagra or other ED drugs when deemed “medically necessary” by a doctor and if the patient’s state of residence requires them to do so. HMOs usually cover Viagra with a higher co-pay than for other drugs.

Generation Opportunity, a Virginia-based group that is part of a coalition of right-leaning organizations with financial ties to billionaire businessmen and political activists Charles and David Koch, will launch a six-figure campaign aimed at convincing young people to “opt-out” of the Obamacare exchanges. Later this month, the group will begin a tour of 20 college campuses, where they plan to set up shop alongside pro-Obamacare activists such as Enroll America that are working to sign people up for the insurance exchanges. Generation Opportunity intends to host events at college football tailgate parties festivals, where “brand ambassadors” (read: hot young people) will pass out beer koozies that read “opt out,” pizza and literature about the health care law. Some events may have impromptu dance parties with DJ’s, complete with games of cornhole and competitions for prizes, organizers said.
Their message: You don’t have to sign up for Obamacare. And they want students to sign a pledge not get insurance plans set up by the law.

Those traitors! Imagine the impudence of them, suggesting that anybody should voice the slightest dissent about the One's commands.

So in other words. Your insurance didnt spike up 50% and you are a blowhard

Here is a true believer, a Democrat who can't afford health insurance under ACA. What do you say to her?

    Sue Klinkhamer has a problem.
    It’s called Obamacare.
    And the irony of her situation is not lost on her. In a recent email addressed to her former boss, Illinois Congressman Bill Foster, and other Democratic colleagues, she wrote:
    “I spent two years defending Obamacare. I had constituents scream at me, spit at me and call me names that I can’t put in print. The congressman was not re-elected in 2010 mainly because of the anti-Obamacare anger. When the congressman was not re-elected, I also (along with the rest of our staff) lost my job. I was upset that because of the health care issue, I didn’t have a job anymore but still defended Obamacare because it would make health care available to everyone at, what I assumed, would be an affordable price. I have now learned that I was wrong. Very wrong.”

Here is a true believer, a Democrat who can't afford health insurance under ACA. What do you say to her?

    Sue Klinkhamer has a problem.
    It’s called Obamacare.
    And the irony of her situation is not lost on her. In a recent email addressed to her former boss, Illinois Congressman Bill Foster, and other Democratic colleagues, she wrote:
    “I spent two years defending Obamacare. I had constituents scream at me, spit at me and call me names that I can’t put in print. The congressman was not re-elected in 2010 mainly because of the anti-Obamacare anger. When the congressman was not re-elected, I also (along with the rest of our staff) lost my job. I was upset that because of the health care issue, I didn’t have a job anymore but still defended Obamacare because it would make health care available to everyone at, what I assumed, would be an affordable price. I have now learned that I was wrong. Very wrong.”

Despite the technical
that have plagued the rollout this week, some consumers were able
to see or even sign up for the policies being offered on the state-based
exchanges for 2014. Some had been uninsured and were looking for coverage.
Others were hoping to switch from expensive plans on the individual market.

Bryan Tackett, 33, was amazed at the choice of policies on the Washington,
D.C., exchange. A contractor at a government relations firm, Tackett has been
paying just under $400 a month for a Blue Cross Blue Shield plan with "not
terrible, not great" coverage and a $1,500 deductible. But he enrolled in a gold
Kaiser Permanente plan on the exchange that has no deductible and "good"
co-pays. It includes dental benefits and an annual eye exam -- all for about
$270 a month.

"I didn't think there would be that much of a
differential between what the private market would offer me and what Obamacare
would," said Tackett, who is not eligible for a federal
. "I was surprised, amazed and shocked, but pleasantly so."

Share your story: Were you able to sign up for

For Shaundra Smith-McKeithen, Obamacare could literally be a lifesaver. The
43-year-old single mom was laid off from her job as a quality manager at a
hospital in May and is now uninsured. She's run out of her blood pressure and
depression medications and can't afford to go to the doctor for checkups on her
$330 weekly unemployment check.

Since the Savannah, Ga., resident qualifies for a subsidy, she can get a
silver level plan for about $50 a month. While she's not thrilled that she'll
have to shell out for deductibles and co-pays, she is relieved she'll have
coverage again soon.

"Being able to go to the's so worth it," said Smith-McKeithen,
who has not been able to get details on specific plans yet. "For me and my
family, this will work out perfectly until I get a job and have other coverage."