promethazine plant?


Active Member
was wondering if anyone has tried feeding their plant a little promethazine or anything else along those lines.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, because promethazine is loaded with nutrients!!! ...JUST KIDDING!! That seriously is the dumbest thing ive ever heard.. For one Promethzine is a sleep aid, and i dont think plants need to worry about that or any other drug. that wouldnteven help grow lol!!


Active Member
im not trying to do anything to help the plant(or kill it obviously) im just wondering if anyone has experimented with chemicals effects on plants, or if anyone has an educated guess based on facts. lol i know what promethzine does to humans. . . just used Promethzine cuz it poped in my head. what about giving plants LSD?


Well-Known Member
wow thats crazy. Never thought of if a plant could absorb LSD or anything like that. I dont know, i mean why? It might be cool to mess around with but dumb why hurt a plant that could make juicy buds for that? idk..weird idea. peace


Well-Known Member
marijuana may or may not be able to soak up lsd, however i do know that lsd is very expensive....where are you going to find that much cid and why the fuck would you waste it on your plants.
i also know that acid breaks down with heat....we Smoke pot...get the picture.
peace out


Active Member
i grow weed for myself and my friends, not to sell it. i got enough to experiment with. and besides experimenting is lots of fun. i would love to make a MDMA strain hahaha. who knows maybe the plant will feel super groovy photosynthesize like crazy... or jsut fuck it up and die i donno lol. guess ill research it and see what similar compounds are in plants and human brain.


Well-Known Member
dude its been tried over and over and failed Over and Over. with every new generation comes this and MANY of the same marijuana myths trust me....... hey if you want to waste some cid send it my way ill at least put it to use.


Active Member
lol i live near LA. i can get any drug there is, and at good prices. damn ppl.... i thought you were all stones who think of weird shit all the time like me. its just an idea..... i was hoping i would get some real answers... not "OMG SOOOO STUPID LOL"


Well-Known Member
why dont you get all your every drug there is and dose your plants with them make sure you buy heaps of them man sooo coool