Proof Clone Genetics Change


Well-Known Member
I have been growing out clones from the same mother plant (clones from clones) for over a year now. Not once have I ever seen an albino bud but this time I found one. and you can tell this is albino and not bleached out by light because only half the leaf is white. Albinism is genetic so how can this trait manifest itsself from clones that never showed signs of it before. I don't know if I should smoke it or send it to the Smithsonian.



Active Member
I think variegation is caused by a virus... it can be completely random, never show, or always show.


Active Member
you shouldn't be; a completely albino plant would not survive, as it would lack chlorophyll.


New Member
got some fucked up clones llike that nothing new yeah degraded genes... its okay grow it out and hope it reverts to normal or just hope it grows some good buts people who monster crop see this alot because of revegging clones after they start flowering. the stress just force out genetic deformities in clones and fem plants .

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
It's called genetic mutations. They happen in horticulture all the time, and then growers take clones from the mutations and start new starina of ornimental plants. When you see verigated strains similar to their non-verigated partners, it was originally a mutation that was cultivated.