once again, you fail to understand me.
do you see a brand name of cannabis yet?
do you see it sold in every single dispensary in the entire state of california?
the only way true competition occurs, is when there is a consistent brand name competing with OTHER brand names.
you see, there is no way for a single brand name right now to dominate the market of cannabis.
in a post legalization state, a brand could dominate a shop because it's willing to charge less and more in-relation to production costs instead of hype . . . .
so yes, when it is fully legalized and everyone can go to any store and pick one brand over another, THEN AND ONLY THEN is when true competition will occur and prices will drop.
now, I want to see how you think you can literally dominate the market in the current way it is setup? is it possible? no.
i have no idea where you come up with this.
have fun.