prop 203 and firearms?

in Michigan . once your a care taker . you lose the right to have firearms in your home. but there is a loop hole . you can have a concealed carry permit and conceal carry it in the home. so a fire arm is allowed in the house if hidden on the persons. but never any rifles in the house. can conceal those. needless to say every caretaker conceals . ccp
Yet again our fear less leader shill humble shows his utmost shpport for the program he is charged with running. Nothing like a state official using federal law to scare citizens. I am so glad that they are spe ding the amma money on worthwhile topics and informational campaigns which really support marijuana as a medicine and cares about patients and their rights as such. In all seriousness this is really fucked up a state official spends money and efforts to write the entire first page based on a opinion of a federal administrator. What the fuck does this have to do with mmj as medicine and show me one case where this bullshit interpretation (not by a judge) is actually charged and prosecuted. This state never stops proving how disgusting and irrational it can be.
So if I break my arm and the doctor prescribes me Vicodin for the pain, am I not allowed to purchase a firearm either?

vicodin makes my skin crawl by the way, hate that shit
So if I break my arm and the doctor prescribes me Vicodin for the pain, am I not allowed to purchase a firearm either?

vicodin makes my skin crawl by the way, hate that shit

Of course you can. C'mon man. It's arguments like that which make law makers not take the issue seriously.


See.. like the newsletter said, we are dealing with federal laws here when it comes to guns, and to them marijuana is a no no. Seems perfectly clear to me. I view the state law of not owning a firearm while having a card as a reminder of this fact. If, heaven forbid, you have to use your weapon and the feds catch wind of it (lets pretend the person you shot was under a federal investigation).. then learn you are a medical mj user.. the states little medical card will not protect you if they decide to be dicks and prosecute you. It's also saying to the feds that the state is not ok with people owning weapons while on a federally illegal substance. I don't know about other states, but I imagine it's quite similar for all mmj states.

Another example would be the FAA. Do you think they'd give a shit about your AZ medical card if you test positive while flying or turning wrenches on a plane? Nope. They will just pile on the charges. You are in clear violation of the Code of Federal Regulations.

It sucks, I totally agree.. I love my guns. But it is what it is, and I don't know how it could ever be resolved as long as it's illegal in the eyes of the feds.
Weed is also illegal federally, but you still do that don't you? And having a card and a gun is not illegal at the state level they were just suggesting you don't do it.
Whether its illegal or federally illegal or state legal that's all moot. The point here is why the fuck is our money in the amma being used for scare propaganda against the very thing it is created to advocate. When a state runs their system like this, who would want to he a part f that.
I think it's good that he put that in the newsletter. I don't see it as a scare tactic, just as him informing the patients in the state. I'm sure there are a lot of other patients in the state that had the same question as the original poster in this thread, and most of them don't read this forum so it is very relevant info for him to put in the newsletter. He's not telling us that we can't have guns, or that there is anything wrong with it at all in the eyes of the state of Arizona, he's just giving us a fair warning of what the federal governments stance on it would be.

and comparing it vicodin makes no sense, we're talking strictly federal law not state and it's pretty dang clear. vicodin (from a Dr. licensed by the DEA to prescribe vicodin) = federally legal, so no problem but marijuana (in any case whatsoever) = federally illegal, and ANY user of marijuana is an unlawful user in their eyes.
Read the State and Federal Constitutions...

In Arizona "The militia of the state of Arizona shall consist of all capable citizens of the state between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years, and of those between said ages who shall have declared their intention to become citizens of the United States(unorganized militia)" (if not a member of the Arizona National Guard- organized militia) the Az Constitution says that we have the right "to bear arms in defense of himself or the state".

Same applies to citizens of the US. We have a duty to protect the country and without due process they have no means to take arms that are constitutionally allowed.
I got schooled real good today and my ass is burning from being spanked. My landlord owns guns and he lets me take them out and shoot them as long as I burn up my own ammo. It is against federal law to do this if you have a MMJ card. It is also against federal law to own ammo. It is also against federal law to enter a gun store. I guess I won't be shopping Walmart anytime soon. And for the final kick up the ass even if you turn in your MMJ card, doesn't matter. You can never own a gun or ammo. I got this straight from a gun store owner. End of story. Good night.
I got schooled real good today and my ass is burning from being spanked. My landlord owns guns and he lets me take them out and shoot them as long as I burn up my own ammo. It is against federal law to do this if you have a MMJ card. It is also against federal law to own ammo. It is also against federal law to enter a gun store. I guess I won't be shopping Walmart anytime soon. And for the final kick up the ass even if you turn in your MMJ card, doesn't matter. You can never own a gun or ammo. I got this straight from a gun store owner. End of story. Good night.

some of you people are so stupid its not even funny. you think a gun store owner knows anything about prop 203? no they only know what the feds tell them which is bullshit.

ill say it again the form ask if you are addicted to or a unlawful user of marijuana. if you have a patient or caregiver card you are not a unlawful user, 2nd marijuana is not addictive and we could all stop at anytime without ant withdrawls.

and its def not against the law to buy bullets thats even stupider then thinking you cant own a gun. in az, its almost sad if you truly believe that. stop spreading lies and fear mongering you stupid motherfucker.

if you dont know the truth then keep your mouth shut. lol you cant walk into wallmart i still cant fathom how you can actually believe that, you must be as dumb as the gun store owner.

as long as you dont have over your plant count, way too much weed, or sell to someone without a card. you can have as much ammo and as many firearms as you like.

I got raided yesterday by chandler pd, im a caregiver authorized to cultivate i only have 12 plants and had a few grams laying around. plus 4 handguns scattered throughout my house locked and loaded in holsters. the cops kept saying theres another gun over here lol.

one of the cops asked if they should clear them and the other was like nah just leave them there. also have my 3 year old daughter in the house.

they counted my plants, said i won compliance of the year award. didnt take any of my guns, didnt call cps, didnt shoot my 2 german shepherds (just gave them treats), didnt kick my door down, didnt point guns or be the least bit aggressive with my family.

they all complimented my grow and the way it was setup and secure. said they were sorry, shook my hand and left.

so from first hand experience you can have a card and guns + ammo. as long as your not doing something that could have your card revoked. and be charged with using or possessing a firearm during the commission of any drug related offense.

so all you STFU you have no idea what your talking about. keep on shootin partna
some of you people are so stupid its not even funny. you think a gun store owner knows anything about prop 203? no they only know what the feds tell them which is bullshit.

ill say it again the form ask if you are addicted to or a unlawful user of marijuana. if you have a patient or caregiver card you are not a unlawful user, 2nd marijuana is not addictive and we could all stop at anytime without ant withdrawls.

and its def not against the law to buy bullets thats even stupider then thinking you cant own a gun. in az, its almost sad if you truly believe that. stop spreading lies and fear mongering you stupid motherfucker.

if you dont know the truth then keep your mouth shut. lol you cant walk into wallmart i still cant fathom how you can actually believe that, you must be as dumb as the gun store owner.

as long as you dont have over your plant count, way too much weed, or sell to someone without a card. you can have as much ammo and as many firearms as you like.

I got raided yesterday by chandler pd, im a caregiver authorized to cultivate i only have 12 plants and had a few grams laying around. plus 4 handguns scattered throughout my house locked and loaded in holsters. the cops kept saying theres another gun over here lol.

one of the cops asked if they should clear them and the other was like nah just leave them there. also have my 3 year old daughter in the house.

they counted my plants, said i won compliance of the year award. didnt take any of my guns, didnt call cps, didnt shoot my 2 german shepherds (just gave them treats), didnt kick my door down, didnt point guns or be the least bit aggressive with my family.

they all complimented my grow and the way it was setup and secure. said they were sorry, shook my hand and left.

so from first hand experience you can have a card and guns + ammo. as long as your not doing something that could have your card revoked. and be charged with using or possessing a firearm during the commission of any drug related offense.

so all you STFU you have no idea what your talking about. keep on shootin partna

Why did you make this personal? A sure sign of a shill. I did not say I was a lawyer or a expert. I simply repeated what I was told by a gun store owner. The difference between federal law and state law is vast and not clear at all. Your just lucky it was the Chandler PD who came knock'n and not MIBs.
Why did you make this personal? A sure sign of a shill. I did not say I was a lawyer or a expert. I simply repeated what I was told by a gun store owner. The difference between federal law and state law is vast and not clear at all. Your just lucky it was the Chandler PD who came knock'n and not MIBs.

sorry got a lil pissy there hadnt smoked that day yet
I got this straight from a gun store owner. End of story. Good night.

I would not trust what the gun store owner said. I was involved with FFL holders many years ago and most held the same right-wing views, listed to the same talk radio stations. They had an us vs. them world view, and you were "one of them" if you didn't have the same view. Anything identified as "liberal" was automatically opposed.

The disconnect between state and federal law is serious, especially the way gun violations carry steeper penalties. Nothing wrong with erring on the side of what the FFL holder told you. But, I'm taking it with a grain of salt because I know how those guys can be. He may be logically correct about the supremacy of federal law. But, that doesn't mean anyone's enforcing it that way. From my own exposure to those guys, I suspect he was enjoying giving one of "them" a dose of irony.
Those that "volunteered to participate in the AMMA, they waive all constitutional rights relating to the implementation and operation of the state mandated dispensary health care system, regardless of whether the law or rule violates the State Constitution" See Floyd, et al. v. Arizona

I spoke to several different lawyers around town... everyone one of 'em said that in some shape or form those that ""volunteered to participate in the AMMA" waived their constitutional right to bear arms... NOW thats Liberal. Double-Speak 1984!
This might interest you guys:

The "Colorado Campaign for Equal Gun Rights" is working to put a question on the November 2016 ballot to have Colorado ignore guidelines from the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives about firearms and pot.

The measure would change state law to prevent sheriffs from denying concealed carry permits because of marijuana use. It's a new frontier in the marijuana wars, and one that has divided gun-rights activists.

"It's just ridiculous," said Edgar Antillon, one of the campaign organizers, who argues that firearms aren't kept from alcohol drinkers. "Somebody can get extremely drunk — Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and all week if they want — and they can still get a concealed carry permit."​