Propagation of a AF strain


Active Member
Thats pretty much the jist of it .. I love this EWS strain and it is a auto flower and rather then dump money on seeds allllllll the time i rather just grow a crop of about 10 plants and turn them all to seed the questions i have are

How do i make sure that i get 100% full pollunation or as close as possible

How do i know when the seeds are ripe and ready to be harvested

Is there a simple way to harvest these seeds or is it basically i go in and pick them all by hand or by the time there ready to harvest should i be able to practically shake them out ?

I honestly have been looking around on google for a variety of search keywords but have found nothing but "how to germinate said seeds"or just how to store then

does anyone have any guides of tutorials or any information on growing a seed stock ?

also what can i expect from a plant thats normal yeild is about 3-4 ounces and about 3 to 3-1/2 feet tall in relation to amount of seeds ??



Active Member
how can this make it back to page 5 in 24 hour and not get a single reply lol any one any at all lol ?


I crossed EWS with auto ak-47 fully seeded out around 11 plants, two weeks into flower when the females have lots of white hairs everywhere u can polinate and repolinate 4-7 days after just to make sure and you should be good seeds take around 5 weeks to mature i think but you can always cut a bud off and break it up to check out the seeds, i averaged 200-500 seeds per EWS female.