Propane heater in a greenhouse?


Well-Known Member
So winter has decided to come early this year and my greenhouse Temps are getting as low as 51.8, the humidity as sky rocketed and night to the 100% mark. I hastily bought a patio propane heater and it's working wonders for the Temps and humidity, night time Temps are now at 78.8 constant and humidity is at 50 and below. My greenhouse is stacked and I've placed the propane heater dead center but it does emit a bit of light enough to see a bit but it's definitely nothing extreme. I was wondering if the amount of light would affect the flowering plants in any way?


Special Kdog

Well-Known Member
Looks like a UFO are you sure that is a heater and not Ancient Aliens. is it an outdoor only heater or is it also safe for inside use. You might be filling your greenhouse with toxic gases bro. what is the soil temperature. That is probably more important than air temps. or the tiny amount of light emitted from it. Do you have a daylight picture where we can see what kind of patio heater it is specifically. I would think it would be no different than a full moon.

pro tip. don't cover your propane heater with a curtain or anything similar to lower the light being emitted. you might start a fire.