Proper ph for growing in promix

Dragon Daddy

Well-Known Member
what ph range does a plant in promix like.

And on my nutrients it suggests different amounts per gallon based on whether you’re in soil or hydroponics. Where does straight promix fall between soil and hydro?
Tu- stoned, AZ here, our soil is mineral rich meaning, for us, more alkaline. We need to adjust for a lower (6.3 - 6.8 safe side ph.) With tap water.
Ray, I'll second your PH numbers, but I don't think promix should be considered soil. Promix is peat moss with coco depending on which version you get. These mediums have NO nutrients for your plants in them and require a comprehensive nutrient line. Soil typically has everything a plant needs to get by, and with a few added nutes can be amazing. I think most people consider Promix or Bergers a "soilless" medium.

Dragon, There's a guy on here called "Renfro" who does AMAZING work with Bergers, pretty similar to promix. Look up his grow log.
I know ths thread's almost a month old, but jus joined yesterday so learning the forum ropes lol. a2lute..ths will be my first time using promix..peat moss based as u mentioned. I am a soil grower. Can, or have u ever heard of mixing promix with soil? I've jus heard tht w peat u must water much more frequently an I'll be doin an outdoor stealth grow an dnt wanna be watering everyday. Would adding some soil to the mix help retain more water/nutes or is tht a no-no?
TBH, I'm not an outdoor guy and I don't know much about it. But for your goals of not watering as much and being stealth I would just skip the promix and go straight soil. The purpose of soiless is to exactly control the nutes & max out intake with lots of oversight and labor. I don't see any advantage to using promix in your situation. But you should go run your GOALS by the outdoor & maybe organic threads. They may be able to shed some light.
TBH, I'm not an outdoor guy and I don't know much about it. But for your goals of not watering as much and being stealth I would just skip the promix and go straight soil. The purpose of soiless is to exactly control the nutes & max out intake with lots of oversight and labor. I don't see any advantage to using promix in your situation. But you should go run your GOALS by the outdoor & maybe organic threads. They may be able to shed some light.
Thanks for advice
I know ths thread's almost a month old, but jus joined yesterday so learning the forum ropes lol. a2lute..ths will be my first time using promix..peat moss based as u mentioned. I am a soil grower. Can, or have u ever heard of mixing promix with soil? I've jus heard tht w peat u must water much more frequently an I'll be doin an outdoor stealth grow an dnt wanna be watering everyday. Would adding some soil to the mix help retain more water/nutes or is tht a no-no?
Out door its best to mix with soil or compost, Not so much indoor. Also buy the BX it holds more water than HP or the coco mix.