Proper Seedbank List


bud bootlegger
B.O.G. seeds -- these look tasty as fuck! are these high quality?
man.. bog has some of the best gear out there imvho.. i am growing out some of his sour bubble right now.. just germed them, but from everything i've heard about them, i'm sure they won't disappoint. i also picked up his sour strawberry kush, and i can't wait to get them going either.. his sour bubble and lifesaver are his better known strains, but i don't think you could possibly go wrong no matter what you pick up from bog.. bushy old grower ftw..


bud bootlegger
what is the best sight i can go to were i no i aint ganna have a cop at my door cuz something went wrong??!!
i can vouche for any and all of the one's that i've put links up for m8.. and probably the ones that others have as well.. most people around these parts love attitude, myself included.. they are pretty much the bench mark for all banks imo.. tons of different breeders, you can get either cheap beans or ones that will break the bank, and have guarented shipping at an extra cost..
also use promo code 420 for an additional 10% off of your order..


Well-Known Member
I recently placed an order on the same day from; Attitude, Freedom of Seeds, and Single Seed Centre... Will report on which arrives first...
Order date 2/16/11


bud bootlegger
I recently placed an order on the same day from; Attitude, Freedom of Seeds, and Single Seed Centre... Will report on which arrives first...
Order date 2/16/11
never heard of freedom of seeds.. i'll go and check them out now..


Well-Known Member
attitude and Nirvana I can personally vouch for. Sannies can be vouched for through other old school fellow growers


Active Member
iv order from nirvan and attitude seed banks befor and now i just put an order in with herbies pick n mix.. i live in cali.. got my seed very discreet and with in two weeks.. my herbies order should be here any day .. ill post when i get them..peace

ps herbies look to be the best out of the three.. just my opinion ...becouse of there lower prices and the super stealth shipping that dont cost attitude your seeds cost more to pay for your freebees..and the shipping at attitude is more and there always sold out of good pick n mix seeds.


Well-Known Member
I had a poor experience with Freedom of Seeds. Though the seeds did arrive, they were packaged poorly and several were broken or white or d.o.a. The replacements were cheap autoflower regular Flash seeds... about 1/10th of the cost of the original seeds I purchased... not worth dealing with in the future.


bud bootlegger
I had a poor experience with Freedom of Seeds. Though the seeds did arrive, they were packaged poorly and several were broken or white or d.o.a. The replacements were cheap autoflower regular Flash seeds... about 1/10th of the cost of the original seeds I purchased... not worth dealing with in the future.
yah, i was reading your thread about that see4.. that blows ass, that's for sure.. just by looking at that site i got kinda a bad feeling from that place.. no wonder why i've never heard of them before you mentioned them, lol.. have some rep for being the guinea pig...
Have tried and happy with:

Sannies (great beans)
Nirvana (fast, cheap and better than I thought they would be)
Attitude (not as good as the other two but choice and nice freebies)


Well-Known Member
yah, i was reading your thread about that see4.. that blows ass, that's for sure.. just by looking at that site i got kinda a bad feeling from that place.. no wonder why i've never heard of them before you mentioned them, lol.. have some rep for being the guinea pig...
ha! I was wondering where that rep came from! -- Too bad it cost me $65US :-( ... oh well, live and learn. ( I can't say it's all bad though.. ) I decided to drop the 5 ugly seeds in soil and see if I get lucky... if I were a bettin man -- I'd say I might get 1 of 5 to sprout.. thanks racer!