Proper storage and handling of PH adjusting chemicals?


Well-Known Member
Sorry if there is another thread about this but i searched and i didn't find one, okay so i just completed my first grow and i have decided to switch from soil less to hempy so i need to start using my PH adjusting chemicals, i used them briefly on the input water of my soil less but they seemed to make things worse so i stopped using them and put them up on the shelf but now that i am going hempy i am going to need them. When i was using the PH stuff i noticed on my fingers that i was getting these little bumps almost like blisters or burns and when i stopped using them it went away, so i was wondering are these burns from the PH solution, i was mostly working with PH up because my water was more acidic than alkaline so i didn't think it would burn me but I'm not sure i think it was, so i was wondering should i wear gloves when handling pPH solution's if so what type? Also when i got my PH chemicals i did not know how to dispense it properly so i went out and bought 2 cook out style ketchup and mustard bottles and put the chemicals in them, since i have done that i have noticed a strange dust like corrosion on the rim of the bottles where the cap meats the bottle so i don't think these are the proper bottles i should be using to store the chemicals, i don't want to wake up one day and find that my bottle has melted and a puddle of acid on the floor. So i would appreciate some insight into what you guys use to store your PH solution and what you use to dispense it, one last thing i was wondering how you guys store your PH meters i just use a tall thin glass filled with PH 4.0 solution but its annoying because i constantly have to refill the glass due to evaporation, i was wondering has anyone found a way to store there PH meter and fend off the evaporation?

Thanks for any information in advance.


Active Member
Consider using crystallized pH solutions like Earth Juice. I use it and dispense with a spoon straight into my water medium, cap it, shake it up and meter my pH. Definitely use gloves if you are directly handling any chemical solution or buy some pipettes/droppers if you are using things in small quantities. The packaging your nutrients come in should be sufficient for storage but I usually find glass bottles are the safest way to store chemicals (brown or dark colored glass so light doesn't penetrate as easily).


Well-Known Member
-store it in a glass container. The glass is inert, and won't react with the powered ph base you have.
-don't touch it. It's a caustic, and will burn you.
-fill the cap of the ph meter with water. The water will stay on there for a while but over time it will evaporate.
-I would recommend getting a RO/DI system a 6 or 7 stage to filter your water. The pure water will help you keep your ph where you want it. You won't have to mess with ph Up/Down as much(hardly at all).

Sorry if there is another thread about this but i searched and i didn't find one, okay so i just completed my first grow and i have decided to switch from soil less to hempy so i need to start using my PH adjusting chemicals, i used them briefly on the input water of my soil less but they seemed to make things worse so i stopped using them and put them up on the shelf but now that i am going hempy i am going to need them. When i was using the PH stuff i noticed on my fingers that i was getting these little bumps almost like blisters or burns and when i stopped using them it went away, so i was wondering are these burns from the PH solution, i was mostly working with PH up because my water was more acidic than alkaline so i didn't think it would burn me but I'm not sure i think it was, so i was wondering should i wear gloves when handling pPH solution's if so what type? Also when i got my PH chemicals i did not know how to dispense it properly so i went out and bought 2 cook out style ketchup and mustard bottles and put the chemicals in them, since i have done that i have noticed a strange dust like corrosion on the rim of the bottles where the cap meats the bottle so i don't think these are the proper bottles i should be using to store the chemicals, i don't want to wake up one day and find that my bottle has melted and a puddle of acid on the floor. So i would appreciate some insight into what you guys use to store your PH solution and what you use to dispense it, one last thing i was wondering how you guys store your PH meters i just use a tall thin glass filled with PH 4.0 solution but its annoying because i constantly have to refill the glass due to evaporation, i was wondering has anyone found a way to store there PH meter and fend off the evaporation?

Thanks for any information in advance.


Well-Known Member
If you are having a reaction, you should wear gloves.
A pH standard of 4 is pretty safe. The hazardous nature of a chemical is more than just its pH (e.g, Coca-Cola is pH ~3).
If you buy a liquid pH standard, just store it in the bottle it came in. Pour some out in a glass to calibrate your meter, then pour it down the drain.
If you mix a pH standard from a powder, you can store it in any clean plastic or glass bottle.

Some people are more sensitive to chemicals and/or pH than others. Perhaps you had a reaction to the pH standard, or your nute/water mix? Either way, wear some gloves & storae of your pH standards should be fine.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your replies guys sorry i didn't think anyone had responded to this thread, i just found it a few minutes ago.