Properly doing a DWC bucket?


Well-Known Member
Hey RIU I was wondering when doing a DWC obviously water is the medium, so as the plants drink the water-should I continously top off the water or should it just get low enough to where to the bottom where only some nutrients are left, then start a fresh bucket?

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Hey RIU I was wondering when doing a DWC obviously water is the medium, so as the plants drink the water-should I continously top off the water or should it just get low enough to where to the bottom where only some nutrients are left, then start a fresh bucket?

I Try to maintain the same water level at all times...Using a water level control bucket with an adjustable float shut off...I change nutrient once a week.....I hope it all goes well...nitro..


Well-Known Member
So I should just set nutrient swap dates, and continously keep the water topped off? Meaning the roots are in the water 100%, verse letting the roots drink the bucket dry!


Active Member
I used to empty the buckets and wash them out, then refill with fresh nutrients. But now I just top it off by pouring in another bucket of water with fresh nutrients. I don't actually pour it, I use a water pump to pump the water from the freshly filled bucket into the tubs. Either way works. If you have any water problems, like if it stinks, it would be a good idea to dump the water, wash out the res, and refill with fresh water and nutrients.


Well-Known Member
I start with 5gal and when plant has sucked it down to 1 to 1-1/2 gal I start over.
fair enough, that is what I have been doing-just suddenly I was scared of my method, I mean being that water is our medium should the roots not be submerged at all times? Verse the open air?


Well-Known Member
Actually they act like a wick and with the bubbles bursting they stay wet from top down. Just makes it much easier than topping off constantly

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
everyone seems to have their own way. If i had space, i would opt for a system as nitro harley describes, would make things very easy, but as it was, every single DWC plant i grew, i just let it drink the tubs empty and then re-fill them once there was about an inch of water left in the bottom. Plants always did just great. Only issue with that was that it can go from 1 inch of water to empty very quickly so there is a slightly larger margin for issues, but it still worked for me 90% of the time :) don't do this method if you are lazy, like me :)


if you got space go with a reservoir.. it helps from the ph jumping up and down.. i usually change water every 2-3 weeks.. I just put a hose on the outlet end and let it pump it to the drain.. then pour in new h2o... easy as pie..