Properly flush weed vs unflush weed

Not really … I do get “ a little “ because the mixes get hydrophobic at times so I have “ bathe “ them in a catch pan to water sometimes. I should look into yucca as a wetting agent … just lazy about that.
Yes. Get yucca. I use it like everytime now. I just mixed some water and yucca. It's watering day. I let it sit for like 1/2 hr to somewhat settle the bubbles, but this pic is about 30 min after I mixed it up. I just took it actually.

A kiddie pool is something I believe you could wrap your head around. Kiddy pool is filled with water. Taste like kiddy pool water. Some idiot drains the kiddy pool half way because he think's it will have half the taste. Now what does the kiddy pool really taste like. Are we following? Going to too fast?

No, it’s obvious you didn’t follow at all.

No one swims in the kiddie pool the last couple weeks of summer, some idiots still waste their time refilling it everyday.