Properly flush weed vs unflush weed

I did everybody a “ solid “ … an in home flush test.

Parameters of test : 2 big bite hotdogs from 7/11 … Monster ultra gold for electrolytes… sketchy onions and relish

30 minutes later dropped the most heinous Deuce ….. 3 x amount flush with PH “ piss “ ( I’m 6.4 ph )
Flushing did not affect “ odor or taste “ ….. moved to step 2 : Glade 1/2 can - Hawaiian Breeze . No change.

Conclusion : Flushing doesn’t do shit …. Shit still Smells Dank regardless of flush

Your Welcome.
Where did you learn how to grow?:???:

Started with books, like most people Ed's. A few books and even high times before the internet blew up and OG came out. By then I could grow but OG helped with new systems etc. Youtube can be a tool for sure, but from what little I've seen, there are a lot of really bad growers on youtube and for some reason a lot of them have only a few years experience. But you don't sound like a person who has 5, 4 or even 3 years under your belt to be honest. Just saying.
Started with books, like most people Ed's. A few books and even high times before the internet blew up and OG came out. By then I could grow but OG helped with new systems etc. Youtube can be a tool for sure, but from what little I've seen, there are a lot of really bad growers on youtube and for some reason a lot of them have only a few years experience. But you don't sound like a person who has 5, 4 or even 3 years under your belt to be honest. Just saying.
You’re right I don’t even have a year down in my books but I’m not saying I’m the best grower just saying mr Canuck is not as bad as some people say