Properly flush weed vs unflush weed

Woooooooow lookit you, you paid twenty five hundred dollhairs for a cat. Good for you. Talk about hero cookies. You must be "flush" with cash you're such a baller with your Stepford Wife cat and your old lady couch. Lookit you go.

I understand your Obama bucks and trump bucks could only afford you a free one poopandsun, maybe trying getting a job to afford better stuff.
Woooooooow lookit you, you paid twenty five hundred dollhairs for a cat. Good for you. Talk about hero cookies. You must be "flush" with cash you're such a baller with your Stepford Wife cat and your old lady couch. Lookit you go.

Ssbre. Stupid name.

Holy shit! @bk78 can you explain how you have an old lady couch and I have not been invited over to test it out for the old lady seal of approval?

PS how did you get it under the bus?
Unwatching. I have actual flushing to do.

Enjoy your dick flavored weed and your overall deplorable self. And Canada. Enjoy that shit. Must be nice right now.