Pros and Cons of Soil


Well-Known Member
from personal experience i wuld say hands down hydro is better, if u have the time and oney for it. I personally dont think that hydro is worth ir for anything smaller then 12 plants to much work ontop of a busy day already, soil id by far much easier to grow in but hydro produces a much better product (when done right) over soil. as for nutes and such. Very easy to understand.

Ill start off with a few keywords

What is PH?
pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. Solutions with a pH less than 7 are considered acidic, while those with a pH greater than seven are considered basic (alkaline). pH 7 is defined as neutral because it is the pH of pure water at 25 °C

What kind of nutes should i use?what do the numbers mean?

The numbers that nutes are rated with are refeced to as N-P-K
Nitrogen, phosphate, potassium - symbols for the three primary nutrients needed by plants

Early veg\rooting
18-0-1 nute (you will mostly find 15-0-0 which is perfectly ok)
b1 foiler spray for rooting

use the 18-0-1 [through veg. from when 2nd set of leaves are popped]
Preflower 1-38-18 [1-2 weeks before you cut to 12/12 lighting]
flowering 14-8-19 [from when you cut to 12\12 lighting]
rippining 1-38-18 [2 weeks before harvest]

Key facts!
PH should be 6.0 6.8 (6.3 is ideal)
Lights on temp: 70-85 (78)
Lights off temp 58-69 (66)
try to maintain a low humidity.

Im beat so if i missed anything let me know and ill hook it up!
Thanks for the info man, very helpful stuff there.
Now its time to pick my soil and nutes. I was thinking ff's Soil ocean organic one and perhaps some of there nutes as well, but the price tag on them is a bit high.

Those nutes bigak you said were pretty cheap right, where can you get them? Has anyone else tried biobizz or have any other good recommendations? Please keep in mind the N-P-K I want to get the most out of the plants. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
some soils come with food or nutes in it...sometimes this can shock the plant causing it to stop growing or excessive nute use can burn the leaves of the plant.:joint:


Well-Known Member
bio grow is 8.0-2.0-6.0 bio bloom is 2.0-6.0-3.5 when in bloom you mix together 1-2ml bio grow per litre water start with 1 ml per litre bio-bloom 1 st week 2ml 2nd and 3rd week build up to 4ml per liter water you can also add topmax to the mix this is a bloom stimulator that encourages rapid cell and increases production of transport sugars to the bud larger blossoms with enhanced flavours, i also use the bio root juice in first 2 weeks of grow, in uk set me bak £5 bio grow £6 bloom £9.99 root juice and £17.00 for the bio top-max biobizz is the only company in its field that has its complete range worldwide certified you should be able to get from any organic specialist use with organic soil got a 100% organic weed


Well-Known Member
how is the yield with that from your experience, does it effect it a lot? I was looking at the FF cha ching and beastie bloom and open sesame and idea on those for flowering?


Well-Known Member
I grow both and much prefer aero or hydro. Heres why. soil takes 3-4 times as long,smaller yields,more mess,alot more labor intensive, harder to grow in soil,hydro easier to correct issues,less to clean up and dispose of for aero/hydro,hydro bigger yields and better taste, hydro and soil are alot less work intensive and you can leave for days if need be and not really worry. I find soil makes a denser plant but buds are lot leafier and overall yield is alot less when you can get 3-4 harvests in the time of one soil grow.Hydro aero cheaper also
Okay I'm confused, soil takes 3-4 times longer? Since when?

Yields depend on far too many variables to say that hydro yields better, it can yes, but so can soil.

As for for hydro being easier, c'mon! Hydro may be less labor intensive (although some could argue) but it's deff. not easier. I don't have to check my PPM or my Ph with any regularity in soil, there are no rez changes...only waterings. I'd trade PPM and PH checks and changes everyday for semi-daily waterings, anyday.

Hydro is cheaper?...that I have to flat out disagree with. I suppose in the long run if you ran the same hydro equipment it might start to balance back out. To start in soil as you need is a pot, soil, seed, water. That's it.


Well-Known Member
Okay I'm confused, soil takes 3-4 times longer? Since when?

Yields depend on far too many variables to say that hydro yields better, it can yes, but so can soil.

As for for hydro being easier, c'mon! Hydro may be less labor intensive (although some could argue) but it's deff. not easier. I don't have to check my PPM or my Ph with any regularity in soil, there are no rez changes...only waterings. I'd trade PPM and PH checks and changes everyday for semi-daily waterings, anyday.

Hydro is cheaper?...that I have to flat out disagree with. I suppose in the long run if you ran the same hydro equipment it might start to balance back out. To start in soil as you need is a pot, soil, seed, water. That's it.

Agreed! ^
Soil does NOT take 3 times longer. if anything 4 weeks @ most!
what your saying is that a dirt plant should flower for 16-24 weeks? hmm and veg for about 12 -14 weeks? You might be highas fuck so im not gonna get into it. Hydro is in NO WAY easier then dirt. Dont need to maintain ph allt he time, dont need to worry about PERFECT nute levels Dont need to worry about water temp, ppm. hydro is way cheaper then dirt? Im not even gonna answer that stupid remake. I hope you havnt been giving that advice out in all your 1400+ posts bc we might have a shortage of crop this year.

Although all I agree that yeilds are much better in water vs dirt... if u know what your doing. Hydro is more work is does cost more to build and operate. more difficult then dirt (although not to hard for 1st timers) If you want to learn more about growing i would start with dirt hands down. much harder to fuck up and you can go through some trial and error shit without having to worry about ur baby dying. once you get the basics and understand what your doing then you can move to hydro, but start with dirt for now.


Well-Known Member
before using any organic feed do ya home work check the product out see wat certifications it has got as they ar hard to get they have to go through loads of tests to get certified organic


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Guess you soil guys that dont do hydro dont understand the speed of aero/hydro. Figure you veg no more then 10 days in aero or at least I do to finish under 4 foot plants. I flower 12/12 5 weeks then harvest. Now you already have your next round vegged and waiting ion a veg setup.Then flower5 weeks so your at 11 weeks then you put the 3 rd round in from your veg machine and are on the 3 rd round at week 11 and by week 16 you ve done 3 full grows harvested.In soil to get 4 foot plants I have to veg close to 30-45 days then flower 9-13 weeks so thats 14-18 weeks. pretty simple math there guess you just never grew aero before.Now if your grow soil out doors well that a ton moree crops.Im used to minimum dozen harvests a year so Im used to the speed.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Also as far as work not sure how you would think soil is less work.I know my aero I maybe have to put in 5 minutes a day max then every 2 weeks 15 minutes to change a res.Soil if you get an issue you cant correct it over night.Soil ph is longer and harder to adjust or read. You have to also test water and soil ph in soil grows.In hydro a quick dip of the pen and your done no run off or soil tests. Soil if you leave it for more then a few days it will dry out. In aero.hydro you have a pump on a timer doing the work and a backup pump is put in in case first fails the second will trigger on.Ph and ppm if you ve done hydro are easy to maintain and control as you know what your strains do how much they drink or feed in a particular sized res.Its plug and go with aero/hydro..Guess alot depends on how many different ways you grow.After doing pretty much everything but a fogger grow aero has been the easiest least work intensive way to grow. Its so simple and no time needed nothing compares and the tatse is much cleaner then soils not as heavy and can be controled if wanted. Someone said soil and bacteria interaction cant be done in hydro thats wrong as you can introduce enzymes and bacterias like Dr Hornsby that do the same culturing as in soil


Well-Known Member
yea you can do same wi soil if ya two or three room set up dude as far as taking ya plants at 5 week yea they have thc on but not ready i sumtimes chop 1 at 6 week if running low but their not ready try leaving a bit longer dude any fool can chop a plant at 5 week


Well-Known Member
i go amsterdam a lot where i can look at setups growing weed soil hydro aero done properly think you should take a trip out their too


Well-Known Member
I think filthy just does clones from the sound of it. I believe aero is faster in veging, and might help with flowering for sure, but I think at the end of it, if things are both being done right aero might be done a week or 2 quicker because of the veg stage.

wish i could try one of them buds of yours filthy, to see what kind of punch they pack.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
neither method is better it depends on what you want from a crop. most personal growers i know use soil for there smoke. most people i know who grow for profit generally go hydro:peace:


Well-Known Member
I would love to go soil, but the time and yield doesn't impress me much. It's just for me but I'm a smoker for sure and need a lot of bud on just a few plants.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i prefer soil for taste and bud density the 1 thing hydro looses badly on is the loss of microbiological interaction beetween the plant and the soil this is very important nutrient uptake and a host of other. benefits are enhaced this way. plants have addapted to this type of enviroment for 1000s of years it just makes sense to me. it is personal choice neither is hands down better than the other 'to each his own':peace:


Well-Known Member
i prefer soil for taste and bud density the 1 thing hydro looses badly on is the loss of microbiological interaction beetween the plant and the soil this is very important nutrient uptake and a host of other. benefits are enhaced this way. plants have addapted to this type of enviroment for 1000s of years it just makes sense to me. it is personal choice neither is hands down better than the other 'to each his own':peace:
i think its all how u grow it man, bc i prefer the smoke from hydro vs dirt hands down. I have grown indoor outdoor, green house, hydro and dirt and i would say that over all hydro is much better if u have the time to spend


Well-Known Member
I use MG soil and MG nutes and people say not to use it cuz it will cause alot of problums but I have been feeding my girls 20-20-20 every watering and I have never got any nute lock up or even nute burn, I'm using CFL lights and it seems like when I feed my girls the soil goes bone dry in almost 2 days but just water it takes 3 days


Well-Known Member
haha, it should go on for a while but thats what im looking for, or until I put my first seed in whatever medium it may find it self in.

But the flavor, is the flavor of the bud a huge diff from soil to hydro?

makes me think about the taste of wild chicken eggs compared to homegrown corn fed chickens. :peace: