
Active Member
Come march on the DA's office in a demonstration against UNINFORMED, UNETHICAL and SELFISH attacks against the marijuana community and her raids against the medical dispensaries in San Diego. Bonnie Dumanis has repeatedly shown that she opposes medical marijuana, and designed the raids to have the greatest possible shock value for the medical community.

While opoerating under the guise of stopping some "bad apple" dispensaries, she has aimed a deliberate attack on the marijuana community as a whole.

Don't just sit there and hope you don't get busted, come march and protest with us this wednesday september 16th. We will meet at the corner of N Harbor and W Broadway @ noon, and march to the DA's office from there.

We are not blocking the streets, traffic. If cars need to use driveways, please allow them. This is a lawful and peaceful protest. More than anything, please keep any medicating discreet and away from the protest itself, as we don't want to send the wrong image to the public, and we are expecting media attention.

If there are any police there, please let the protest organizers handle them.

Lastly, please bring signs! You don't have to, but they're a great way to display your message and feelings about Bonnie Dumanis' actions that people can see from afar.


Uses the Rollitup profile
I published this on the ASA list server for San Diego, and I saw it was posted on the CANORML list server. Also, it was mentioned at the dispensary owners meeting yesterday. I'll try to be there.

Excellent job!



Active Member
We had a good turnout of both supporters and media.

Thanks to everyone that helped make this happen. Thanks to the guys at ASA and NORML that had emails sent out,, weedmaps, the media and everyone else who showed up and helped spread the word.

Alex Lewis


Active Member
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for medical marijuana, but I have to say that some of the places they busted were pretty sketchy. Atleast 3, maybe more of the places that got shut down, were very unprofessional, and I have overheard some of the owners talking about tweek, and other drugs. That is not the kind of environment I like to go to to get my meds. I don't know if they were all as bad, but those kinds of places send out the wrong message. They make us look bad. This should be something that helps better the collectives we do have. I like a professional, clean environment, so I hope the remaining collectives start cracking down and improving. Let's lead by example, show the community and police, that we can operate legally and legit. Show them we are more than "drug dealers". I hope the places that got shutdown can improve their conduct, and start anew. Good luck, I'm fighting for you.