"Proud Boys" face the music!

Yes, I think a 5-4 split is leagues better than a 6-3 split that favors conservatives. Assuming they aren't just voting according to their tribe, convincing one conservative member to vote with the progressive faction is much more likely than two. Also, having a man with his gravitas and steady hand within the court. Seems to me Merrick Garland would have much more influence within the court than lightweights like Thomas or Kavanaugh have. With 6-3 in their favor, those two don't need to make nearly as much of a case as they would if the numbers were 5-4. I think Garland could have made a very good SCOTUS judge and not just because he adds just one more judge to the Progressive side.
I certainly agree that Garland would have been very good, so not doubting that at all. I have been trying to find more in depth information about how your Supreme Court actually works to see if all the media attention has made me more biased. I haven't been able to find much that explains how often the judges deliberate with each other, or who is the most influential, etc. I did come across an NYT article from 2021 that discussed how often each of the judges vote with the majority when it was split and was surprised that it was Kavanaugh. While that article was from a couple of years ago, it and the other writings I could find lead me to believe it's not as bad as I thought it was. I do believe it would be way better if Thomas and Alito were replaced though. I know it's not my Supreme Court, but we up here seem to follow youse down there, even when it doesn't make sense.

In his entire tenure, which started in 2018, Justice Kavanaugh has been in the majority 85 percent of the time, the highest rate of any justice since 1953.
“Kavanaugh’s record of voting with the majority in divided cases is extraordinary,” Professor Epstein said.
The two other Trump appointees are not far behind. Justice Barrett is second, having voted with the majority 82 percent of the time this term. And Justice Neil M. Gorsuch tied for third with Justice Elena Kagan, a member of the court’s liberal wing, at 80 percent. Justice Kagan’s rate of voting with the majority jumped 12 percentage points since last term.

By contrast, Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., a conservative who might have thought that his views would be embraced by his new colleagues, was in the majority in divided cases just 36 percent of the time.
I certainly agree that Garland would have been very good, so not doubting that at all. I have been trying to find more in depth information about how your Supreme Court actually works to see if all the media attention has made me more biased. I haven't been able to find much that explains how often the judges deliberate with each other, or who is the most influential, etc. I did come across an NYT article from 2021 that discussed how often each of the judges vote with the majority when it was split and was surprised that it was Kavanaugh. While that article was from a couple of years ago, it and the other writings I could find lead me to believe it's not as bad as I thought it was. I do believe it would be way better if Thomas and Alito were replaced though. I know it's not my Supreme Court, but we up here seem to follow youse down there, even when it doesn't make sense.

In his entire tenure, which started in 2018, Justice Kavanaugh has been in the majority 85 percent of the time, the highest rate of any justice since 1953.
“Kavanaugh’s record of voting with the majority in divided cases is extraordinary,” Professor Epstein said.
The two other Trump appointees are not far behind. Justice Barrett is second, having voted with the majority 82 percent of the time this term. And Justice Neil M. Gorsuch tied for third with Justice Elena Kagan, a member of the court’s liberal wing, at 80 percent. Justice Kagan’s rate of voting with the majority jumped 12 percentage points since last term.

By contrast, Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., a conservative who might have thought that his views would be embraced by his new colleagues, was in the majority in divided cases just 36 percent of the time.
Until now, the US public (those who were happy to ignore it because roe v wade was still in effect) didn't pay much attention to the SCOTUS either. But we do pay attention now. What's going on is untenable. I don't even mean their right wing bent. That will be corrected over time. The obvious and illegal accepting of unreported gifts to Thomas and Justice Robert's lack of action regarding those acts. That's untenable and will be addressed one way or another. As described by one journalist, Republicans have caught the car when it comes to this right wing court. They can't let go and can't hold on. The public are going to punish them for what they managed to do. 2024 will be reveal how far Republicans were dragged down the road by that car.
Until now, the US public (those who were happy to ignore it because roe v wade was still in effect) didn't pay much attention to the SCOTUS either. But we do pay attention now. What's going on is untenable. I don't even mean their right wing bent. That will be corrected over time. The obvious and illegal accepting of unreported gifts to Thomas and Justice Robert's lack of action regarding those acts. That's untenable and will be addressed one way or another. As described by one journalist, Republicans have caught the car when it comes to this right wing court. They can't let go and can't hold on. The public are going to punish them for what they managed to do. 2024 will be reveal how far Republicans were dragged down the road by that car.
My biggest concern is voting rights and gerrymandering, as that has the potential to cause permanent damage. That kind of change can spread quick and far. I really, really hope that more people pay attention to what's happening and exercise their right to vote in 2024. I don't believe SCOTUS would throw an election but can see a day that wouldn't be needed. I hope you're right about the public punishing them.

"We have some inklings based on decisions that the Roberts court has rendered on voting rights, and we know the conservative bloc is less supportive of expansive voting rights. They are more tolerant of partisan gerrymandering; they were willing to strike down portions of the Voting Rights Act in 2013. So the expectation is that this is not a court that is going to be friendly to voting rights."
Merrick Garland is the butt of complaints but he kicks ass.

If Garland had been quicker to put these men on trial, would he still have had his string of successes in court? That's a rhetorical question, I don't think we can say for sure one way or the other. People have been impatient and said a lot of harsh things about Garland. But he won today. He won.

Tarrio and three others stand convicted of what we all knew they did -- conspiracy to commit insurrection. Media pundits left and right trembled when Garland pressed those charges. "Too hard to prove" they said. But 2-plus years after the Jan 6 insurrection, Tarrio and three other leaders in the Proud Boys fascist gang were convicted of that crime. That conviction and convictions of the same crime in two other trial of people who were Tarrio's co-conspirators stand convicted of the same crime. Those convictions are a warning shot for radicals in Congress, Trump and fascist leaders who have taken control of government in some states. They might not be so eager to make another attempt at a coup. US democracy is a little safer today than it was yesterday. In hindsight, I ask Garland's detractors, what harm was done by Garland's painstakingly slow pace?

You know who you are. You complained about how long it was taking. Put up or shut up. Tell us. Given the benefit of 20:20 hindsight, were you right to complain?

On a different take, imagine how much better off the US, US democracy and the standing of the Supreme Court would be if Garland had been confirmed as a Supreme Court Judge instead of Neal Gorsuch?
I said if he ever indicts anyone...and i guess THE bottom men on the totem poll still count...so he's not a gutless wonder...he just looks, acts, and sounds like one...i wonder how much longer it till take to indict anyone whose conviction will actually slow the republicans down?
Yes, I think a 5-4 split is leagues better than a 6-3 split that favors conservatives. Assuming they aren't just voting according to their tribe, convincing one conservative member to vote with the progressive faction is much more likely than two. Also, having a man with his gravitas and steady hand within the court. Seems to me Merrick Garland would have much more influence within the court than lightweights like Thomas or Kavanaugh have. With 6-3 in their favor, those two don't need to make nearly as much of a case as they would if the numbers were 5-4. I think Garland could have made a very good SCOTUS judge and not just because he adds just one more judge to the Progressive side.
I don't think it is likely, but it isn't outside the realm of possibility that the conservative "justices" have decided that when it makes no difference, one of their members will dissent from the others, to make them all seem more palatable over time..."the supreme court just took away our right to self determination." ..."yes, but at least "insert perjurer's name here" dissented." ....
Nordean was known for frequenting Portland and fighting "Antifa" throughout those dark years when Trump used Portland as a training ground for his paramilitary goons. He's gone now, sentenced to 18 years in federal prison. He cried like a baby when he realized that his beloved leader Trump used him like he was a fuck doll and left him when he was through.

"We are now and always have been on our own. So glad he was able to pardon a bunch of degenerates as his last move and s--- on us on the way out," Nordean said in an expletive-laden message about the former president. "F--- you trump you left us on [t]he battle field bloody and alone."

These effing Proud Boys. He can't accept he's doing time for the crimes HE committed. HE conspired with Trump and others to overthrow our election and blames Trump for the accountability HE faces due to HIS actions. Manbabies, all. I don't expect that he will serve all 18 years but 10 years without seeing his mug in the PNW is just fine with me.

Nordean was known for frequenting Portland and fighting "Antifa" throughout those dark years when Trump used Portland as a training ground for his paramilitary goons. He's gone now, sentenced to 18 years in federal prison. He cried like a baby when he realized that his beloved leader Trump used him like he was a fuck doll and left him when he was through.

"We are now and always have been on our own. So glad he was able to pardon a bunch of degenerates as his last move and s--- on us on the way out," Nordean said in an expletive-laden message about the former president. "F--- you trump you left us on [t]he battle field bloody and alone."

These effing Proud Boys. He can't accept he's doing time for the crimes HE committed. HE conspired with Trump and others to overthrow our election and blames Trump for the accountability HE faces due to HIS actions. Manbabies, all. I don't expect that he will serve all 18 years but 10 years without seeing his mug in the PNW is just fine with me.

He'll come out a changed man! Or at least a less anally retentive one. If he thinks he's pissed off now, wait until he meets his cellmate!
Nordean was known for frequenting Portland and fighting "Antifa" throughout those dark years when Trump used Portland as a training ground for his paramilitary goons. He's gone now, sentenced to 18 years in federal prison. He cried like a baby when he realized that his beloved leader Trump used him like he was a fuck doll and left him when he was through.

"We are now and always have been on our own. So glad he was able to pardon a bunch of degenerates as his last move and s--- on us on the way out," Nordean said in an expletive-laden message about the former president. "F--- you trump you left us on [t]he battle field bloody and alone."

These effing Proud Boys. He can't accept he's doing time for the crimes HE committed. HE conspired with Trump and others to overthrow our election and blames Trump for the accountability HE faces due to HIS actions. Manbabies, all. I don't expect that he will serve all 18 years but 10 years without seeing his mug in the PNW is just fine with me.

These convictions and other indictments against those who make death threats are having an effect of calming them down I think, they don't feel their white privilege as keenly as before. I don't think we will see much trouble at the Trump trials, and someone will put a big screen TV for his fans that show up in front of the courthouse in Georgia. Trump has been constantly whining and trying to exhort his fans to action through his muzzle, he's a one trick pony and this is it. He has had better luck bullying Kevin's house and some clowns in Georgia, but it will do him no good.

All these clowns will be thrown under the bus and won't get a dime of the hundreds of millions he raised for his defense. Most of his coconspirators in Georgia are broke and desperate which could lead to guilty pleas and early trials for the majority of them. Everybody who has an early trial will blame Trump and if there are enough wanting an early trial, everybody goes, but they will need to do them in batches.
These convictions and other indictments against those who make death threats are having an effect of calming them down I think, they don't feel their white privilege as keenly as before. I don't think we will see much trouble at the Trump trials, and someone will put a big screen TV for his fans that show up in front of the courthouse in Georgia. Trump has been constantly whining and trying to exhort his fans to action through his muzzle, he's a one trick pony and this is it. He has had better luck bullying Kevin's house and some clowns in Georgia, but it will do him no good.

All these clowns will be thrown under the bus and won't get a dime of the hundreds of millions he raised for his defense. Most of his coconspirators in Georgia are broke and desperate which could lead to guilty pleas and early trials for the majority of them. Everybody who has an early trial will blame Trump and if there are enough wanting an early trial, everybody goes, but they will need to do them in batches.
They're still doing what fascists do, for now, they are staying away from insurrection but they are still doing harm. For now, they are content to menace members of the LGBTQ community.

Before the attack of January 6, the Proud Boys were known for clashing with anti-fascist activists and showing up at former President Donald Trump’s political rallies.

Since then, they have avoided national attention and focused on local protests in defense of conservative causes.
They initially targeted vaccine mandates, the teaching of critical race theory in public schools and abortion rights.
But those issues didn’t have the “staying power” that the Proud Boys were seeking, said Sam Jones, head of communications at the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED).

“Then in 2022, for reasons that we're still teasing out, there was this perfect storm of a focus on demonizing the trans community in particular, but the LGBTQ community at large,” Jones said in an interview with VOA.

ACLED’s research captures the dramatic rise in anti-LGBT+ mobilization over the past three years: 17 incidents in 2020, 65 in 2021 and 241 in 2022.
The Proud Boys were involved in 58 anti-LGBTQ demonstrations last year, up from 13 the previous year.

The figures include protests, violent demonstrations and political violence.

Fostering sexual anxiety is a fascist theme. They fit right in with anti-woke right wing attacks on minority groups. They found a home for now and are biding their time.
They're still doing what fascists do, for now, they are staying away from insurrection but they are still doing harm. For now, they are content to menace members of the LGBTQ community.

Before the attack of January 6, the Proud Boys were known for clashing with anti-fascist activists and showing up at former President Donald Trump’s political rallies.

Since then, they have avoided national attention and focused on local protests in defense of conservative causes.
They initially targeted vaccine mandates, the teaching of critical race theory in public schools and abortion rights.
But those issues didn’t have the “staying power” that the Proud Boys were seeking, said Sam Jones, head of communications at the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED).

“Then in 2022, for reasons that we're still teasing out, there was this perfect storm of a focus on demonizing the trans community in particular, but the LGBTQ community at large,” Jones said in an interview with VOA.

ACLED’s research captures the dramatic rise in anti-LGBT+ mobilization over the past three years: 17 incidents in 2020, 65 in 2021 and 241 in 2022.
The Proud Boys were involved in 58 anti-LGBTQ demonstrations last year, up from 13 the previous year.

The figures include protests, violent demonstrations and political violence.

Fostering sexual anxiety is a fascist theme. They fit right in with anti-woke right wing attacks on minority groups. They found a home for now and are biding their time.
The irony of LGBTQ+ groups hijacking the Proud Boys brand is one of the more delicious events in this entire affair.

Just watching PBS Newshour where not so proud boy Tarrio just sentenced to 22 years but can't find the article online yet.

Kaboom mofo! Looks good on 'em.

I've been waiting for this day ever since that goon put his mug in the news in Portland well before Jan 6.

Feds Indict Proud Boys Who Paraded Through Portland on Seditious Conspiracy Charges for D.C. Plot
Enrique Tarrio organized multiple Portland events in support of then-President Donald Trump.

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I wonder how in this image are in jail now?

I bet those pricks and all the other right wing-nuts will thinking hard before trying stunts like that again. As much as they are capable of thinking.

How many are showing up these days prepared to raise hell to support their cult leader now. SFA so far.

I bet those pricks and all the other right wing-nuts will thinking hard before trying stunts like that again. As much as they are capable of thinking.

How many are showing up these days prepared to raise hell to support their cult leader now. SFA so far.

I dunno. The derangement that had them do it once could have the survivors do it again.