

have large outdoor plants,4 weeks into flowering, on bottom and inside are small to tiny limbs and buds, is ok to remove them to try and send more to large flowers, just not sure if this is ok, if they were younger or not in flower i wouldn't be concerned, figured someone would know or has tried this

thank you for any help


Active Member
you can remove all that unwanted growth, more energy and nutes will go to remaining material. i do this at times, just feels like wasted energy on tiny unwanted twigs.


Well-Known Member
just remember if you remove more than 10 to 20 percent of the plat it may go into shock and take time to recover. sometimes its best to leave her alon and let her do her thing but you can cut them to boost cola groth


just remember if you remove more than 10 to 20 percent of the plat it may go into shock and take time to recover. sometimes its best to leave her alon and let her do her thing but you can cut them to boost cola groth
there is not that much i want to remove, just real tiny flowers and a couple little limbs, just wasn't sure if i could do it without hurting plant or larger flowers, would much rather have nutes going to big flowers than little tiny ones, thank you for reply


you can remove all that unwanted growth, more energy and nutes will go to remaining material. i do this at times, just feels like wasted energy on tiny unwanted twigs.
that is the way i was thinking also, send it to big flowers,they are about 16-18 "s long and 2"s across rigth now, look really healthy, will post some pics soon,will look you up when i do, thank you for reply


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's a tough one.
Just remember, flowering cannabis usually drains nutrients from bottom vegetation toward the end.
I've read many trim the bottom 3rd of the entire plant(s) later in veg.


Yeah, it's a tough one.
Just remember, flowering cannabis usually drains nutrients from bottom vegetation toward the end.
I've read many trim the bottom 3rd of the entire plant(s) later in veg.
so you are saying that towards end of flowering, that lower and smaller branches and flowers help supply nutrients to upper flowers, i have never read or heard that before, interesting, would like to learn more about this,
thank you for reply


Well-Known Member
As I understand things, this ^^^^ would account for the yellowing and necrosis later in flowering.


Active Member
Yeah, it's a tough one.
Just remember, flowering cannabis usually drains nutrients from bottom vegetation toward the end.
I've read many trim the bottom 3rd of the entire plant(s) later in veg.
yeah mine are yellowing now. brings up another question...remove the yellowing ones because they are drained, and sapping nutes that would be going to the buds? i think as long as your not cutting a ton off your good, ive never had problems with removal of small twigs. or even drained fan leaves. i dont cut alot though either...


Active Member
just remember if you remove more than 10 to 20 percent of the plat it may go into shock and take time to recover. sometimes its best to leave her alon and let her do her thing but you can cut them to boost cola groth
doesnt a bit of stress produce more resin? seems to me it does, very frosty early on in flower, like gumdrops.


doesnt a bit of stress produce more resin? seems to me it does, very frosty early on in flower, like gumdrops.
my two big plants started yellowing about a week in to flowering and yellow has got alot worse as flowers have got larger, so i do think you are right about possibly pulling from other parts of plant, especially over past 10 days-2 weeks alot of yellow, but flowers look healthy and are really increasing in size,here are a couple pics of flowers and 1 of the plants that have yellowing, the other one is same strain and doing same thing other 3 have just very little yellowing,what kind of has me concerned is about 4 - 5 weeks before done and is it going to finish ok with that much yellowing and loss of fan leaves, not sore what i could do or leave them alone



Well-Known Member
my two big plants started yellowing about a week in to flowering and yellow has got alot worse as flowers have got larger, so i do think you are right about possibly pulling from other parts of plant, especially over past 10 days-2 weeks alot of yellow, but flowers look healthy and are really increasing in size,here are a couple pics of flowers and 1 of the plants that have yellowing, the other one is same strain and doing same thing other 3 have just very little yellowing,what kind of has me concerned is about 4 - 5 weeks before done and is it going to finish ok with that much yellowing and loss of fan leaves, not sore what i could do or leave them alone

Holy shit dude! Those are some beautiful plants! Nice fat nugs! They'll be huge come harvest timebongsmilie