Pruning and a question


I'm still very new to growing(wish the UK would de-criminalize green so I wouldn't feel so bad) just want to know how I should be pruning? I have 3 plants, as of yet haven't determined the sexes, waiting for the clones to be strong, in the mean time what do I do with these BIG ASS leaves!?!? cut them or leave em? Also I've heard somewhere where about alternating and non-alternating nodes? any importance? all my babies are non-alternating, symetrical as a freaking mirror. Variety is WoS AK - Med collection



Well-Known Member
I haven't pruned mine at all, I have read that a lot of people don't prune.
I also am looking for a more forward answer with this.


I was just thinking to get some new hydro pots and space them out further so the won't shade each other, just praying for a girl :)


Active Member
the only reason you would need to cut off some fan leaves would be so light can get to the smaller plants, or the internodes near the bottom.