pruning during flower


Rebel From The North
dude those look great and prunning now wouldnt in my opion be a good move, just leave them alone and
reap the rewards. toping would be a way of geting what you want but your to far along to do this.
If those plant are all in different pots(which I'm assuming they are) you should just move them around a little so each plant gets even lighting. I heard somewhere to put the smallest plants directly under the light. And have the biggest 1s on the outside


Well-Known Member
the more foliage you have = more energy absorbed>>>more energy for buds. i woulnt prune either... well actually maybe cutting a fan leaf or two; so that light can reach more bud sights.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't touch them, Your way too far in to do any major pruning. If u have any larfy shit on bottoms that isn't getting any light that would be ok... and I would definitely move them around like ThcSinMe mentioned. Peace & Happy Gardening.