Sorry if this has already been answered. I have some White Russina girls in a ebba nd flow table. I should have waited to start them unitl my flower room was close to being empty, but I messed up. They are about 10-12" tall right now, and it looks like they will need to stay in veg. for at least another 3 weeks, maybe 4. So it seems they are going to turn into monsters in the flower room, and I simply don't have the height with them being on ebb and flow tables. I already pruned the top off them once, first time i've ever done that.
So here's the question: Can I do it again? How many times can i top it while it's in veg.? Does it matter how long I wait between pruning? Any other tips would be appreciated.
So here's the question: Can I do it again? How many times can i top it while it's in veg.? Does it matter how long I wait between pruning? Any other tips would be appreciated.