

Active Member
This is my 1st grow set up

1 400 HPS
2 oscillating fans
1 dehumidifier

I have 4 Jack & 2 AK47. Needless to say I have many things I will do differently next time. However, I am very pleased with the progress of my plants. All are ladies and have been flowering for 32 days now. I did not prune, all are Xmas tree shaped. My growspace is an unused shower in a downstairs bathroom, probably 2.5" x 3.25". I have a 100 HPS ballast and bulb but the heat was too much too contain. Being my 1st grow, I got nervous leaving the house with the room so hot. Even with the fans the temp was around 95 degrees. The room is so small that it is like a sauna though. With the 400 HPS it maintains a daylight temp of about 78-80 degrees. I have a seperate vegg room where I just started germinating 10 PPP & 10 Snow White, all feminized. I chose these plants because of similarity in height. I am confused on pruning for increased yields as I have not been able to find any illustrations. Any advice on how to maximize yield for my next grow? Also, i have been using FoxFarm nutes and growing in organic soil. I assume I have about 5-6 weeks left until harvest. Can I expect the flowers to swell at a rapid rate from here on out?
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Well-Known Member
Next time,you might wanna try this Go to source: GROWFAQ for increased tops.
Just noticed you're (allegedly)in No. Va . . . spent my first 19 years in Vienna. Nice little town. Visited Sterling/Leesburg last autumn. Lots of traffic!
As for topping, it works great but it's also impossible to really teach it . . . more of a practiced skill. Look at this little shit. It's about 24" by 24" and only 11" tall . . . 21 days into budding.



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Active Member
beautiful! My question more is for pruning branches. I am happy with what is already happening. I understand topping but as my plants grew, I realized what I thought was the anatomy of the plant...really wasn't. I am uploading some pics so I should post soon. I would love to get some comments or tips. I reference this site often for tips. Most of my current plants stopped growing in height at about 14" except fot one that just made my light managing a challenge. Any suggestions on the lighting? Thanks!
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Well-Known Member
Can't really help you with lighting ideas, but you could maybe bend and tie down the offending growth?