
Well-Known Member
So it's suppose to be released on nov 12. I missed out on the pre-order. I'm thinking about logging in to account @ 11:40 day before and keep refreshing every 5 mins until it's available. What are you guys thinking that want a Ps5.
I'd like one but it just isn't feasible for me since I just got a PS4 to play FF7 Remake.

I know I'll eventually have to get a PS5 to play the rest of the FF7 Remake when it gets released but it's not a high priority.
I never got a new console during the launch but always waited a couple of months and I think am gonna do the same with PS5. The first big exclusive games (Ratchet and Clank, Horizon 2...) are not coming out until next year anyway. Am really looking forward to it though, the new controller looks awesome. Just a bit worried about the size of SSD as only 670GB is available for games and considering that for example new Call Of Duty is gonna take 130GB on day one... well, that doesn't look good.

I totally oversighted the bugs but good point. With the current model it seems like the first bulky ps4 they released. They more than likely will release a ps5 pro model. I can't wait for horizon 2 that game looks awesome, I really enjoyed the first one. If anyone is interested Walmart is doing staged roll outs, The first one is today @ 12 pm est.
PC gaming>console by miles and always will. Specially for games that require wide FOV like FPS games. All you get on consoles is watered down graphics and performance.
pc+consoles is the way to true enlightenment and satisfaction
there will always be a few gems that never get ported between them, and there will always be friends to play with that are only on one or the other
I started with pc games for fps you get better precision. I use to play cod people thought I was cheating.
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im super stoked for ps5, however im still playing with my modded ps4 i have over 1600 titles in my current library. i will buy the ps5 sony now has a bug bounty program where people get paid for disclosing kernel exploits and webkit exploits. i found it very amusing that sony did not include a web browser on the ps5 saying its not needed on a console anymore in actuality there so afraid of people being able to play backups on the ps5 they opted to not include a web browser. similar approach to when the ps4 was initially released the ps4 did not initially include support for external hard drives because they again were afraid of people playing backups off an external drive like on the ps3. sonys bug bounty program will back fire i think due to more exploits being found for money and then later being disclosed after being patched.
I initially said screw a preorder they'll be plenty. Now I have one for retail nearly 3 months after release, I will never say that again! The skinny? No bugs, no bricking, flawlessly fast! Excellent 4K UHD disc playback. Not worth a penny over MSRP though.