Psilocybe galindoi


Well-Known Member
Started these little over 2 weeks ago. This was a MS inoculation from a syringe I picked up from Sporeworks during a promotion they were running this past summer. Still a long way from sclerotia. Most of the reports I read about this species say it takes forever, but these are colonizing fairly quickly for me. Another week and another shake and they will probably be just about fully colonized. Plan on harvesting whatever sclerotia I can and possibly spawning the remainder of the grain. Need to look into it a little more whether it is advisable or not to spawn it after picking through it and pulling
out the stones.



Well-Known Member
Started these little over 2 weeks ago. This was a MS inoculation from a syringe I picked up from Sporeworks during a promotion they were running this past summer. Still a long way from sclerotia. Most of the reports I read about this species say it takes forever, but these are colonizing fairly quickly for me. Another week and another shake and they will probably be just about fully colonized. Plan on harvesting whatever sclerotia I can and possibly spawning the remainder of the grain. Need to look into it a little more whether it is advisable or not to spawn it after picking through it and pulling
out the stones.

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It works well enough... and... what the hell else are you going to do with the spawn (or whatever it is called in this case)


Well-Known Member
Jars have been fully colonized for about a week now. Now the waiting begins. I'm fairly patient, you almost have to be with this hobby, so just going to let them do their thing until I have some nice sized stones. I ate pans once many years ago, but other than that, I've only ever eaten cubes, so I am very interested in how the trip differs from cubensis. The ratio of active alkaloids varies slightly from species to species, so there are subtle (and highly subjective), effects from species to species.

I forgot to mention, these are psilocybe galindoi ATL#7 "Large Sclerotia."



Well-Known Member
Sorry if this is a few stupid question but ive been looking up sclerotia and from the best explanation ive found is on shroomery

What is it ?
A sclerotium (plural: sclerotia) is a hardened mass of mycelium which is more resistant to adverse environmental conditions than normal mycelium.
Sclerotia form from the mycelium of certain mushroom species as a defense mechanism against dryness, cold, heat, or excessive moisture. Sclerotia contain approximately 30% dry matter. The potency of dry sclerotia is around 2/3 that of dry Psilocybe cubensis fruitbodies.

So you spawn to grain and the sclerotium grows and hardens into these "stones", you then empty your grain and pick the stones out and dry/eat them. Fresh they are more potent then mushrooms but dried they are less makes sense. So unless someone is growing them just for the fun of it/wants to see what they are like then what is the point? Is there certain types of mushrooms that grow sclerotia better than forming mushrooms?

Its a interesting thing to see and i would probably try it but im just curious what the pros/cons are of this method.

Oh and anything you would of done different so you could spawn the grain after into mushrooms?


Well-Known Member
Sorry if this is a few stupid question but ive been looking up sclerotia and from the best explanation ive found is on shroomery


So you spawn to grain and the sclerotium grows and hardens into these "stones", you then empty your grain and pick the stones out and dry/eat them. Fresh they are more potent then mushrooms but dried they are less makes sense. So unless someone is growing them just for the fun of it/wants to see what they are like then what is the point? Is there certain types of mushrooms that grow sclerotia better than forming mushrooms?

Its a interesting thing to see and i would probably try it but im just curious what the pros/cons are of this method.

Oh and anything you would of done different so you could spawn the grain after into mushrooms?
You don't spawn to grain. Like any grain jar, you inoculate it. Either with spores, culture, or living tissue. I never ate them before, but the consensus is that they are slightly less potent than dry cubes. I'm growing them for something to do. Once I pick through a cover the stones, I plan on using the remaining material to spawn to manure.

Well, the cons are they take a long time. The pros are that they take little effort. If you work weird schedule and are gone long periods of time, sclerotia are probably the best thing to grow. No fruiting chamber, no misting, no checking RH. You can pretty much inoculate those jars, sit them in a closet and come back in 2-3 months and gather your stones.

To my knowledge, there are 3 main types of sclerotia species



Well-Known Member
Ok that clears it up a lot. So when people mention "truffles" they are actually sclerotia. Using this method is there limits to the size of container? Ie anything thing that you can fit in a PC would work?

Cant wait to see how it works out. Ive been looking at the trips on it and none mention stomach discomfort so might be worth a try becuase sometimes the discomfort lasts a bit too long for me.


Well-Known Member
Have you ever made a tea? Grind your whole mushrooms into a powder and cover with about a cup of near boiling water. Let it steep for about 10-15 minutes and mix a few times. Strain, disgarding the solids, and add your desired flavoring. I add a little lemon juice to the water before I heat it. I hear lowering the pH of the solution helps dissolve the alkaloids better. At the very least, it helps mask some of that gross flavor.


Well-Known Member
Ive never made tea but i assume getting rid of the soilds from the mushrooms would help with stomach problems then? or atleast bring them down a bit. My old method was just making a powder and mixing in OJ which gives the fast come up and the stomach problems dont last as long when chewed them. Ground up in OJ i experience visuals a lot more which i suspect is from getting a bigger release in a shorter time. I have 8grams for our next trip so i think ill go with the tea method. Ive just always avoided it because i worry about screwing it up. I keep looking for the best temperature but i cant seem to find one, ill be adding ginger and mint and lemon to help. Have you tried steeping the mushrooms again after the first cup?

I hate the first taste of mushrooms but by the end i kind of enjoy it.
Honestly I just put them on a piece of pizza, burger, chop them up on steak... food really masks the flavor and you still trip hard. I put them on a cinnamon bun once, I didn't taste them at all, the texture was just very weird...


Well-Known Member
There isn't really anything to screw up unless you heat it too long. That's why I just pour the near boiling water over them. I've actually done it with cool water out camping once and it worked just fine. The main thing is to grind them up as fine as possible. Psilocybin and its "friends" are highly soluble in water. I don't really get much stomach problems, just a little gas. The tea pretty much eliminates that. I find that it is a quicker onset too.

I like the ritual of making the tea. Measure out the dose, grinding them up, deciding on the flavoring, brewing, and distributing it amongst friends. Ginger, lemon, and mint sounds like a great combination. Try adding a little sugar too.


Well-Known Member
Some say the high is different, I am one of those. It is stronger when fresh because it is only 70 percent water. It is weaker when dry but that all depends upon the species itself. Some have found that they tend to lose potency faster than fruit, i feel that is the case as well.

Mexicana and some of the others are naturaly different, they have different rations of mind altering constitants and so they can give you a surprisingly different buzz. I found that the mexicana is less confusing than cubensis.

Those who grow specificly for cluster headaches would do well to work up a method for themselves, it is an easy grow to hide, it is easy to grow at all, needing no light, no humidity and no air exchanges other than the natural ones through your breathing hole.

In short, if you are not intereseted in the art of cannopies then I highly advise one to put together a couple of dozen jars. Your yield can be anything from tiny to pretty damn sensational but it is still for someone who indulges on a seldom basis.


Well-Known Member
So what do you guys think? It's been a little over 3 months now. Like everything else, they seem like they have been going slow with this winter that won't end. I see
what looks like sclerotia pushing up on the glass, but I was expecting it to be darker. This is my first time with a sclerotia species so I have no idea.



Well-Known Member
Left hand two look pretty nice - give it another month. I don't know, there is something akin to the feeling of panning for gold in growing and recovering sclerotia. My crop failed. I have no idea why but I got a total of 2 gm dried per jar.

i have tried growing them in bags and there is something about hard surfaces that tends to trigger them, the bags just didin't do that well, but now, the jars aren't any better with the g strain.

good job.


Sonar I have been reading about this and just ordered a print. Could you provide a link to the tek? Also did you make a LC to knoc the jars ?

Canndo how do you know about cluster headaches ? I suffer from these and am suprised to find someone that knows about them since they are not very common.


Well-Known Member
No tek really. These are just regular rye spawn jars inoculated with spore solution. I'm a big fan of liquid culture, but in this case I just inoculated with spore solution.

I know this was directed about canndo, but are you currently suffering from cluster headaches and that is why you are looking into growing mushrooms? Yes, it is a very rare condition, but among the online mushroom growing community it is fairly common knowledge that small doses help provide some relief to this condition even though few suffer from it themselves.

If you just order the print now, until it arrives and you get everything going and am able to harvest stones, it might take months. If you have severe cluster headaches and want something that is going to help you a bit sooner, I would suggested picking up a syringe of cubensis. Make up some jars however you would like. Even a few pf tek style if you have to. I'm fairly certain that the mycelium alone would be enough to help you out until you get your stones. Drop one or two fully colonized pf tek jars in some warm water and let it soak for a few minutes and drink the mycelium tea. PM me if you would like if you have any more questions.


Thanks for all the info Sonar. I have read several of your posts over the past few months. I busted my last cycle and am currently in a remission period. While I do have a small stash stored away from growing cakes I am interested in trying to grow sclerotia. The fruiting chamber in my house is not so great. My child understands the need to grow these but I am worried about her friends.

I found a good tek on the shroomery on how to grow these. Grains are new to me so I wanted to find something that would spell it all out.


New Member
Late on the draw and perhaps a late bump. I am in early (pre-jar shake) Galindoi :) Wanted to thank you for sharing your info. Also I am a cluster (*left eye lol). It is a great variety for me - actually not a bad 1st var. for all the reasons mentioned through the thread , now that summer is upon us though I may suppliment. If anyone gets this, I too order through sporeworks so I can confirm they are a great vendor. Sonar my question is: How did they come out???? Do you have pics of your largest and smallest to get a rough idea of yield, and can you give the volume of the grain contents, and also a rough idea of days? (~120-180?) Thank you very much. Peace. J


New Member
PS I knoc'd w LC - if u ever need a high volume syrynge in a hurry those meat injector syringes work pretty awesome actually! Make sure u are in a sterile bag/box though because those meat injector syrynges have a carburator (air intake) on the needle tip sometimes, which affects sterility.
I am having a great response from my Galindoi, been between 2-3 weeks and time for a shake. :)Thanks again