

Active Member
google MHRB for bark sources, google MHRB stb extraction tek for instructions. but before you smoke it, be sure you understand what youre getting not make the mistake of thinking dmt is a party drug. its a very very sharp tool and you can cut yourself with it.


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever read the DMT experience where a guy smoked it 10 seconds before skydiving?

That shit would be NUTS. I've never done DMT, I hear its the most powerful of all psychedelics.

I find it hilarious how some people think psychedelics will enlighten them.

All spiritual enlightenment is is acceptance that we are ALL in the same way part of something MUCH larger than all of us and to live your life in full openness never to reject life's energies all in the midst of spreading love to all of existence.


Active Member
ya justanotherfriedday, hallucination is just hallucination. you still have to work for the enlightenment moment by moment.


Well-Known Member
exactly. although enlighten just means to give knowledge about a subject or situation, so i guess they are being enlightened to the world of altered brain receptors


Well-Known Member
spiritual enlightenment is completely different and no one can achieve that state permanently. we all NEED to escape into ourselves, sometimes. it's not like i smoke weed to alter someone else consciousness, it's my own.


Active Member
i think the psych experience mainly allows you to realize that there are many other ways of looking at things. that in itself is enlightening - the ability to change your perspective on something may be the ticket to figuring it out.


Well-Known Member
true. the first times i did shrooms with 2 buddies i realized there is NOTHING better in this world than genuine and heart felt HUMAN CONNECTION. good to learn early in life.


Well-Known Member
Here's some psychedelic ear candy for ya.

One of my favorite all time mixes. Pure sunshine. This is the good life put into music!



Well-Known Member
I suggest quality headphones and an headphone amp if ya got em! :) Sorry to take this thread off topic, but it's not too off topic really as most people enjoy electronic music while tripping balls.


Active Member a little bit country...i mean no offense but i cant get into the dance/house/rave music. i dont know what it does inside my brain, but it makes me confused....perhaps im just too cro-magnon.


Well-Known Member
you like country while tripping on psychedelics? interesting.

trance is my favorite genre even while sober. it takes a lot of depth to appreciate it, i guess. every song tells a different story, you just gotta listen :)

everyone's different. country (most songs, can't stand the voices of those singers) is my least favorite type of music, even below mainstream rap music.


Active Member
i gave the wrong impression. im a redneck, but i hate country. i cant stand the twang, its all about the bluegrass. preferably instrumental.


Well-Known Member
instrumental music is amazing too it just doesn't move me like uptempo trance. although i will say this, i can't listen to electronic music for more than an hour a variety is a necessity.


Active Member
i do like some of that trance stuff too. mainly the stuff with an indian/sufi influence. but i play guitar, mandolin, and uke so i gotta stick with my roots. damn, we just pretty much jacked this thread...sorry dude.


Well-Known Member
LSD and DMT can cause people to have 'spiritual' experience by inhibiting the serotonin receptors in the temporal lobe.
Many people with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy experience this as well.
Martin Luther for example was a second rate Catholic monk before being struck by lightning which can affect the temporal lobes.

the temporal lobe is also key in near death experiences , and out of body experiences.

A good read on the temporal lobes, spirituality, and psychedelic drugs: 30 The spiritual brain.html
