Psychild's 4x4 Grow Tent (Black Sour Bubble, TWxES, SSHx, DPx, BRxBR & MORE!!)


Well-Known Member
Oh man, if only you knew the story behind it lol

Took some pictures yesterday but didn't get a chance to upload them...gonna try and do that in a minute. Having horrible water problems with these temps :/ checked my hydro plant and a day after a fresh res her pH was at 7.6 >< needless to say she didn't like that at all, and showed some damage :/

Is it possible that my pH is lower because of the temp and then raises as it warms up?


Well-Known Member
hey bro!! can you please take a close up pic of the leaves on your trainwreck x early skunk? i swear it looks just like an issue i get now and then and i'm interested if it looks exactly the same.... i get it on my NYPD now and then.


Well-Known Member
hey bro!! can you please take a close up pic of the leaves on your trainwreck x early skunk? i swear it looks just like an issue i get now and then and i'm interested if it looks exactly the same.... i get it on my NYPD now and then.
As requested.....


Let me know if you know why this is happening!


Well-Known Member
Bad news fellas :/ The hydro plant took a turn for the worst....our water is absolutely terrible here, and I have had quite the time trying to keep my pH balance wright, but have failed to be able to keep up. The rest of the plants are looking fine, and I think the Caliband is finally trying to shake the claw a little bit. I'll run in there in a few minutes and take some lights off photos for you guys


Well-Known Member
Waddup RIU? Posting pictures as promised &#8730; Just have a few for right now, but I will do my best to take some more pictures tonight. Still having pH problems, but everyone got fed a heavy dose last night, so I'll just be giving them regular pH'd water for a few days. Hopefully that will help rid these baby's of their stress. The hydro plant was stressed way to hard in about a 5 day period, and saw pH levels up to 9! O.O Dunno what's been going on with our water around here lately, but the fluctuations are killing me!

Black Sour Bubble x Caseyband


Lemon Candy (Lemon Qleanor x Caseyband)


Trainwreck x Early Skunk



Well-Known Member
Thanks for posting those pics bro!! they seem to be very similar to mine, only i don't get the black spots.... it's got to be the PH like you say. That really sucks about your water, what kind do you have? city, well, spring?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for posting those pics bro!! they seem to be very similar to mine, only i don't get the black spots.... it's got to be the PH like you say. That really sucks about your water, what kind do you have? city, well, spring?
City...but about 20 years ago we had a Sewage dump into the City water, and we're still reaping the consequences ><

Don't mind the black spots, those are more than likely just some bug damage.


Well-Known Member
that sucks bro, with soil it would be easy just add lime..... do they make a neutralizer like that for hydro? how about rain water, can you collect enough of that?


Well-Known Member
that sucks bro, with soil it would be easy just add lime..... do they make a neutralizer like that for hydro? how about rain water, can you collect enough of that?
Man I can't find any lime around my area, really lame :/ Not sure about the Hydro thing.....I was using ACV for a pH control, but it just isn't consistent enough for this time of year.
Just rained for 2 days straight, but I didn't have any clean buckets....finally found one today and set it out, but it quit raining a couple of hours after I put it out. Hopefully I can get some more rain tomorrow!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Wow! These are going to be friggen nice Psychild! Great job vegging and flowering so far. I have a suggestion to help bulk them up even more than they are going to, especially the BSB x CB. Mollasses! Definitely!! It's been a long time since I have used it but the carbs will help the buds fill out. Two tbls per gal. I forget how often haha, try every other watering.

Going to be a hell of a cola...

Very very nice smoke if it's the same pheno that T had....


Well-Known Member
Sweet! I'll definitely head to walmart tonight and pick some up. Any specific brand or type I should look for?

Also HC, what do you use for pH control?


Well-Known Member
Damn Psy I never knew you had a thread....Sorry for not being here earlier. Sub'd up right now. Your plants are looking very nice! I was really looking hard at your TW x ES. I would have to say its a Early Skunk pheno because it looks like my Skunkijuana which is Early Skunk x Herijuana OG. Your TW x ES leaves and bud sites look very similar, although I am growing mine in DWC. I would like for you to post a pic of your TW x ES on my thread so I can compare them. I grew out Early Skunk and its a very nice smoke!!! I loved it!!!

EDIT: Molasses Flush is good to do with about 2 weeks to go and then you can do another one as a finally one before chopping. I have drowned plants using Molasses, its a wonderful thing!!! LOL




Well-Known Member
psy, everything looks on point. the LQx is gonna go crazy, its not a big stretcher. and it should start packing on tric's very soon. if its the same pheno. it may also purple up a bit. wit some phat ass calyxes n long foxtails. i have 2 bsbx in flower too. one is green and one is purple.


Well-Known Member
psy, everything looks on point. the LQx is gonna go crazy, its not a big stretcher. and it should start packing on tric's very soon. if its the same pheno. it may also purple up a bit. wit some phat ass calyxes n long foxtails. i have 2 bsbx in flower too. one is green and one is purple.
Dunno how late yours are into flowering, but one of mine didn't start getting purple until about week 2, and didn't start BSB'ing untill atleast week 4. THe last week or so has been crazy though, purple spreading to the leaves and everything like Stoney and Chris's


Well-Known Member
Plants are starting to look a little bit better, been busy around here lately with the holidays and junk, me and the girlfriend are both sick....I'll try posting some pics tomorrow if I'm feeling better &#8730;

Hope everyone's having a great weekend!


Well-Known Member
Waddup fellas!? Update as promised....sorry it was a little late, but I'm sure the pictures will make up for it. I'm pretty sure I know what's been wrong with my plants lately, and should have that fixed pretty soon. I was looking at a couple of my plants tonight, and was like geese, these things really look like they need some Magnesium, but I've been feeding the piss out of them so I didn't know why they would need anything more? So I looked at the bottle of nutes to see how much Mag was provided by my food, and realized this whole time that I was mis-reading the bottle. I thought it said .05% chelated Mag, but instead it was Manganese. So now I know I will be needing to add some Epsom Salt to my feedings, and will start at 1/4 a tsp per gallon since my water is so hard. I almost feel like this was my first grow, and have learned SOOOO much from just this run. Next run will be much cleanier, and much nicer as I know way more of what to expect. I have 3-4 BSB, and 1 BJxBB...I definitely like the way this BJxBB looks without being topped.

The clawing has slowed down quite a bit, I'm thinking it might just be that I needed to let my Tap Water aerate about 24 hrs longer than I had been doing.

HC, the molasses is doing great! Either this is the time they start to swell pretty big, or that molasses worked quick-style....or both!



Lemon Candy

Trainwreck x Early Skunk

Random Bag Seed

4" Fans Cooling My 400w

Lemon Candy Male

Bastard Jack x Bastard Bubba

Veg Cab

400w Group Shot

That's it guys! Gonna start a new "thing" in my thread. If you like a particular picture(s), then repost it &#8730;


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Very cool brother ya got a lot going on too! Crackalackalin!!Your one hydro plant looks healthier than the others, the plants in soil have some sort of issue going on. According to this it looks like either a magnesium deficency due to ph lock out or possibly a zinc deficency......

I just skimmed this article but I'm going to reread it as I have a couple of strains with issues too and this is a huge help. RIU has one too but I couldn't find it right off.

Your garden is doing awesome Psychild man been looking forward to the pics! Have a good one!!
How ya doing man, plants are getting big. Chop time will be fun!