
Prisoner #56802

New Member
I deal with stress, memories, sleeping problems, mild anxiety and I can only drink small amounts of alcohol now- b-cuz 2 much will mess me up! I can have a few beers and that's it. Cannabis does help me relax and get better sleep! It also puts my mind in a calmer place

My PTSD is from many events that occurred in my is not one bad experience, it's many. I have a plethora of memories that I've had to deal with. Thankfully, I don't have many flashbacks and recalled memories anymore!

My psychiatric meds do keep me, I take them everyday!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
PTSD here. Was on wellbutrin, depakote, risperdal, paxil and restoril. Now I just smoke pot. Life is tolerable. :D


Yea my mom takes a bag full of meds for a bunch of different reasons and i know pills are just
a no no for your body and mind Im still on prozac but eventually i want to stop taking that and
just smoke bud it helps keep my mind steady.