Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

They've been testing in the UK, not in America, wait until they do.
Vital Global Information Please watch- Coronavirus
Dr. John Campbell
I was in a brewery in Tulsa last night when then on the tv the announcement came on that the basketball game was cancelled because 2 of the players were sick with the virus. The bartender started to panic and starte spraying the counters, chairs , everything he could with bleach . He was panicking and neurotic about getting infected by the customers. We chatted about politics and the virus. He had a full very long beard and I suggested he cut it off. Those things are breeding grounds magnets for germs and He asked me how he should do it and I told him I would do it for him if he had scissors. He jumped back and said “ I’m not letting you touch me, you could have the virus and left the room. We finished our beers and left.
You should have offered to burn it off, stinks but it is sterile, tell him not to be such a pussy and shave it with a blowtorch like a real man!
You should have offered to burn it off, stinks but it is sterile, tell him not to be such a pussy and shave it with a blowtorch like a real man!
Lol, I was surprised he reacted to my offer as he did. The place was empty except for him and me and my husband. He acted like he was about to contract a venereal disease from me. He was quite intimidated by me I guess cause I’m so out of his league. I find that with a lot of Okie men I meet. Did you know that OKlahoma ranks #1 in the as the most misogynistic state in the USA? Maine ranks as the least misogynistic state.
you would have shit your pants today if you met one of my patients today. the only reason he could get away with what he did because of his delivery and he has cancer and he was an old fuck . He took off his belt and folded in in half and started pumping it together like he was going to whip me with it!! Lol. Unfuckingbelievable. Then he tells me he lost his contract to playgirl after he got a legion removed on his ass. This is all while I’m interviewing a potential candidate showing him the job.
Coronavirus Pandemic Update 36: Flatten The COVID-19 Curve, Social Distancing, Hospital Capacities

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update 36 with pulmonologist & critical care specialist Roger Seheult, MD of Flattening the coronavirus curve has become an important recommendation by many experts. Dr. Seheult explains the idea behind this concept as it relates to a busy intensive care unit as well as other COVID-19 international updates.
Website LINKS from this video:

EPA List of approved COVID-19 disinfectants:

Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Should you take Vitamin D and Vitamin C?
Doctor Mike Hansen

Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Should you take Vitamin D and Vitamin C? Does colder temperature make you more prone to getting a cold? Or COVID-19? Most health experts agree that when it’s cold, people spend more time indoors and in close contact with other people, and this likely increases the spread of germs. Also, experts believe that our immune system may be more active when our body is warmer, as in during the summer months.

Back in 2007, there was this study… In this one particular study looking at the spread of the influenza virus, they put guinea pigs together in a chamber and carried out different environmental experiments on them. They found that low relative humidities of 20%–35% were most favorable for infection, while the transmission was completely blocked at high humidity of 80%. They also found that when guinea pigs were kept at 5 °C, transmission occurred with greater frequency than at 20 °C, while at 30 °C, no transmission was detected. The authors concluded that low relative humidities produced by indoor heating and cold temperatures favored the spread of the influenza virus.

I also want to add, that cold weather, by itself, can cause a runny nose without necessarily having a cold, and this allows for the virus so be carried in those secretions, which probably facilitates transmission. 40% of common colds are caused by rhinoviruses. The second most common cause of cold is the coronavirus, the normal one, not this novel coronavirus, aka SARS-CoV-2. Its been shown that the rhinovirus reproduces more quickly at cooler temperatures means you might catch a cold more quickly if you’re chilly.

And this probably applies to the coronavirus as well.

It's likely that with the combination of all of these 5 factors, meaning, cooler temp, lower humidity, people staying indoors more often in winter months, cold weather causing runny noses and our immune system is more active when it's warmer, these combinations of factors likely explain why colds, flu,, and COVID-19 are more likely to cause infections in the winter months. But there is likely a 6th factor as well. And that is vitamin D. Our bodies don’t normally make vitamin D unless we get sunlight. In the winter months, for most of us in this world, we don’t get enough sunlight to make enough vitamin D. Unless you live in a warm climate, then maybe you are the exception. So if you aren’t getting enough sunlight in the winter months, that means you have to get enough vitamin D in your diet. And if you don’t do that, you will have low vitamin D levels. Vitamin D helps regulate or Calcium levels and is important for bone and muscle health. It also plays a role in regulating our immune system, but its exact role is not known.

Why is this important when it comes to the common cold, flu, and perhaps with this novel the coronavirus that’s causing COVID-19? Well, vitamin D doesn’t affect these viruses themselves. Instead, it affects our immune systems.

So what is my recommendation for taking Vitamin D? The best thing to do is check with your doctor to see if you might have low vitamin D, and if it is low, you’ll def need to get more vitamin D, especially during the winter months.

Vitamin C. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that is vital to the function of white blood cells that help to fight infections, and overall immune system health. Vitamin C is also important for iron absorption, and being deficient in iron can make you more vulnerable to infections in general. The normal, recommended daily intake of vitamin C for adults from the diet and/or supplements is 75 to 120 mg. You can get about 80 to 90 mg from a cup of orange juice or sliced orange, or even more from kiwi fruit, or a cup of sweet peppers.

Zinc. Zinc has become one of the most popular suggestions for reducing symptoms of coronavirus. There have been conflicting results about the effect of zinc on the severity and duration of cold symptoms. Some studies showed that zinc reduces the duration of a cold by half, while others showed no effect. Another study found that the type of zinc taken determined the result—zinc gluconate lozenges that provided 13.3 milligrams (mg) of zinc lessened the duration of colds, but zinc acetate lozenges that provided 5 mg or 11.5 mg of zinc did not.

Note: Please watch the whole video to get the proper details, for the character limitation of the youtube description, I couldn't provide the whole details, so I suggest you to watch the whole video.
A treatment option for trump and his billionaire buddies, pay to bleed those who've had it. I'll go with vitamin D and getting into the best shape possible, they are gonna be far too busy soon to use that on regular folks. Hydroxychloroquine might be the best large scale option for treatment and doctors will start using it, if it is, they already have in some places, while studying it empirically at the same time, others are doing proper double blind placebo studies in parallel, but they will take awhile. I think the government and military have large stock piles of this or similar drugs for Malaria prevention and treatment.
His go to move, try to cover it up.

because he did or said something that must be hidden.
Supposed to be other cases like this in China and Italy.

This what Dr Grayson says about it.
This is NOT reinfection. It’s exacerbation of the virus that wasn’t fully cleared.

“...the illness could remain dormant after an apparent recovery.

‘Once you have the infection, it could remain dormant with minimal symptoms. And then you can get an exacerbation...’”

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Use it to make oil from trim for using in edibles (if you survive), ya just need a cheap rice cooker outside for a half an hour to reduce it enough to cook with. Wash the trim with cold alcohol and let it sit in the sun for an hour to get the green out.
This is a few days old and already addressed but um no you should not use iso for edibles lol.
-40 C Car windshield washer fluid is around 60% methyl alcohol and you should be able to use it as hand sanitizer, add some glycerine to keep it from drying the skin. If your windshield washer fluid is not strong enough, add some 99% iso alcohol to bring it up to strength. Windshield washer fluid is on sale this time of the year comes by the gallon and can be used as is or as a base for DIY hand sanitizer in an emergency.

I expect supplies of hand sanitizer to return to normal soon, it's easy to make, they will just add shifts at the factories and order in more bottles and ingredients, all North American sourced. It's so simple to do even the government can make it and NY state has.
Ok ok you were right, I’m digging as soon as the ground thaws ;).
Hopefully the zombie apocalypse won't happen in Canada, in the States however, the zombie in chief is running the place into the ground fast. It's like his casino for fuck sake, you know the one he bankrupted, lost his family inheritance over and ended up owing $10 billion on. Stable jenieus, Jesus!

Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Should you take Vitamin D and Vitamin C?
Doctor Mike Hansen

Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Should you take Vitamin D and Vitamin C? Does colder temperature make you more prone to getting a cold? Or COVID-19? Most health experts agree that when it’s cold, people spend more time indoors and in close contact with other people, and this likely increases the spread of germs. Also, experts believe that our immune system may be more active when our body is warmer, as in during the summer months.

Back in 2007, there was this study… In this one particular study looking at the spread of the influenza virus, they put guinea pigs together in a chamber and carried out different environmental experiments on them. They found that low relative humidities of 20%–35% were most favorable for infection, while the transmission was completely blocked at high humidity of 80%. They also found that when guinea pigs were kept at 5 °C, transmission occurred with greater frequency than at 20 °C, while at 30 °C, no transmission was detected. The authors concluded that low relative humidities produced by indoor heating and cold temperatures favored the spread of the influenza virus.

I also want to add, that cold weather, by itself, can cause a runny nose without necessarily having a cold, and this allows for the virus so be carried in those secretions, which probably facilitates transmission. 40% of common colds are caused by rhinoviruses. The second most common cause of cold is the coronavirus, the normal one, not this novel coronavirus, aka SARS-CoV-2. Its been shown that the rhinovirus reproduces more quickly at cooler temperatures means you might catch a cold more quickly if you’re chilly.

And this probably applies to the coronavirus as well.

It's likely that with the combination of all of these 5 factors, meaning, cooler temp, lower humidity, people staying indoors more often in winter months, cold weather causing runny noses and our immune system is more active when it's warmer, these combinations of factors likely explain why colds, flu,, and COVID-19 are more likely to cause infections in the winter months. But there is likely a 6th factor as well. And that is vitamin D. Our bodies don’t normally make vitamin D unless we get sunlight. In the winter months, for most of us in this world, we don’t get enough sunlight to make enough vitamin D. Unless you live in a warm climate, then maybe you are the exception. So if you aren’t getting enough sunlight in the winter months, that means you have to get enough vitamin D in your diet. And if you don’t do that, you will have low vitamin D levels. Vitamin D helps regulate or Calcium levels and is important for bone and muscle health. It also plays a role in regulating our immune system, but its exact role is not known.

Why is this important when it comes to the common cold, flu, and perhaps with this novel the coronavirus that’s causing COVID-19? Well, vitamin D doesn’t affect these viruses themselves. Instead, it affects our immune systems.

So what is my recommendation for taking Vitamin D? The best thing to do is check with your doctor to see if you might have low vitamin D, and if it is low, you’ll def need to get more vitamin D, especially during the winter months.

Vitamin C. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that is vital to the function of white blood cells that help to fight infections, and overall immune system health. Vitamin C is also important for iron absorption, and being deficient in iron can make you more vulnerable to infections in general. The normal, recommended daily intake of vitamin C for adults from the diet and/or supplements is 75 to 120 mg. You can get about 80 to 90 mg from a cup of orange juice or sliced orange, or even more from kiwi fruit, or a cup of sweet peppers.

Zinc. Zinc has become one of the most popular suggestions for reducing symptoms of coronavirus. There have been conflicting results about the effect of zinc on the severity and duration of cold symptoms. Some studies showed that zinc reduces the duration of a cold by half, while others showed no effect. Another study found that the type of zinc taken determined the result—zinc gluconate lozenges that provided 13.3 milligrams (mg) of zinc lessened the duration of colds, but zinc acetate lozenges that provided 5 mg or 11.5 mg of zinc did not.

Note: Please watch the whole video to get the proper details, for the character limitation of the youtube description, I couldn't provide the whole details, so I suggest you to watch the whole video.
I watched it. Went on to consumer lab. Com as he suggested. I tried to check all of my name brand supplements for approval as quality and found none of them. So my take away from the video is that I’m am going to finish my supplements and just keep eating well and exercising and doing what I have Ben doing to stay healthy. I am going to focus on getting my bloodwork done with a dna kit that will show what Cancers I am most susceptible to and take it from there.
You have mentioned you are taking vit D now in high doses. How do you know your not going to get v D toxicity ? Your body stores it and if it’s overloaded it’shard to get it out of your system and is bad for you. Did you get a blood test done to show where your Vit d level is at?