Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

This is old research 14 years old, many of the experts were reading this when they were just starting out in the field. They are calling it NOVEL for a reason, this particular coronavirus is new and few to none have immunity against it. Almost everybody will become infected and those who don't will be the beneficiaries of luck and herd immunity after the fire burns through.
New, or simply yet another mutation of an old?.
A credible link to your claim would be helpful.
Edit; Just spoke a medical professional on this, it is NOT new; I stand by my link.
The hysteria is making the same pharmaceutical companies richer who paid off Richard Nixon to make cannabis a schedule 1.
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New, or simply yet another mutation of an old?.
A credible link to your claim would be helpful.
Jesus, look at the news, every expert that I've seen or read says it novel and fresh out of bats, via another critter to humans. They can track the RNA of these things with some precision and could tell if the virus was in Washington state for weeks using it's genetic mutation rate. I could dredge up links proving it's novelty but why bother, you've got google and others will step in too.
Anti-inflammatories may aggravate Covid-19, France advises
Kim Willsher

French minister says patients should take paracetamol [acetaminophen] rather than ibuprofen or cortisone

French authorities have warned that widely used over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs may worsen the coronavirus.

The country’s health minister, Olivier Véran, who is a qualified doctor and neurologist, tweeted on Saturday: “The taking of anti-inflammatories [ibuprofen, cortisone … ] could be a factor in aggravating the infection. In case of fever, take paracetamol. If you are already taking anti-inflammatory drugs, ask your doctor’s advice.”

Health officials point out that anti-inflammatory drugs are known to be a risk for those with infectious illnesses because they tend to diminish the response of the body’s immune system.

The health ministry added that patients should choose paracetamol – which is known in the US by the generic name acetaminophen and commonly by the brand name Tylenol – because “it will reduce the fever without counterattacking the inflammation”.

New, or simply yet another mutation of an old?.
A credible link to your claim would be helpful.
Edit; Just spoke a medical professional on this, it is NOT new; I stand by my link.
The hysteria is making the same pharmaceutical companies richer who paid off Richard Nixon to make cannabis a schedule 1.
here from the CDC site:

"CDC is responding to an outbreak of respiratory disease caused by a novel (new) coronavirus that was first detected in China and which has now been detected in more than 100 locations internationally, including in the United States. The virus has been named “SARS-CoV-2” and the disease it causes has been named “coronavirus disease 2019” (abbreviated “COVID-19”)".
New, or simply yet another mutation of an old?.
A credible link to your claim would be helpful.
Edit; Just spoke a medical professional on this, it is NOT new; I stand by my link.
The hysteria is making the same pharmaceutical companies richer who paid off Richard Nixon to make cannabis a schedule 1.
Who knows, this or something similar might have popped up out of the natural world before, this particular article is well known by the experts though. The point of calling it novel, is that it is novel to our immune systems, not that it is a completely new natural creation. If people have immunity to this bug, then they're immune system has seen it or a close cousin before, this does not appear to be the case however.
In the second video @7:50 he mentioned a fellow named Joscha Back (Bach) who said, to keep the curve in the US under the hospital capacity line, it would have to stretch it out for 10 years!
Sunday 15th, Curves and news - Coronavirus
Dr. John Campbell
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fwiw, Ohio and Illinois just announced all bars and restaurants must close tonight. No on-site consumption - pickup/delivery only.
stay home as much as you can....use social distance of 6' if you must go out. and remember amazon delivers.
Is that you, Anthony Fauci?

Top U.S. Health Official: Americans Should ‘Hunker Down Significantly More’
NIAID Director Anthony Fauci called for a “dramatic diminution” in personal interactions at bars and restaurants as the coronavirus continues to spread.

Anthony Fauci, one of the top U.S. health officials leading the country’s response to the coronavirus, urged Americans on Sunday to “hunker down significantly more” as the virus continues to spread across the country.
The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, while making the rounds on Sunday morning political shows, called on a “dramatic diminution” in personal interactions at restaurants and bars.
Also fwiw, there are now rapid screening tests for covid-19 that take as little as 5 minutes without a lab involved and that have a 90% accuracy rate. Cost is about $5/test.

Partners in Health just bought 100,000 test kits to distribute to community health workers in the countries they operate in. Note: community health workers are not medical professionals, but are trained in infectious disease testing and treatment at the lay level. They operate in the worlds poorest countries to combat regional disease.

The us has tested fewer than 50,000 people citing availability of test kits.

Does this seem odd to anyone else?
Also fwiw, there are now rapid screening tests for covid-19 that take as little as 5 minutes without a lab involved and that have a 90% accuracy rate. Cost is about $5/test.

Partners in Health just bought 100,000 test kits to distribute to community health workers in the countries they operate in. Note: community health workers are not medical professionals, but are trained in infectious disease testing and treatment at the lay level. They operate in the worlds poorest countries to combat regional disease.

The us has tested fewer than 50,000 people citing availability of test kits.

Does this seem odd to anyone else?
Yep, I expect there will be investigations into this contradiction between what Trump's administration says (need to develop and release our own tests) and the prevalence of testing in other countries.