Public Schools

How many of us at one time attended public schools

  • I was home schooled

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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And I argued against that before you started with the strawboys.

Education is a basic right because in our society it is often a necessity for survival, like medicine.

Ok, Yesterday I decided I am going to become an engineer. Since education is a basic right you should pony up the 75K it will take for my free education. Pay up sucka!!!
congratulations! what made you decide?


I am bored. I get bored every few years and need something to do. 2 times ago it was realtor which I got the license and had it for 3+ years before deciding not to spend the 1K per year in dues. Last time it was to start the pool business. This time I was thinking about learning something else. Electrical and plumbing are hands on and pretty limited. Never been interested in medical. Legal is not really up my alley either.

But, as I continue the project of reinforcing the roof of my house and lifting the 2nd floor back into proper place I was thinking that engineering is pretty multi-faceted and might be something I can use in the future no matter what I do.

Kinda process of elimination. Told my boss and he got pretty excited. He said if I get my license he will sell me his business and just stamp off... LOL!!! Dunno if I want to buy it if he is so excited to get the hell out :] LF wants to pick on my job choices but I do have a Bachelors in Science in Applied Computer Science from an accredited university along with a license as a home inspector. The 4 year degree would shave probably 2 years off my coursework.

You guys have no idea what I am capable of :P
I am bored. I get bored every few years and need something to do. 2 times ago it was realtor which I got the license and had it for 3+ years before deciding not to spend the 1K per year in dues. Last time it was to start the pool business. This time I was thinking about learning something else. Electrical and plumbing are hands on and pretty limited. Never been interested in medical. Legal is not really up my alley either.

But, as I continue the project of reinforcing the roof of my house and lifting the 2nd floor back into proper place I was thinking that engineering is pretty multi-faceted and might be something I can use in the future no matter what I do.

Kinda process of elimination. Told my boss and he got pretty excited. He said if I get my license he will sell me his business and just stamp off... LOL!!! Dunno if I want to buy it if he is so excited to get the hell out :] LF wants to pick on my job choices but I do have a Bachelors in Science in Applied Computer Science from an accredited university along with a license as a home inspector. The 4 year degree would shave probably 2 years off my coursework.

You guys have no idea what I am capable of :P


it's such a change in mind me went from sales to medical.

you can never know too much.
Who determines eligibility? You keep making a case against public education.

Remember a hot topic issue about ID? Was that a federal mandate?
Ginwiilly you starting to really bore me with your fruitless arguments. Excuse me while I ignore you for a moment.