Public Schools

How many of us at one time attended public schools

  • I was home schooled

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tell me, racist old gay man, how did obstructing the will of the people with an endless amount of filibusters work out for your beloved republicans, whose red states you refuse to go anywhere near?

The will of the people is a sleight of hand used to dupe people. If most individual people like to own themselves and their justly acquired property, any "will of the people" edicts that violate that become contradictory and a situational rationalization.
Emphasis on the "right" education.

I think we fail in that, you wave your pom poms.


The right education ? If there is an outcry to teach children that bullying is wrong, it would seem that any just system would not incorporate coercion ( bullying) within it as the mode to ensure that system is maintained.

The right education ? If there is an outcry to teach children that bullying is wrong, it would seem that any just system would not incorporate coercion ( bullying) within it as the mode to ensure that system is maintained.
as you sent your kids to public school.
your kids went to public school are they failures ? You went to public school, are you a failure. Your mom and dad, both products of public schools...are they failures ?

Correlation and causation....learn about it.

If you and I both believe we have no right to compel others under threat of force, how does a group of people, none of them individually having the right to compel others, somehow acquire that right?

Note - I realize you will likely not comprehend my question, and that your responding to it is also unlikely.
Correlation and causation....learn about it.

If you and I both believe we have no right to compel others under threat of force, how does a group of people, none of them individually having the right to compel others, somehow acquire that right?

Note - I realize you will likely not comprehend my question, and that your responding to it is also unlikely.
You talk the talk, but seemingly can't walk the walk. Remember to pay those property taxes, so others can take advantage of the schooling you and your family received.
Poverty must not be a bar to learning, and learning must offer an escape from poverty,”
– President Lyndon Johnson, 1965

You talk the talk, but seemingly can't walk the walk. Remember to pay those property taxes, so others can take advantage of the schooling you and your family received.

Taking advantage of an opportunity is one thing, creating "opportunity" by threatening force against a person is quite another thing.

If public schools are so good, why do they require people to fund them under threat of a gun and ransom?
Taking advantage of an opportunity is one thing, creating "opportunity" by threatening force against a person is quite another thing.

If public schools are so good, why do they require people to fund them under threat of a gun and ransom?
because of leeches ,free loaders, and moochers like yourself. Did you complain as you dress your little ones and sent them off to public school ? Stop being a parasite to society, be proud that you are helping to educate the babies. Makes for a greater nation.
your kids went to public school are they failures ? You went to public school, are you a failure. Your mom and dad, both products of public schools...are they failures ?

I swear you would have been a redcoat. Bet you would have had King George pajamas.

The system could be and should be much better than it is. You act as if the only alternative to what we have is nothing.

But my car runs on gas, how can there be alternative fuels? You drove your car too, and your kids rode buses, so therefore, gas is the only option.
I swear you would have been a redcoat. Bet you would have had King George pajamas.

The system could be and should be much better than it is. You act as if the only alternative to what we have is nothing.

But my car runs on gas, how can there be alternative fuels? You drove your car too, and your kids rode buses, so therefore, gas is the only option.
but you never answered the question. let us try once more.
your kids went to public school are they failures ? You went to public school, are you a failure. Your mom and dad, both products of public schools...are they failures ?
but you never answered the question. let us try once more.
your kids went to public school are they failures ? You went to public school, are you a failure. Your mom and dad, both products of public schools...are they failures ?

I won't get into personal family matters with you, hope you understand. Let's just pretend I don't have one and I'm only speaking for myself.

I graduated top 10 in my class, won awards and scholarships, yet my freshman year I had my ass handed to me by kids that were from private schools and was within a hair of academic probation. Had no clue how to study, was never taught and it was never needed. 2 of my friends that were also in the top 20 dropped out because they were so far behind and transferred to community colleges. No, my school sucked in academics, but we had a helluva baseball team, our basketball court had the old scoreboard from cobo hall and our football field actually had turf instead of grass.

There was a decent public school system that bordered mine (same district) and the high school was actually closer than mine but I lived on the street that went to school X instead of Y. I was allowed to go to Y my senior year for calculus, but that's because my school didn't offer it. Over 100 schools in my county, I had the choice of exactly one.

Nope, the system we have in place is sick and we just keep piling on cough syrup to fix it.
I won't get into personal family matters with you, hope you understand. Let's just pretend I don't have one and I'm only speaking for myself.

I graduated top 10 in my class, won awards and scholarships, yet my freshman year I had my ass handed to me by kids that were from private schools and was within a hair of academic probation. Had no clue how to study, was never taught and it was never needed. 2 of my friends that were also in the top 20 dropped out because they were so far behind and transferred to community colleges. No, my school sucked in academics, but we had a helluva baseball team, our basketball court had the old scoreboard from cobo hall and our football field actually had turf instead of grass.

There was a decent public school system that bordered mine (same district) and the high school was actually closer than mine but I lived on the street that went to school X instead of Y. I was allowed to go to Y my senior year for calculus, but that's because my school didn't offer it. Over 100 schools in my county, I had the choice of exactly one.

Nope, the system we have in place is sick and we just keep piling on cough syrup to fix it.
stopped reading after the red. you not willing to keep it real
Nice try. Just because Uncle Buck shit on a floor 20 odd years ago doesn't mean he'd do it again does it?

i would definitely do that again, but my friends no longer work in fast food, unlike bignbushy or kynes.

if i knew what walmart store kynes was stocking at though, i would leave him a nice little present.
I won't get into personal family matters with you, hope you understand. Let's just pretend I don't have one and I'm only speaking for myself.
oh really
I was a bit of a slave driver looking back. The eldest is a CRNA, the youngin is a CPA. Public schools held them back too, but the only private choices in my area were Catholic schools, so they got a pass on that because all of the kids back then were making fun of the private school kids on the block and I didn't want to subject them to ridicule like that over my own principles. Being a kid is hard enough. The indoctrination is strong in the youngins.

We already had discussed the fact that you sent your kids to public school, so I'm not understanding why above you wanted to avoid the question. Actually I do.
You sent your kids to public school, after you complained how it held you back...why would you do that? You say you did not what to send them to private school because they would have been made fun of. GTFO. Are you really trying to tell us that you allowed your children to be held back from their full potential because other kids would have made fun of them. Man you sound like a fool. You went to public school and sent your kids to public school, when you could have sent them to private school. You are really full of shit. keep it real or keep it the fuck moving.
Lets say your children are not failures and are most certainly a product of public are you and the rest of your family.