Public Schools

How many of us at one time attended public schools

  • I was home schooled

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You also made the agreement when you were signing those papers that you would pay property taxes, most likely the title company even made you pay the years estimated taxes for the year up front and placed in the escrow account. Why is agreeing to one coercive agreement cool with you but another isn't. You know the bank is gonna take your home if you fail to make payments right? How is that not a threat. No the state doesn't own you, the state and all of the citizens within it own the ground you walk on, so tread lightly.

Nope. An agreement made under duress is hardly an agreement, nor is a "uni-lateral agreement" which is imposed on you really an agreement.

If you borrow from somebody, a friend, a neighbor or a lender in the business of lending money, you were not under duress and neither were they. You have created an agreement / obligation in a bi-lateral and consensual way. Those agreements are not imposed on you with or without your consent. There is a huge difference.

You haven't smoked enough weed yet, and the Mongolian Beef was very good.

The state is a legal fiction, everything it purports to own came from force or the threat of it. They don't create value or protect it, they steal shit as part of their business they shoot women, children and dogs.
Ut oh, police on the lookout for serial pooper

Right, you described pedophilia as consensual.

Nope. I described interactions where both parties consent as consensual. I also said people can consent to things that you or I wouldn't and the nature of the act alone isn't enough to declare whether the actors consented to it or not.

Are you saying that because you disagree with an act, that your disagreement alone means that the consenting parties didn't consent?

Because you're such a shitty debater you ran with that and tried to conflate it into something else.

I hope the stolen oranges sustain you until somebody consents to providing you some charity.
When you grasp at straws, you should at least take one hand out of your pants to better get a grip on the straws, maybe the one in the back with the smelly fingers?

You knew you were a slave when you were brought to this plantation Toby, now why do you want to run away and be so bad and make me have to cut off your foot? --- Uncle Buck in 1832

are you actually comparing buying a house to being sold into slavery?
You described pedophilia as consensual.

It was in the example I portrayed Uncle Buck in, with the bad man...because in that scenario they were in consensual agreement. That doesn't mean it is in all circumstances does it?

You are trying hard to conflate recognition of something to endorsement of that same might fool some people, Abandon Responsibility, but not everybody. It's evidence of your inability to debate without distraction. You've never addressed why you think a heinous action can't be consensual, if the participants consented. So rather than examine things in a detached and logical way, you're running with something in an attempt to label me as a deviant because you can't hold your own unless you use distractions. That means I'm winning.

I think you'd like to be a Masterdebater but you always end up getting cheetoh crumbs all over your ninja turtle bedspread in your haste to coverup when you hear your mom coming down the basement stairs.
you said you bought your house without coercion or duress though, slave.

I didn't buy my house from the coercive government....yet they insert themselves into the equation (using force), what's wrong with that picture? You run with the automatic assumption that they are by some magical right "included" in every transaction and that since they always do that, it must be accepted. When a person transacts with another entity and an unwanted and unneeded third party inserts itself without permission from the first two individual participants, what just happened? Can I do that, intervene in others transactions? Can you do that? Why can "they" do that? Do they own a piece of everything?

You have a slave mindset Toby, now go rub the dirt of the license on the badmans bicycle for him and don't forget to send money to your masters for the privilege of doing so,
are you actually comparing buying a house to being sold into slavery?

No. The transaction between a consenting buyer and seller isn't a form of slavery, if it remains only between them, the involved parties.

The forceful intervention of a third party to it in which that third party demands that you work for them and pay them or suffer harm though, is a kind of slavery of degrees.

This is evidenced by using a comparative example. If the badman said every time Abandon Responsibility and London Head in a Fog stole oranges , he automatically got a cut or he would kick their asses he has in some way enslaved them. Are you saying that exceptions to the meanings of words is acceptable whenever coercive government enters the equation? Stolkholm Syndrome much there Patty Hearst?
Such a sound model our public schools operate under. At least this judge sees the bigger picture.
A Staten Island judge late Thursday denied a motion to dismiss a historic lawsuit that aims to revise New York state's teacher tenure rules. Staten Island Supreme Court Justice Philip Minardo ruled in St. George that the plaintiffs in the lawsuit -- who include a Castleton Corners father and his two children -- "clearly have standing" to assert their claims as students who have been deprived of their right to a sound, basic education. "With this trial, parents intend to prove that the current framework of bad laws, many children -- especially low income and minority children from our poorest communities -- are denied their right to a sound, basic education." The plaintiffs in the lawsuit known as Davids vs. New York argue that teacher tenure and layoffs by seniority deprive students of the sound, basic education they are guaranteed under the state constitution.

In b4 the "but you went to public school, therefore you should think it's awesome" argument.