Public Tripping


Well-Known Member
We used to go to high school and met in the morning and take LSD. Then we would meet after each class to compare notes. Everyone took notes and the notes were so funny, we all have a laughing attack until the next class.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I could actually sing if I was tripping?
Maybe:p:p....The first time I dropped a hit was a green tab sophomore year in High school.....I still think it was the best day of my life....Def the best thing I ever did with 5 bux's


Well-Known Member
I didn't trip in school very much but I rolled a lot. Probably wasn't the best idea, but it seemed like it at the time


Well-Known Member
Singing while you're tripping is weird, you just gotta act like no ones looking and then become entranced by your vocal chord fabrics haha
I tripped in school a lot. It always helped me get better grades. Never rolled in school I don't think.. That would've been a good idea!


Well-Known Member
I didn't like rolling in school near as much as tripping.
I didn't really get into tripping/psychedelics until after high school, and I don't have a lot of college time... or else I would probably agree. Rolling in school wasn't very fun... coke was the worst though. I'd take a bathroom break every 20 minutes lol


Well-Known Member
my school was a little liberal..there were the yearly acid freek outs,kids barfing from drinking,someone gave the chem professor acid in his coffee..that kinda stuff...