Puff Puff give!


Well-Known Member
Just had me a little wake n' bake :) Good mornin' everyone. God last night I got SO freakin' high because; alright, usually its just me toking. I have a hookah that stand 3' tall, with 4' hoses (AWESOME for reaching across the bed for a toke!) and it has 3 hose ports and a fat bowl on top. Well I have 3 bowls actually, and I prepped two of them last night instead of just the usual one bowl. smoked the first bowl with my friends (keep in mind I usually smoke by myself or just with my girl and she always finishes before me) and about half way through I just sat there with the hose, tokin on that shit and forgot to pass it. I must've been hitting it for about 10 or 15 minutes before somebody finally said "you gonna pass that?" so we all started laughing because I was high and I forgot to pass and I was bogartin' it. SO we finished up the first bowl and I lit the second one. All 5 of us were high already, me the most at this point. During the second bowl I was a lot more generous but I still got me some good hits in. I'd say there were about a J and a half worth of green in each bowl. 5 of us, and we were ALL tore up! Haven't been that high (since I smoked two bowls in a row like that) in like, 2 months! Yyyyeeeeeah bit. :blsmoke: Felt freakin GOOD. What's cool wit yall today?


Well-Known Member
damn heymo, u gotta take a break n let ur tolerance get back down. ur killin ur lunges. n i hope ur smoking ur own homegrown stuff, because that'd b a lot of wasted money

sounds like a fun time, Purp. i havent ever smoked from a hookah, must be pretty laid back. id love to get a 4-hose goin with some freinds n be able to veg out for a few hours n bullshit, without havin to move every 15 seconds to pass the smoke.


Well-Known Member
absolutely. See that's what its all about. I'm gonna have to recommend a 2-3 hose limit though because once 3 folks start tokin on one bowl all at once, the shit gets so hot that it starts tasting really gross. Once that happens (and don't be afraid to do this because you will feel resistance, don't worry your gonja's not going anywhere) get everyone to hold their thumbs over the tips of their hoses and blow into your hose. You should see smoke start flowing out of the carb. repeat once and you're good to go. Doing this gets rid of the nasty smoke already sucked into the hookah, and also cool whatever the heck is burning in your bowl that tastes so bad. Anyway, I wrote a great step by step thing on myspace at a page dedicated to MJ freedom, I'll post it here for you so you can get your toke on. Invest in a hookah, please. You wont regret it, its a great investment, great time saver, and you'll get some of the best highs out of it because the smoke ALWAYS goes down (no matter what strand) nice and smooth unless there's something wrong such as having a really dirty stem (one that hasn't been cleaned in like 4 months with excessive use). Highly recommended, by me. I think I also need to get my tolerance back down cuz its killin my $bank$


Well-Known Member
Get a hooka, some flavoured tabacco, some swift-lite hooka charcoals, a stove or a lighter, and a good set of tongs.

Pack the bowl about half way with flavoured tabacco, breaking it up as you put it in. Put whatever weed you wanna smoke on top of the tabacco (Careful not to pack the bowl too tight, air has to be able to make its way through!). You should be able to find metal screens that fit over the top of your hooka bowl at whatever head shop you bought yours at. If not, tin foil works fine. If you use tin-foil, wrap it over the top of the bowl and poke holes through it with a toothpick or my personal fav, a fork. Use your stove top or a lighter (I usually use the stove, its much easier lol) and light a coal tablet. Use the tongs to pick up the lit coal tablet and set the coal on top of the foil/screen covered bowl of flavoured tabacco and weed. After you set the coal on top, quickly get a (approx. 4" wide) strip of tin foil and wrap it around the bowl. This will help to not only keep you from knocking the charcoal off the top of your hookah and burning your floor, but also makes it hit better because it conserves the heat. Now hit that shit like you mean to hallucinate!!! The charcoal tablet will stay lit for approx. an hour or so, so you can just sit your happy lil lazy ass back and just toke! The flavoured tabacco (also bought at a head shop) serves to do several things. 1, It covers up that harsh burning sensation. 2, It just tastes good. 3, Enhances the high. and 4, when the weed is cashed, the tabacco will still burn for a while giving you and your friends something to keep tokin' on. Good shit.

Smokin Game: do the above, and also have a blunt ready, and 2-3 of your friends ready to get blitzed! Hit the blunt until your heart's content, once, and hold it in while you pass the blunt to the next person in rotation. Wait til you get the hookah and with the blunt smoke still held in, hit that motha fucka like it'll get you some! Don't die on me now, but you should be able to hold THAT smoke in until the blunt gets your way again and when it does, release and repeat. Enjoy!


Well-Known Member
i am a heavy cigarette smoker. i would NEVER put any kind of tobacco on my weed. they call it sweet leaf for a reason. sorry to hear when weed tastes nasty and needs to be enhanced with tobacco. and in your weed pipe.....aaaaaaaaaa

i use my hookah strictly for hashish. no tobacco just pure, yummy, bubbly, sweet tasting and smooth hashish.


Well-Known Member
Man, damn, not to say your wrong or anything but I DEFINATELY beg to differ. The tabacco has ALWAYS enhanced my high. I wouldn't use just ANY flavoured tabacco either, make sure you use hookah hookah tabacco. THAT STUFF IS MADE FOR THIS!!! Makes your weed go down oh so smooth, and how cool is it to make it taste like strawberry, or grape, or KIWI if you want. My personal favorite is Vanilla. You can get this stuff ANYWHERE they sell bongs, pipes, stuff like that. Head shops. Anyway, just thought I'd throw that in there ;) That's definately not to say I wouldn't LOVE trying it your way. But its not just for weed that tastes nasty, I didn't mean to imply that in any way. You better BELIEVE when I finish the first of my bud, I'm gonna be sampling that with a little mango ;) This method is good for ALL types of weed though. Take my word for it. Remember, don't knock it til you try it! :)


Well-Known Member
i am a heavy cigarette smoker. i would NEVER put any kind of tobacco on my weed. they call it sweet leaf for a reason. sorry to hear when weed tastes nasty and needs to be enhanced with tobacco. and in your weed pipe.....aaaaaaaaaa

i use my hookah strictly for hashish. no tobacco just pure, yummy, bubbly, sweet tasting and smooth hashish.
i know jesus christ there not supposed to be mixed.i cant imagine hittin tobacco in a pipe..camels 4 life!


Well-Known Member
In UK and Holland they smoke a lot of cannabis mixed with tabacco...

If you order a pre-rolled in a coffee shop of any bud, it WILL be mixed with tabacco unless you specify otherwise. If you order a hash joint in a coffee shop, 99% of the time it will be hash and tabacco (not cannabis).

A few shops are not allowing tabacco use anymore in A'dam. They have big signs up that say "Thank you for not using tabacco".


Well-Known Member
the tars and nicotine and 700 ingredients, now take a big rip and hold the sheeeet in. can't be good for the lungs.


Well-Known Member
bieng from the uk i always use spin but for one reason only to stretch out my draw if i smoked straight pot how id like to my harvest cycle'd be way to short n id be relying on unreliable fuck around scorin techniques my two rooms n 8 plants does the 8 weeks im waitin 4 the next crop (just) without spin id be tryin 2 score after a month or so which would defeat the object of a self sufficiant personall use grow


Well-Known Member
the tars and nicotine and 700 ingredients, now take a big rip and hold the sheeeet in. can't be good for the lungs.
Don't mistake hookah tabacco for the shit you smoke in cigarettes.
  • Exotic Flavors: 100% Natural Flavors
  • Natural Sweetener: 100% Pure Honey
  • Tobacco Type: 100% Virginia Tobacco
  • Smoke Sessions: 1.5 - 2.0 Hours
  • Smoke Thickness: Excellent
  • Tobacco Freshness: 1 - 2 Years
  • Country of Origin: Made In The USA
And lets face it friends, there's nothing more satisfying than a FAT thick puff of smoke rolling out ya mouth...

This is my personal opinion. The info from above is not only listed in detail on the hookah jars themselves, but on hookahhub.com

I'm not a salesman or anything, but when every person I get to try smoking the way I do gets hooked like I am, and I'm talking about people who've smoked for 30 or 40 years and are telling me that THIS is the ONLY way to smoke weed! Atleast try it, invest 60 bucks into a small 1 or 2 hose hookah, 10 bucks on a 250 gram jar of flavoured tabacco (with about twenty flavours to choose from), and a pack of charcoals and that's all you really need, and try it.


Active Member
yeauh eropeans smoek way different the americans they rol perfect cones with filters ive never seen an american use a filter i dotn see the need as long as you can roll and they always ad tobacco in lasrge amounts i smoek stoges since i was 11 unfortunatley i tried like as much as you see at teh level of the label near the butt and i threw up after a joint it hits way differnt with out a filter fuck that ]