Puffdatchronic's Cinderella 99 Journal


Well-Known Member
Thats one crazy ass afternoon for sure man. Glad it all worked out in the end, and the buds look beautiful, nice color to them, and wonderful shape!


Active Member
Wow Puff... That is some Crazy ASS shit right there! I guess you were meant to cut her down on day 52 after all. The buds look like they made it. I am hoping that the fan leaves and larger sugar leaves protected the trichomes when in the bags... I am sure that they did. You will not be disappointed. I would have done the same thing... would move them over to a close friend (the only person who knows) for safe keeping. I am happy in a way that I am done with live plants, that many and the genetics (they were not bag seeds) probably had me a little more paranoid then with the single bag seed I grew out earlier. Congrats on your soon to be some good smoke!


Well-Known Member
yeah thanks dudes ,it could have been a lot worse and happened 2 weeks ago.. maybe it was just fates way of saying 'don't be an idiot and not listen to kites advice, chop on day 52 like he said' lol I was just considering going to 53 ,but I was probably going to chop on 52 anyway.. then fate stepped in settled it


Active Member
Damn Puff, that would have sucked extra hard to get finished with the grow and get busted at the last minute! Glad it worked out and everything is curing well. Stories like that make me really glad that I've got a rec. in Cali!!!!

I can't wait for the smoke report on the cured product!

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
Sounds like an adventure Puff. Glad all is safe and you still have your beloved plant. Another week and get a total weigh in and a smoke report.. Which is what we are all waiting for now. Congrats!


Active Member
Holy Shit dude!!! That is some bad luck. Guess you couldn't answer the door and tell him it's harvest day and to come back tomorrow huh? :razz: Those look great, if that's a poor manicure, I hope that mine turn out that bad. I know that it's not what you wanted after nearly 3 months, but you've got your smoke drying and the cure ahead. Be Happy. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks guys, yeah all has went pretty good i think.. and gd I'm happy don't worry, and you will be to!

so after 4 days in my draughty attic this girl is nice and dry, just spent a few hours trimming her up and I got to say if I ever have to dry trim again I will cry. My back and fingers are aching but it was worth it..

weighed In at 2.5 oz, the buds are very sativa In appearance ,they looked so dense on the plant but what are you gonna do, i'm well pleased to have beaten my original target of 2oz...and any time I've had bud that looked like this it has been amazing gear

in fact I have never grown anything this frosty or sticky ,no lie.. as snoop would say sticky icky icky oo eee ..



The smoke report will be in a week or 2 of curing,Until then I got a little bag of popcorn to keep me amused..oh yeah forgot to add smells like pineapple


Let the good times commence!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Bro she looks deadly!! I would love to smoke some of that ish!
Let the good times commence indeed. Happy toking bro
Edit- forgot to add that i love your choice of tunes
Hey thanks guys, yeah all has went pretty good i think.. and gd I'm happy don't worry, and you will be to!

so after 4 days in my draughty attic this girl is nice and dry, just spent a few hours trimming her up and I got to say if I ever have to dry trim again I will cry. My back and fingers are aching but it was worth it..

weighed In at 2.5 oz, the buds are very sativa In appearance ,they looked so dense on the plant but what are you gonna do, i'm well pleased to have beaten my original target of 2oz...and any time I've had bud that looked like this it has been amazing gear

in fact I have never grown anything this frosty or sticky ,no lie.. as snoop would say sticky icky icky oo eee ..


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The smoke report will be in a week or 2 of curing,Until then I got a little bag of popcorn to keep me amused..oh yeah forgot to add smells like pineapple

View attachment 2570753

Let the good times commence!


Well-Known Member
What's on the menu next for you? I'm still going back and forth. I know for sure I'm going to redo my room and make a 2'Wx4'Lx2'H clone box and another box to keep a mother in. The plants will sit on top of the box to flower. Gonna try a get a perpetual thing going. What I can't decide is if I want to just pick a strain and pick a mother or if I want to pick two strains and throw some pollen around and grow out the seeds to find a new mother. Decisions decisions!!


Well-Known Member
lol ,Hey tc , I would happily welcome you in for a toke ..lol..

whats on the menu.. hmm.Well i'm just gonna take a brake from growing for a few months while I got this herb.Not a heavy smoker really, few nights a week with a few beers.. I don't require it medically so I take it I moderation ..

once it's gone ,it's a choice between white label seeds Northern lights or seedsman white widow... I could go c99 again to.. but I like a bit of variety...next grow I think I will just try and keep it real simple and focus on trying to keep it green to the end....

The idea of creating seeds has kept me awake a few nights also man.. I was really considering growing a fem c99 with a reg sensi nl.. and if I get 2 females ok.. but just keep doing that until the day I get a male nl... then I would have nl x c99.. :fire: just a thought..lol